Researcher in optics and magnetism, focused on thin film optics, periodic structures,
integrated optics, optical diffraction and scatterometry, and magnetic field sensors
(activities: critical dimensions of spectral ellipsometry, spectral ellipsometry of periodic
structures, MO-SPR sensors, magnetic field generators for magneto-optics, nonlinear
optical effects, magneto-ellipsometry).
Educator in Physics, Electromagnetic Theory, Magnetic Sensors and Defectoscopes.
Supervisor of MSc and PhD theses. Published more than 300 papers in international
journals and conference proceedings including 12 invited talks. Member of IEEE, OSA,
SPIE-Czech Chapter, Czech and Slovak Society for Photonics, Union of Czech Math.
and Physicists, EOS-Czech Chapter. Visiting Professor at Kyushu University – 1999,
2001, Research Institute of Electronics, Shizuoka University – 2002, 2005-2006,
Dalhousie University – 2007. Chairman of International Symposium on Microwave and
Optical Technology (ISMOT), Ostrava 2003 and vicechairman of ISMOT 2005,
Fukuoka, Japan.
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