Ph.D. (Management), MBA
Dr. Badri Bajaj is a keen researcher, a passionate teacher/facilitator, an author, and an accomplished coach. He holds a Ph.D. specializing in Emotional Intelligence and Leadership. He has published in A & B category journals of the ABDC list and in renowned magazines, newspapers, and influential blogs. His research is used in a Coursera MOOC, ‘Inspiring Leadership through Emotional Intelligence.’ His work is featured in media in India and USA. He has guided Ph.D. research on emotional intelligence, engagement, well-being, and career calling.He has 20 years of teaching and training experience. Dr. Bajaj received “The 100 Best Global Coaching Leaders Award” from CHRO Asia and the World HRD Congress in February 2017. He has taught Organizational Behavior, Training & Development in PG programs and Life Skills, Positive Psychology, and Introduction to Psychology courses in UG programs. He has organized international conferences, workshops, MDPs, FDPs,
He is an Associate Editor with Frontiers in Psychology journal and has reviewed articles for many reputed journals. He has been an esteemed resource person in numerous international conferences, Management Development Programs (MDPs), Faculty Development Programs (FDPs) workshops, invited lectures, and webinars, contributing his valuable insights and expertise to diverse audiences. He has conducted training for institutions such as Henley Business School (FT rank-30), IIM Udaipur, NASSCOM, Indian Navy, Mindful Leadership Summit, International Coaching Federation (ICF), and many universities and schools. He has served as President on the Board of the International Coach Federation (ICF) Delhi-NCR Chapter for the 2019-2021 and 2021-23 terms. He has also served on the Board of (ICF) Delhi-NCR Chapter as Director of Education & Research for the 2015-2017 term.
Work Experience
Twenty years of teaching, research, and training experience.
Working with Jaypee Institute of Information Technology, Noida, since 2004.
Ph.D. Guidance
Ph.D. awarded: 02 Student
- Ragini Gupta awarded Ph.D. on 21 January 2020. Thesis Title- Effects of Leaders’ Emotional Intelligence on Employees’ Engagement and Creativity
- Sonalee Srivastava awarded Ph.D. on 24 April 2024. Thesis Title: Relationship of Technology Adoption Factors and Information Quality with HRIS Symbolic Adoption and Work-related Outcomes
Currently Supervising -02 Ph.D. students:
- First Scholar Divya Sahu; Ph.D. topic: Relationship of Career Calling with Well-being via psychological Capital
- Second Scholar Priti Singh data: Ph.D. topic- HR Practices, leadership, and Employee Well-being
Training experience: Conducted 50-plus training workshops/sessions for reputed Corporate, International organizations, Govt. Institutions, Professional bodies, and higher education institutions.
Interest Area(s)
Emotional Intelligence, Well-being, Leadership, Professional Coaching, Personal Effectiveness
International Journal
- Sahu, D., & Bajaj, B. (2024). Mediating role of psychological capital in the relationship of career calling, happiness, and engagement. Environment and Social Psychology, 9(7), 6138-6138.
- Sengupta, S., Bajaj, B., Singh, A., Sharma, S., Patel, P., & Prikshat, V. (2023). Innovative work behavior driving Indian startups go global–the role of authentic leadership and readiness for change. Journal of Organizational Change Management, 36(1), 162-179.“B” Category Journal of ABDC list, Indexed in SSCI & Scopus; Impact factor: 2.8
- Srivastava, S., & Bajaj, B. (2022). HRIS Symbolic Adoption, Its Relationship With Technological Adoption Factors, WLB, and Creativity. International Journal of Human Capital and Information Technology Professionals (IJHCITP), 13(1), 1-15. Indexed in ESCI
- Srivastava, S., & Bajaj, B. (2022). A study of the relationship between the symbolic adoption of Human Resource Information Systems', technology adoption factors, and work-related outcomes. International Journal of Business Science & Applied Management (IJBSAM), 17(1), 44-66. Indexed in Scopus
- Bajaj, B., Khoury, B., & Sengupta, S. (2022). Resilience and Stress as Mediators in the Relationship of Mindfulness and Happiness. Frontiers in Psychology, 13.Indexed in SSCI & Scopus; Impact factor: 4.232
- Srivastava, S., Dev, S., & Bajaj, B. (2021). Human resource information system use, satisfaction, and success. International Journal of Enterprise Information Systems (IJEIS), 17(1), 106-124. Indexed in Scopus
- Srivastava, S., Bajaj, B., & Dev, S. (2020). Human Resource Information System Adoption and Implementation Factors: A Theoretical Analysis. International Journal of Human Capital and Information Technology Professionals, 11(4), 80-98. Indexed in Scopus
- Srivastava, S., Bajaj, B., & Dev, S. (2020).Human Resource Information System Adoption and Implementation factors: A Theoretical Analysis. The International Journal of Human Capital and Information Technology Professionals, 11 (4), 80-98. Indexed in Scopus & Web of Science
- Srivastava, S., Dev, S., & Bajaj, B. (2020). Human Resource Information System Use, Satisfaction, and Success. International Journal of Enterprise Information systems, 17(1). Indexed in Scopus & Web of Science
- Bajaj, B., Gupta, R., & Sengupta, S. (2019). Emotional stability and self-esteem as mediators between mindfulness and happiness. Journal of Happiness Studies, 20(7), 2211-2226. “B” Category Journal of ABDC list; Thomson Reuters Impact factor: 2.51. Indexed in Scopus; SSCI
- Gupta, R., & Bajaj, B. (2018). Emotional Intelligence: Exploring the Road beyond Personality and Cognitive Intelligence. Pertanika Journal of Social Sciences & Humanities, 26(3).Indexed in Scopus
- Bajaj, B. (2017). Mediating role of self-esteem in the relationship of mindfulness to resilience and stress. International journal of emergency mental health and human resilience, 19(4), 1-6.Indexed in Scopus
- Gupta, R., & Bajaj, B. (2017). Positive affect as mediator between emotional intelligence and creativity: An empirical study from India. Int. J. Emerg. Ment. Health Hum. Resil, 19(4), 1-7.Indexed in Scopus
- Gupta, R., & Bajaj, B. (2017). The relationship between leader’s emotional intelligence and employee creativity: A conceptual framework of mechanism. Procedia computer science, 122, 471-477.Indexed in Scopus
- Bajaj, B., Robins, R. W., & Pande, N. (2016). Mediating role of self-esteem on the relationship between mindfulness, anxiety, and depression. Personality and Individual Differences, 96, 127-131. “A” Category Journal of ABDC list; Thomson Reuters Impact factor: 1.951. Indexed in Scopus; SSCI
- Bajaj, B., Gupta, R., & Pande, N. (2016). Self-esteem mediates the relationship between mindfulness and well-being. Personality and Individual Differences, 94, 96-100. “A” Category Journal of ABDC list; Thomson Reuters Impact factor: 1.951. Indexed in Scopus; SSCI
- Bajaj, B., & Pande, N. (2016). Mediating role of resilience in the impact of mindfulness on life satisfaction and affect as indices of subjective well-being. Personality and Individual Differences, 93, 63-67. Indexed in Scopus; Thomson Reuters Impact factor: 1.951, “A” Category Journal of ABDC list; SCImago Journal Rank (SJR): 1.134
- Singh, R., Gupta, R., & Bajaj, B. (2015, January). Study of Relationship between Emotional Intelligence and Team Effectiveness in Academic Libraries”, 4th International Symposium on Emerging Trends and Technologies in Libraries and Information Services, 326-330, Noida, India. (Indexed in Scopus).
- Bajaj, B. & Medury, Y. (2013). Relationship between Emotional & Social Competences and Transformational Leadership Style. International Journal of Research in Commerce, IT & Management, 3, (2), 56-59. (Indexed in EBSCO, ProQuest )
- Bajaj, B. and Medury, Y. (2013). Emotional Intelligence and Leadership Effectiveness: A Review of Literature” VSRD International Journal of Business and Management Research, 3 (2), 74-76.
Magazine and Newspaper Articles
- Bajaj,B. (2023, November 02). 10 Psychology-Oriented Well-Being Hacks for Coaches. Coaching World.
- Bajaj,B. (2022, September 12). 10 hacks for coaches to improve their well-being. Coaching World.
- Bajaj,B. (2022, September 05). Be more curious. Coaching at Work
- Bajaj,B. (2022, February 08). Is that what you really want? Coaching Perspectives- the Association for Coaching’s International Magazine.
- Bajaj,B. (2021, August 16). Coaching for Psychological Capital- Why it matters and how to do it. HR Katha.
- Bajaj,B. (2020, October 27). Reimagining the second half of one’s career. Deccan Herald.
Book Chapter
- Bajaj, B. (2016). Self-esteem. In Moghaddam F.M. (Ed.), The SAGE Encyclopedia of Political Behavior.
Attended/Abstract published in conferences
- International Conference Embracing the Transformative Times - Digitalization of Management and Social Sciences (ETTIC-2020) from 6-7 Feb., 2020.
- International Conference on Translation across Cultures: Dissolving Boundaries - Creating Harmony from 4-6 October, 2018 organized by JIIT Noida.
- Global Leaders Forum from 21-23 March, 2019 International Coach Federation USA.
- International Conference on Peaceful and prosperous Asia from March 27-29, 2017 organized by JIIT Noida.