Ekram Khan obtained his Ph. D degree in Electronics Engineering in the area of Image/Video
Coding and Transmission from University of Essex, Colchester (U.K.) in 2003. He has joined the
Department of Electronics Engineering, AMU Aligarh as a Lecturer in 1993, promoted to reader
in 2003 and is currently working as a Professor since March 2009. He was a recipient of the
prestigious Commonwealth Scholarship (1999-2002) to pursue his Ph. D. from University of
Essex, UK. He has authored and co-authored over 90 papers in refereed reputed journals (IEEE
Transactions on CSVT, Multimedia, IET Image Processing, IET Communications, IET
Electronics Letters, etc) and international conference proceedings.
His areas of research are low complexity image/video coding, video transmission over wireless
networks, video streaming and bio-medical image processing. He has received a research award
from IBM J. T. Watson research lab, USA for the best disruptive idea during ICME-2002.
During his stay at Essex, UK, he was involved with a European Union project (the MELISA
project) examining segmentation and tracking of players in football match videos. He was one of
the co-investigator of a short-term project funded by Office of Communication (Ofcom), UK and
worked in collaboration with researchers at University of Essex, UK. He was the principal
investigator of a successfully completed AICTE (India) funded project (2006-2008). He has
spends summers of 2005 and 2006 as academic visitor to University of Essex (funded by Royal
Society, UK). He has delivered many invited talks at national and international levels. He is a
senior member of IEEE (USA), life member of IETE (India) and life member of SSI (India).
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