Dept. of ECE is organizing a Two Days Workshop on Signal Processing and Its Applicationss from 20-21 July, 2019
FDP on "VLSI Chip Design Hands on using open source EDA" organized by Dept of ECE at JIIT, Sector 62, Noida from July 8-12, 2019
FDP program on "INTELLIGENT SYSTEM AND INFORMATICS"to be organized by Dept. of CSE/IT at Sector-62 from 8-13 July, 2019
Short Term Course On Cloud & IoT based Systems, Tools, and Applications 1st July- 6th July 2019 at JIIT NOIDA-62
FDP program on Synthesis and Characterization of Materials to be organized by Dept. of Physics and Materials Science and Engineering during 01-06 July, 2019
One Week FDP "Emerging Trends in Microelectronics and Modern Wireless Communication Systems" to be organized by Dept. of ECE JIIT Sector-128 during 1st - 6th July 2019
Dept. of CSE/IT is organizing a short term course on "Deep Learning and its Applications"scheduled between 1st July –06th July, 2019.
One Week FDP on Optimization Techniques and ApplicationsOrganized by Dept of Mathematics to be held During 01-06 July, 2019 at Sector -62, Noida
FDP on "Recent Trends in Industrial Biotechnology" to be organized by Dept of Biotechnology at JIIT, Sector 62, Noida from July 1-6, 2019
FDP on "The Key Enabling Technologies in 5G Wireless Systems" organized by Dept of ECE at JIIT, Sector 62, Noida from July 1-6, 2019