MTech (MNIT, Jaipur), Ph.D (IIT Roorkee)
Neetu Joshi has done Ph.D. from IIT Roorkee in the area of plasmonic terahertz integrated circuits. She has done her M.Tech. from MNIT, Jaipur in 2009 and she joined the Department of Electronics and Communications Engineering, JIIT Noida in 2018. She is working as Assistant Professor in the Department of Electronics and Communications Engineering. She has a total working experience of 8+ years. During her teaching career she has taught subjects like Electromagnetic Field theory, Electrical science, Optical Communication and Satellite communication.
Interest Area(s)
RF and Microwave integrated circuits, Photonics, Plasmonics, SIW based passive devices.
List of Book chapters
- Joshi N., “Graphene FET for Microwave and Terahertz Applications”, Nanoscale Field Effect Transistors: Emerging Applications (2023) 1: 89.
- Joshi N. and Pathak N. P., “Graphene plasmonics based terahertz integrated circuits,” Reviews in Plasmonics 2017, Springer, 2019.
- Joshi N. and Pathak N. P., “Modeling of Graphene plasmonic Terahertz devices,” Nanoscale devices: Physics, Modeling and Their application, CRC Press, T&F Group, 2018.
List of Journals (SCI/Scopus)
- Tewari N , Joshi N , Srivastava S . A compact quad‐band circular cavity backed substrate integrated waveguide antenna for millimetre wave applications. Microw Opt Technol Lett. 2023;0‐0. doi:10.1002/mop.33766
- Nidhi Tewari, Neetu Joshi, Shweta Srivastava, " A Novel Reconfigurable H-Plane Horn Leaky wave Substrate Integrated Waveguide MIMO Antenna for K Band", AEU - International Journal of Electronics and Communications
- Nidhi Tewari, Neetu Joshi, Shweta Srivastava, "A miniaturized aperture‐coupled 4 × 4 MIMO array SIW antenna at K band, Microwave and Optical Technology Letters, 2023.
- Joshi N. and Pathak N. P., “Tunable wavelength demultiplexer using modified graphene plasmonic split ring resonators for terahertz communication,” Photonics and nanostructures-fundamentals and applications, vol. 28, pp 1-5, Feb. 2018.
- Joshi N. and Pathak N. P., “Modeling of graphene plasmonic based suspended nanostrip waveguide for THz integrated circuit applications,” Journal of nanophotonics, SPIE, 12(2), 026004 (2018), doi: 10.1117/1.JNP.12.026004.
- Joshi N. and Pathak N. P., “Modeling and design of graphene based nano-dipatch antenna,” Institute of smart materials and structures, 7(12):1-8, September 2018.
- Joshi N. and Pathak N. P., “Modeling of graphene coplanar waveguide and its discontinuities for THz integrated circuit applications,” Plasmonics, vol.12, no. 5, pp 1-10, Nov, 2016.
- Neetu Joshi, Vijay Janyani, “Efficient coupling for chirped photonic crystal taper with photonic crystal waveguide”, Journal of Optics, India, Vol. 38, No. 4, pp. 216-231, June 2009.
List of Conference (International/national) proceedings
- Nidhi Tewari, Neetu Joshi, "A Circularly Polarized Cross Slot Cavity backed Substrate Integrated Waveguide Antenna for 60GHz Applications", 8th INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON SIGNAL PROCESSING AND COMMUNICATION (ICSC 2022), December 01-04 2022.DOI: 10.1109/ICSC56524.2022.10009409.
- Nidhi Tewari, Neetu Joshi, Shweta Srivastava,"A Circularly Polarized Cylindrical Cavity backed Substrate Integrated Waveguide Antenna for Millimeter wave Applications",2022 IEEE Microwaves, Antennas, and Propagation Conference (MAPCON). Dec2022,DOI: 10.1109/MAPCON56011.2022.10047690
- N. Joshi and N. P. Pathak, "Modelling of Graphene based Tunable ring resonator for THz biosensor applications", ICSC, JIIT Noida, pp. 47-50, March 2019
- V. Ranjan, Vinay Reddy, M. Irshad, N. Joshi,"The internet of things based smart rain water harvesting system", ICSC, JIIT Noida, March 2020
- Joshi, N., Pathak, N. P., “Graphene Backed Graphene Plasmonic Coplanar Waveguide (GB- GPCPW) for Terahertz Integrated Circuit Applications,” Proceedings of Applied Electromagnetics Conference IEEE, Dec. 2015.
- Joshi N. and Pathak N. P., “Concurrent dual-band tunable graphene based band-pass filter,” ICIIS IEEE, Roorkee, India, Dec. 2016.
- Joshi N. and Pathak N. P., “Modeling and design of graphene based power splitter,” ISSS, Bangalore, India, July 2017.
- Joshi N. and Pathak N. P., “Compact ultra-wide-band graphene based tunable band-pass filter,” Second international conference on Advanced Functional Materials, Los Angeles, U.S.A. Aug. 4-6, 2017.
- Joshi N. and Pathak N. P., “Design and characterization of graphene,” Proceedings of 3rd international conference on nanotechnology for better living, NIT Srinagar, India, May 2016.
- Neetu Joshi, Vijay Janyani, “Analysis of Photonic Crystal Waveguides: Design and Simulation”, International Conference on Emerging and Futuristic System and Technologies in the proceedings of Institute of Engineers (India), Alwar, India, pp. 562, April 2009.
- Neetu Joshi, Vijay Janyani, “Photonic crystal tapers: From linear to complex configurations”, IETE National Conference on Advances in Communication Technologies in Cyber Age, Jaipur, India, May 2009.
- Vijay Janyani, Neetu Joshi, Jigyasa Pagaria, and Parul Pathak, “Photonic Crystals for Novel Applications in Integrated-Optic Communication Systems and Devices”, ICECSD, Paris, France, June 2009.