One-Day Workshop
“Nuclear Physics and its Applications”
Organized by
Department of Physics and Materials Science & Engineering
Jaypee Institute of Information Technology, Noida
Sponsored by
The National Academy of Sciences, India (Delhi Chapter)
Saturday, March 25, 2017
National Academy of Sciences Logo

Venue: Lecture Theater 4, Jaypee Institute of Information Technology, A-10, Sector-62, Noida-201307.

The workshop:

Nature of the workshop will be similar to the tutorial organized prior to the international conferences. In the lectures fundamental and conceptual ideas of undergraduate nuclear physics will be discussed with a focus on state of art applications of the same. Renowned experts of respective fields will conduct the workshop. The lectures will be delivered using black board and also power point presentations. A quiz will also be organized.

Who Should Attend: Undergraduate students and teachers associated with teaching physics and nuclear physics at the undergraduate level or at the higher secondary sections of the schools.

Registration Fees : Rs. 200 per participant (includes Working lunch and Registration Kit).

Maximum Number of participants : 100.

Download Registration Form

Tentative Program

9 am -9:30 am Registration and distribution of workshop kit.
9:30 am- 10 am Inauguration
10 am -10:15 am Introductory address by Professor Ajoy Ghatak Chairman, NASI-Delhi chapter.
10:15 am – 11:15 am Talk 1: Professor Dinakar Kanjilal, Dirctor IUAC, New Delhi, Accelerators for nuclear research and nuclear techniques.
11:15 am - 11:45 Tea Break
11:45 am -12: 30 pm Talk 2: Professor Ajoy Ghatak, formerly Professor at IIT Delhi, Evolution of Nuclear Physics.
12: 30 pm- 1: 30 pm Talk 3: Professor Madhavan Narayanasamy, Scientist-H, IUAC, New Delhi, Nuclear physics is not so unclear-Experiments to observe processes in femtometer scale.
1: 30 pm -2:15 pm Lunch
2:15 pm-3: 15 pm Talk 4: Professor Bal Raj Sehgal, Royal Institute of Technology, Stockholm, Sweden, Lession learned and not learned from the reactor accidents: TMI-2, CHERNOBYL and FUKUSHIMA.
3:15pm-3:30 pm Quiz on the topics discussed until then.
3: 30 pm-4:30 pm Talk 5: Professor Patrick Dasgupta, Delhi University, Role of nuclear physics in exploring the secretes of celestial object.
4: 30 pm-5:00 pm Prize distribution for the quiz, distribution of certificates of participation and valedictory session.

About the Speakers

Professor Ajoy Ghatak

Professor Ajoy Ghatak

Prof. Ajoy Ghatak did his B.Sc. from Agra College, M.Sc. from University of Delhi and Ph.D. from Cornell University and was a Research Associate at Brookhaven National Laboratory. He joined IIT Delhi in 1966 where he was a Professor of Physics. He now spends his time doing guest lectures at schools, colleges and universities. Professor Ghatak is author of several books, including his texts on OPTICS, Fiber Optics (coauthored with Professor K Thyagarajan) and on Quantum Mechanics (coauthored with Professor S Lokanathan). His latest book is Albert Einstein: A Glimpse of his Life, Philosophy & Science . He is a recipient of several awards including the 2008 SPIE Educator award and the 2003 Optical Society of America Esther Hoffman Beller award in recognition of his outstanding contributions to optical science and engineering education; the 1979 CSIR SS Bhatnagar award, the 16th Khwarizmi International award, the International Commission for Optics Galileo Galilei award and the Indian Physics Association MM Chugani award for his research contributions in Fiber Optics.

Professor Dinakar Kanjilal

Professor Dinakar Kanjilal

Professor Dinakar Kanjilal is the director of Inter University Accelerator Centre, New Delhi since December 1985. Previously he was Research Associate at IIT Kanpur. His interest spans are in accelerator physics, condensed matter physics, and materials science. He has published > 687 research papers at various reputed journals.

Professor N. Madhavan

Professor N. Madhavan

Professor N. Madhavan did his M.Sc. from IIT Bombay, M. S. (Acceleartor physics) from university of Manitoba, Canada, and Ph.D. from JNU, Delhi. He has been working in IUAC, New Delhi for 30 years. At present he is a scientist-H and programme leader for Nuclear and Atomic Physics groups in Inter University Accelerator Centre, New Delhi. He closely worked with RMS group at LNL, Italy and has collaboration with groups in TIFR, Bombay and FLNR, Dubna, Russia. He has provided academic guidance to several University research scholars and collaborated with several university/institute faculty in experimental nuclear research and ion-atom collisions.

Professor Bal Raj Sehghal

Professor Balraj Sehgal

Professor Bal Raj Sehgal is Professor Emeritus in Royal Institute of Technology, Stockholm, Sweden. Prof. Sehgal came to Sweden from University of California Berkeley, where he was Professor in Residence and concurrently worked at EPRI, where he was Senior Technical Advisor and Senior Program Manager for 18 years. Prof. Sehgal spent a year each at Purdue University and M.I.T. in 1973 and 1980, respectively as a Visiting Professor. Previous to his employment in California, Prof Sehgal worked at Argonne and Brookhaven National LaboratoriesProf. Sehgal has a varied experience in Reactor Physics, Nuclear Engineering and Reactor Safety. He has received no of awards like the Laurence Award, the Seaborg Medal, the Tommy Thompson Reactor Safety Award and etc. In 2013 Prof. Sehgal was elected as a member of the U.S National Academy of Engineering, as well as a Thermal Hydraulics Fellow of the ANS thermal Hydraulics Division.

Professor Patrick Dasgupta

Professor Patrick Dasgupta

Professor Patrick Dasgupta completed 5-years integrated M.Sc. (Physics) in 1981 from B.I.T.S., Pilani, Patrick Das Gupta joined I.I.Sc., Bengaluru, as a research scholar in the department of physics. He left for T.I.F.R., Mumbai, in 1982 to join the Theoretical Astrophysics group as a PhD student. After completing his PhD on the topic of distribution of radio-galaxies in 1988, he joined I.U.C.A.A., Pune, as a post-doctoral fellow under TWAS fellowship in 1989. He visited University of Cardiff, UK, and Observatoire de Paris, Meudon, briefly as a senior research fellow to learn gravitational wave data analysis techniques. After returning back to I.U.C.A.A. in 1990 as a C.S.I.R., research associate, he worked on gravitational waves from mini-creation events and periodicity in quasar redshifts. He moved to the Department of Physics & Astrophysics, University of Delhi, in 1993 as a faculty member. Patrick Das Gupta has been a professor in this department since 2004, and has been researching in the field of baryogenesis from primordial black holes, general relativity, cosmology, gamma ray bursts, and effects of gravity on Bose-Einstein condensates and foundations of quantum mechanics.

The registration fee has to be submitted along with the registration form, in person, to the Convener/Co-Convener latest by March 20, 2017. In case the participant wishes to pay it by Bank Draft, the bank drafts should be drawn in favor of Jaypee Institute of Information Technology, payable at Noida. It may be noted that the registration will be done on first-come-first serve basis and registration form is available at the workshop webpage and at the office of the convener.