Kamalakar Karlapalem,

Professor, IIT Gandhinagar



Kamalakar Karlapalem is a professor at IIT, Gandhi Nanagr. Prior to joining IIT, he was a head of Centre for Data Engineering at International Institute of Information Technology, Hyderabad. His research spans the areas of database visualization, data analytics, workflow management systems, multi-agent systems, and database systems. He with his students have been awarded in academic competitions such as, RoboCup, VAST, and TAC. He has graduated eight PhD and over thirty Masters by Research students.

He is an alumnus of Indian Statistical Institute (M.Stat), IIT, Kharagpur (M.Tech) and Georgia Tech (Ph.D) and was a faculty member in the computer science department at HKUST (1992-2000), before joining IIIT, Hyderabad.

Title: Towards Visualizing Clusters and Classes for Real Valued High Dimensional Data Sets

Abstract: High dimensional real valued data sets are the most difficult to process and mine. Data mining such data sets usually done by techniques such as, clustering and classification. A major challenge is to conceptualize the results of the clustering and classification algorithms. Data visualization helps to comprehend and get a deeper insight of the data and the data mining results. The problem is to come up with techniques and tools to visualize such data and help data scientist to visualize such data sets and data mining results.

We have built four tools to visualize and comprehend high dimensional real valued data. Heidi helps in visualizing the subspace overlap among the clusters. Beads helps in visualizing spatial spread, size and shape of the clusters. PEARLS is a visual tool kit to simultaneous query and explore data sets using concepts behind Beads. CROVHD helps to visualize spread of data across dimensions, and to demonstrate closeness and separation of classes.

In this talk, I shall present the background for data visualization, technical insights behind above tools, and list some open problems..






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