Assistant Professor (Senior Grade)
tanvi.gautam@mail.jiit.ac.in , tanvi.gautam@jiit.ac.in
Educational Qualifications
- P.hD. (Computer Science and Engineering, from GGS Indraprastha University)
- M.Tech (Computer Science and Engineering, from GGS Indraprastha University)
- B.Tech (Computer Science and Engineering, from GGS Indraprastha University)
- UGCNET Qualified 2019, 2020, 2021.
- GATE Qualified 2016
I have been serving in teaching industry for ~6years dealing primarily with Computer Science and Engineering discipline subjects. I am being involved with graduated students and dealing with them in proficiency of major projects in the field of Machine Learning, Python and emergening technologies.
Apart from academics I have been actively involved in the activities such as reviewer, session organizer, arranging workshops and FDP’s with various universities and colleges.
Work Experience
- BPIBS & AIT, Government of NCT of Delhi for 2years, 4months (16-8-2015 to 4-12-2017).
- ABES Engineering College as Assistant Professor for 1year, 3months (22-6-2018 to 16-9-2019).
- IPEC as Assistant Professor for 1year, 14 days (16-8-2021 to 30-8-2021).
- IMS Engineering College as Assistant Professor for 9 months. (31-8-2022 to 8-5-2023).
Interest Area(s)
- Cyber Crime and Cyber Security
- Data Structures and Algorithm
- Networks
Till 2024
- Gautam, T. and Jain, A., 2015, November. Analysis of brute force attack using TG—Dataset. In 2015 SAI Intelligent Systems Conference (IntelliSys) (pp. 984-988). IEEE.
- Gautam, T. and Johari, R., 2022, October. Drone: A systematic review of uav technologies. In International Conference on Computing, Communications, and Cyber-Security (pp. 147-158). Singapore: Springer Nature Singapore.
- Gautam, T. and Johari, R., 2022. Performance assessment of OppNet routing protocols with real world mobility traces. Intelligent Decision Technologies, 16(2), pp.337-355.
- Gautam, T. and Dev, A., 2019, January. Opportunistic network routing protocols: challenges, implementation and evaluation. In 2019 9th International Conference on Cloud Computing, Data Science & Engineering (Confluence) (pp. 100-106). IEEE.
- Gautam, T., 2024. Study of Password Cracking Methodologies. International Journal of Fuzzy Logic And Design, p.26.
- Gautam, T., Thakkar, A. and Pathak, N., 2019. Attribute-Based Encryption. In Emerging Security Algorithms and Techniques (pp. 183-195). Chapman and Hall/CRC.
- Gautam, T., Thakkar, A. and Pathak, N., 2019. Identity—Based Encryption. In Emerging Security Algorithms and Techniques (pp. 159-181). Chapman and Hall/CRC.
- ORCID ID: https://orcid.org/0000-0002-4213-1581
- Google Scholar Profile: https://scholar.google.com/citations?hl=en&user=D1DP1PQAAAAJ
Conferences/ Workshops Attended
- Certified as Core Java trainer through INFOSYS.
- Certificate of participation “Technical Writing and Research Publishing using LATEX 2018”.
- Completed a project in CMC TATA Enterprise Limited entitled “E – Shopping on JAVA 2011”
- Received a certificate of appreciation for successfully organizing a 5 days online faculty development program on “Preeminent and Innovative Technologies in Computer Science and Applications 2023 (PICSA) in IMS Engineering College.
- Reviewer for the International Conference on Computational Intelligence and Computing Applications 2024, ICCICA2024.
- Reviewer for 2nd International Conference on RECENT DEVELOPMENTS IN CYBER SECURITY (ReDCySec-2024) Organised by Center for Cyber Security & Cryptology, Sharda University, Greater Noida.
Other Academic Activities
- Organized a special session on “Emerging Trends in Information Technology” IndiaCom 2018 5th International Conference on “Computing for Sustainable Global Development” by BVICAM.
- Organized a special session on “Cyber – Information Security and Privacy” IndiaCom 2017 4 th International Conference on “Computing for Sustainable Global Development” by BVICAM.
- Organized a special session on “Cloud Computing, Data Science and Engineering” Confluence 2018 8th International Conference.
- Organized a special session on “Software Engineering” IndiaCom 2019 6th International Conference on “Computing for Sustainable Global Development” by BVICAM.
- Attended 1 week FDP on “Technical Education Quality Improvement Program Phase III (TEQIP – III” on “Outcome Based Pedagogic Principles for Effective Teaching and Learning” 2019.”
- 6days FDP on “NS2 and NS3”, Allahbad MNNIT.
Tools Knowledge
- Latex (Overleaf), NetBeans, Eclipse, Turbo, SPSS, MATLAB, ONE Simulator