Dr. Ghazaala Yasmin has awarded t Ph.D. from Indian Institute of Engineering Science and Technology (IIEST), Shibpur at Department of Computer Science and Technology, West Bengal. She did her M.Tech from Calcutta University in Computer Science and Engineering.. Her research interests are Computer Vision, audio and video processing Medical Imaging, Machine and Deep Learning, Data Mining, NLP. Shee has published several reputed SCI journals and IEE transaction and also published in reputative International Conference papers in analysis field. She has organized SERB funded workshop and international conferences like CIPR.
Educational Qualifications
Ph.D. Computer Science & Technology from IIEST, Shibpur, West Bengal in 2021.
M. Tech Computer Science & Engineering from Calcutta University in 2016
B. Tech Computer Science & Engineering from West Bengal University of Technology in 2014.
Work Experience
Teaching Experience:
- Presently working as an Assistant Professor (Senior Grade) in the Dept. of CSE & IT at Jaypee Institute of Information Technology (JIIT), Sector 62, Noida, U.P. from July 2023 to till date.
- Worked as an Assistant Professor in the School of Computer Science Engineering and Technology at Bennett University, Greater Noida from 2022-2023
- Worked as Assistant Professor in the Department of Computer Science Engineering at St. Thomas’ College of Engineering and Technology, Kolkata, from 2016-2022.
Interest Area
Speech and Video processing, Computer Vision, Deep Learning, Data Mining, NLP.
- Yasmin, Ghazaala, Aditya Chaterjee, and Asit Kumar Das. "An Approach for Video Summarization Using Graph-Based Clustering Algorithm." Computational Intelligence in Pattern Recognition. Springer, Singapore, 2020. 991-998.
- Suchit et al. Automatic Multilingual System from Speech, January 2020, Computational Intelligence in Pattern Recognition (pp.145-155).
- Bhowmik, Subhrajit, et al. "Speech-Based Emotion Classification for Human by Introducing Upgraded Long Short-Term Memory (ULSTM)." Computational Intelligence in Pattern Recognition. Springer, Singapore, 2020. 101-112. (Best Paper Award)
- Ghosal, Arijit, Ghazaala Yasmin, and Debanjan Banerjee. "Differentiation of Speech and Song Using Occurrence Pattern of Delta Energy." Soft Computing in Data Analytics. Springer, Singapore, 2019. 779-787.
- Yasmin, Ghazaala, et al. "Speaker identification from mixture of speech and non- speech audio signal." Soft Computing in Data Analytics. Springer, Singapore, 2019. 473-482.
- Sengupta, Saptarshi, Ghazaala Yasmin, and Arijit Ghosal. "Speaker recognition using occurrence pattern of speech signal." Recent Trends in Signal and Image Processing. Springer, Singapore, 2019. 207-216.
- Yasmin, Ghazaala, and Asit K. Das. "Speech and Non-speech Audio Files Discrimination Extracting Textural and Acoustic Features." Recent Trends in Signal and Image Processing. Springer, Singapore, 2019. 197-206.
- Yasmin, Ghazaala, Ishani DasGupta, and Asit K. Das. "Language discrimination from speech signal using perceptual and physical features." Computational Intelligence in Data Mining. Springer, Singapore, 2019. 357-367.
- Yasmin, Ghazaala, et al. "Gender Recognition Inclusive with Transgender from Speech Classification." Emerging Technologies in Data Mining and Information Security. Springer, Singapore, 2019. 89-98. (Best paper Award).
- Chatterjee, Akshay, and Ghazaala Yasmin. "Human emotion recognition from speech in audio physical features." Applications of computing, automation and wireless systems in electrical engineering. Springer, Singapore, 2019. 817-824.
- Yasmin, Ghazaala, Suchibrota Dutta, and Arijit Ghosal. "Discrimination of male and female voice using occurrence pattern of spectral flux." 2017 International Conference on Intelligent Computing, Instrumentation and Control Technologies (ICICICT). IEEE, 2017.
- Sengupta, Saptarshi, Ghazaala Yasmin, and Arijit Ghosal. "Classification of male and female speech using perceptual features." 2017 8th International Conference on Computing, Communication and Networking Technologies (ICCCNT). IEEE, 2017.
- Yasmin, Ghazaala, Asit K. Das, and Arijit Ghosal. "A hierarchical stratagem for rice leaf disease distinction." 2017 International Conference on Intelligent Computing, Instrumentation and Control Technologies (ICICICT). IEEE, 2017.
- Gupta, Aousnik, Affifur Rahman, and Ghazaala Yasmin. "Audio Fingerprinting Using High-Level Feature Extraction." Computational Intelligence in Pattern Recognition. Springer, Singapore, 2022. 281-291. (Best Paper Award)
- Yasmin, Ghazaala, Shuvodeep Debnath, and Asit K. Das. "Automatic Speech Summarization Without Linguistic Knowledge Based on Frame Selection Through Acoustic Features." Computational Intelligence in Pattern Recognition. Springer, Singapore, 2022. 463-470.Declaration:
Academic Activities
NLP certified Innovative Educator in 2022.
Certificate of excellence in six-month JAVA Course from Coursera.
Certified trainer of Speech Processing from CDAC Kolkata.
- Received SERB funding for Workshop in CIOT 2022.
- Received AICTE Scholarship for entire M.Tech Duration.
- Received scholarship under National Scholarships Scheme after Secondary School in 2007.