Ph.D., M. Tech, B. Tech
Atul Kumar received his B. Tech. degree in Electronics and Communication Engineering from U.P.T.U. and M. Tech. degree in Electronics and Communication Engineering from National Institute of Technology, Kurukshetra, India. He has completed his Ph.D. in Electronics and Communication Engineering from Jaypee Institute of Information Technology, Noida, India. He is currently working as Assistant Professor (Senior Grade) in the Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering, Jaypee Institute of Information Technology, Noida, India. His research interests include Analog Signal Processing, Analog Circuits, Current-Mode Circuits and VLSI. He has published around 41 research papers in reputed international journals and conferences.
Analog Signal Processing, Analog Linear and Non-linear Circuits, Current-Mode Circuits, VLSI, Analog CMOS Design and VLSI Design.
Work Experience: 12+ Years (Teaching)
- A. Kumar, B. Chaturvedi, S. Jagga, “New CMOS Compatible Realizations of Grounded/Floating L, C Multiplier and FDNC Simulators”, Circuits, Systems, and Signal Processing, 2022. doi.org/10.1007/s00034-022-02207-z.(Indexed in Scopus and SCI, IF=2.311)
- A. Kumar, B. Chaturvedi, J. Mohan, “Minimal realizations of integrable memristor emulators”, Journal of Computational Electronics, 2022. doi.org/10.1007/s10825-022-01963-0.(Indexed in Scopus and SCI, IF=1.983)
- A. Kumar, “Single MEXCCII-Based Grounded Immittance Functions Simulation and Applications”, Journal of Circuits, Systems and Computers, vol. 32(04), 2350060, 2022.(Indexed in Web of Science, Scopus, and SCI, IF=1.278)A. Kumar, “Novel Resistorless, Cascadable Current-Mode Precision Rectifier Using CFDITA”, IETE Journal of Research, 2022. doi.org/10.1080/03772063.2022.2108920.(Indexed in Scopus and SCI, IF=1.877)
- A. Kumar, S. Kumar, D.H. Elkamchouchi, S. Urooj, “Fully Differential Current-Mode Configuration for the Realization of First-Order Filters with Ease of Cascadability”, Electronics, vol. 11(13), pp. 2072, 2022.(Indexed in Scopus and SCI, IF=2.690)
- A. Kumar, D. Singh, D. Nand, “A Novel CFDITA-Based Design of Grounded Capacitance Multiplier and Its Transpose Structure”, Circuits, Systems, and Signal Processing, vol. 41, pp. 5319-39, 2022.(Indexed in Scopus and SCI, IF=2.311)
- A. Kumar, B. Chaturvedi, J. Mohan, S. Maheshwari, “Single Chip Realizable High Performance Full Wave Rectifier”, International Journal of Electronics, 2021 https://doi.org/10.1080/00207217.2021.1992677.(Indexed in Scopus and SCI, IF=1.336)
- A. Kumar, “Single EXCCII-Based Analog Multiplier Structure”, Journal of Circuits, Systems and Computers, vol. 30(06), pp. 2150107, 2021.(Indexed in Web of Science, Scopus, and SCI, IF=1.33)
- J. Mohan, B. Chaturvedi, A. Kumar, “New CMOS Realizable All-Pass Frequency Selective Structures”, Journal of Circuits, Systems and Computers, pp. 2150268, 2021.(Indexed in Web of Science, Scopus, and SCI, IF=1.33)
- A. Kumar, B. Chaturvedi, “Current-Mode MOS Only Precision Full-Wave Rectifier”, IETE Journal of Research. pp.1-10, 2021.(Indexed in Scopus and SCI, IF=2.33)
- A. Kumar, B. Chaturvedi, “Experimental realization of square/triangular wave generator using commercially available ICs”, Journal of Circuits, Systems and Computers, vol. 29(14), pp. 2050224, 2020.(Indexed in Web of Science, Scopus, and SCI, IF=1.33)
- B. Chaturvedi, J. Mohan, Jitender, A. Kumar, “Resistorless Realization of First Order Current Mode Universal Filter”, Radio Science, 2019. doi.org/10.1029/2019RS006932.(Indexed in Scopus and SCI, IF=1.43)
- J. Mohan, B. Chaturvedi,A. Kumar, Jitender, “Active‐C Realization of Multifunction Biquadratic Filter and Third Order Oscillator”, Radio Science, 2020. doi.org/10.1029/2019RS006877.(Indexed in Scopus and SCI, IF=1.43)
- B. Chaturvedi, J. Mohan, A. Kumar, K. Pal, “Current-Mode First Order Universal Filter and It's Voltage-Mode Transformation”, Journal of Circuits, Systems, and Computers, vol. 29(09), pp. 2050149, 2019.(Indexed in Web of Science, Scopus, and SCI, IF=1.33)
- B. Chaturvedi, A. Kumar, “High CMRR Current-Mode Instrumentation Amplifier for Low Voltage and Low Power Applications”, AEU-International Journal of Electronics and Communications. vol. 104, pp.147-54, 2019.(Indexed in Scopus and SCI, IF=3.183)
- B. Chaturvedi, A. Kumar, “Fully Electronically Tunable and Easily Cascadable Square/Triangular Wave Generator with Duty Cycle Adjustment”, Journal of Circuits, Systems, and Computers, vol. 28 (6), Article ID: 1950105, 26 pages, 2019.(Indexed in Web of Science, Scopus, and SCI, IF=1.33)
- B. Chaturvedi, A. Kumar, J. Mohan, “Low Voltage Operated Current-Mode First-Order Universal Filter and Sinusoidal Oscillator Suitable for Signal Processing Applications”, AEU-International Journal of Electronics and Communications, vol. 99, pp. 110-118, 2019.(Indexed in Scopus and SCI, IF=3.183)
- A. Kumar,B. Chaturvedi, “Realization of ASK/BPSK Modulators and Precision Full-Wave Rectifier Using DXCCII”, AEU-International Journal of Electronics and Communications, vol. 99, pp. 146-152, 2019.(Indexed in Scopus and SCI, IF=3.183)
- B. Chaturvedi, A. Kumar, “Novel CMOS MO-CFDITA based fully electronically controlled square/triangular wave generator with adjustable duty cycle”, IET Circuits, Devices and Systems, vol. 12, pp.817-826, 2018.(Indexed in Web of Science, Scopus and SCI, IF=1.29)
- B. Chaturvedi, A. Kumar, “Electronically tunable first-order filters and dual-mode multiphase oscillator”, Circuits, Systems and Signal Processing, vol. 38, pp. 2-25, 2019 (Indexed in Scopus and SCI, IF=2.225)
- B. Chaturvedi, A. Kumar, “Electronically tunable current-mode instrumentation amplifier with high CMRR and wide bandwidth”, AEU-International Journal of Electronics and Communications, vol. 92, pp. 116-123, 2018.(Indexed in Scopus and SCI, IF=3.183)
- A. Kumar, B. Chaturvedi, “Realization of novel cascadable current-mode all-pass sections”, Iranian Journal of Electrical and Electronic Engineering, vol. 2, pp. 162-169, 2018.(Indexed in Scopus)
- B. Chaturvedi, A. Kumar, “A novel electronically controlled Schmitt trigger with clockwise and anticlockwise hysteresis”, AEU-International Journal of Electronics and Communications, vol. 89, pp. 136-145, 2018. (Indexed in Scopus and SCI, IF=3.183)
- B. Chaturvedi,J. MohanandA. Kumar,“A new versatile universal biquad configuration for emerging signal processing applications”,Journal of Circuits, Systems, and Computers. vol. 27(12), Article ID 1850196, 28 pages, 2018. (Indexed in Web of Science, Scopus, DBLP and SCI, IF=1.33)
- B. Chaturvedi, A. Kumar, “A novel linear square/triangular wave generator with tunable duty cycle”, AEU-International Journal of Electronics and Communications, vol. 84, pp. 206-209, 2018. (Indexed in Scopus and SCI, IF=3.183)
- A. Kumar, B. Chaturvedi, “Novel CMOS dual-x current conveyor transconductance amplifier realization with current-mode multifunction filter and quadrature oscillator”, Circuits, Systems and Signal Processing, vol. 37, pp. 2250-2217, 2018. DOI 10.1007/s00034-017-0680-9. (Indexed in Scopus and SCI, IF=2.225)
- A. Kumar, B. Chaturvedi, “Novel electronically controlled current-mode Schmitt trigger based on single active element”, AEU-International Journal of Electronics and Communications, vol. 82, pp. 160-166, 2017.(Indexed in Scopus and SCI, IF=3.183)
- A. Kumar, B. Chaturvedi, “Fully electronically controllable Schmitt trigger circuit with dual hysteresis”, Electronics Letters, vol. 53, pp. 459-461, 2017. DOI: 10.1049/el.2016.4770. (Indexed in Web of Science, Scopus and SCI, IF=1.316)
- A. Kumar,B. Chaturvedi, “Single active element based tunable square/triangular wave generator with grounded passive components”, Circuits, Systems and Signal Processing, vol. 36, pp. 3875-3900, 2017. DOI: 10.1007/s00034-017-0513-X (Indexed in Scopus and SCI, IF=2.225)
- A. Kumar, B. Chaturvedi, “Novel CMOS current inverting differential input transconductance amplifier and its application”, Journal of Circuits, Systems, and Computers, vol. 26(1), Article ID 1750010, 16 pages, 2017. (Indexed in Web of Science, Scopus, DBLP and SCI, IF=1.33)
- A. Kumar, B. Chaturvedi and S. Maheshwari, “A fully electronically controllable Schmitt trigger and duty cycle modulated waveform generator”, International Journal of Circuit Theory and Applications, vol. 45, pp. 2157-2180, 2017. DOI: 10.1002/cta.2307, 2017. (Indexed in Web of Science, Scopus and SCI, IF=2.038)
- A. Kumar, B. Chaturvedi, “A novel MO-DXCCII based CMQO operated at low voltage”,Grenze International Journal of Engineering and Technology, vol. 2(2), pp. 9-17, 2016. (Peer reviewed)
- A. Kumar, B. Chaturvedi, S. Jagga, “A New High Performance Active Building Block Suitable for Low Voltage Low Power Signal Processing”, In Proceedings of the 2022 Fourteenth International Conference on Contemporary Computing (IC3 2022) pp. 685-688, 2022.(Indexed in Scopus, IEEE Xplore)
- D. Singh, D. Nand, A. Kumar, “Newly Realized Grounded Capacitance Multiplier Using Single CFDITA”, 7th International Conference on Signal Processing and Communication (ICSC 2021) pp. 362-365, 2021.(Indexed in Scopus, IEEE Xplore)
- J. Mohan, B. Chaturvedi, A. Kumar, “A general configuration for phase equalization”, In AIP Conference Proceedings, vol. 2214, pp. 020021, 2020.(Indexed in Scopus)
- B. Chaturvedi, J. Mohan, Jitender, A. Kumar, “A Novel Realization of Current-Mode First Order Universal Filter”, 6th International Conference on Signal Processing and Integrated Networks (SPIN 2019), Amity University, Noida, pp. 623-627, 2019.(Indexed in Scopus, IEEE Xplore)
- J. Mohan, B. Chaturvedi, A. Kumar, Jitender “SIMO Type Voltage-Mode Biquadratic Multifunction Filter”, 6th International Conference on Signal Processing and Integrated Networks (SPIN 2019), Amity University, Noida, pp. 478-482, 2019.(Indexed in Scopus, IEEE Xplore)
- A. Kumar, B. Chaturvedi, J. Mohan, “Possible Active Elements Transposition and Applications”, International Conference on Signal Processing and Communication (ICSC-2019), JIIT, Noida, March, pp. 271-274, 2019.
- B. Chaturvedi, J. Mohan, A. Kumar, “Dual-mode quadrature oscillator based on single fdccii with all grounded passive components”, In Advances in Signal Processing and Communication, pp. 317-326, Springer, 2019. (Indexed in Scopus, Springer data base)
- A. Kumar, B. Chaturvedi, J. Mohan, S. Maheshwari “Single active element based orthogonally controllable MOSFET-C quadrature oscillator”, International Conference on Multimedia Signal Processing and Communication Technologies (IMPACT-2017), pp. 151-155, AMU, Aligarh. (Indexed in Scopus, IEEE Xplore)
- A. Kumar,B. Chaturvedi, “Cascadable first-order current-mode all-pass filter with electronic tuning”, International Conference on Signal Processing and Communication (ICSC-2016), pp. 229-232, Noida, Dec-2016. (Indexed in Scopus, IEEE Xplore)
- A. Kumar, B. Chaturvedi, “Novel CMOS CFDITA and its application as Electronically-Tunable Bistable Multivibrator”,International Conference on Signal Processing and Communication,(ICSC-2016), pp. 374-379, Noida, Dec-2016. (Indexed in Scopus, IEEE Xplore)
- B. Chaturvedi, A. Kumar, “DXCCTA: A new active element”, International Conference on Power Electronics, Intelligent Control and Energy Systems (ICPEICES-2016), 6 pages, Delhi, July-2016. (Indexed in Scopus, IEEE Xplore)
- A. Kumar, B. Chaturvedi, “CMOS CIDITA and its application”,International Conference on Power Electronics, Intelligent Control and Energy Systems (ICPEICES-2016), 5 pages, Delhi, July-2016. (Indexed in Scopus, IEEE Xplore)
- A. Kumar, B. Chaturvedi, “A novel current-mode quadrature oscillator operated at low voltage”, Sixth International Joint Conference on Advances in Engineering and Technology (AET-2015), pp. 201-208, 2015. (Indexed in Scopus)
Book Chapter
- B. Chaturvedi, J. Mohan, A. Kumar, “Orthogonally Controllable VQO for Low-Voltage Applications”, In Nanoscale VLSI, pp. 45-63, 2020. Springer, Singapore. (Springer)
- B. Chaturvedi, J. Mohan, A. Kumar, “Dual-Mode Quadrature Oscillator Based on Single FDCCII with All Grounded Passive Components” Advances in Signal Processing and Communication, Lecture Notes in Electrical Engineering, vol. 526, pp. 317-326, 2019. (Springer)
- B. Chaturvedi, A. Kumar, “Single EXCCII based square/triangular wave generator for capacitive sensor interfacing and brief review”, VLSI and Post-CMOS Electronics: Devices, Circuits and Interconnects 2019 (pp. 329-349). (IET)
- One week Faculty development program on “Recent Trends in Signal Processing, Microelectronics and Microwave” from 5th to 11th July, 2018 at Jaypee Institute of Information Technology, Noida, Uttar Pradesh.
- Two week Summer School on “Security in Computing” from 25th June to 7th July, 2018 at Jaypee Institute of Information Technology, Noida, Uttar Pradesh.
- Springer International Conference on “Signal Processing and communication” (ICSC-2018) from 21st to 23rd March, 2018 at Jaypee Institute of Information Technology, Noida, Uttar Pradesh.
- IEEE International Conference on “Signal Processing and communication” (ICSC-2016) from 26th to 28th December, 2016 at Jaypee Institute of Information Technology, Noida, Uttar Pradesh.
- One day national seminar on “Advance Signal Processing & VLSI Techniques” on 7th October, 2016, at Inderprastha Engineering College, Ghaziabad, Uttar Pradesh.
- One week Faculty development program on ‘State-of-the-art: Communications, Circuits and Intelligent Systems’ from 18th to 23rd July 2016 at Jaypee Institute of Information Technology, Noida, Uttar Pradesh.
- IEEE International Conference on “Power Electronics, Intelligent Control and Energy Systems” (ICPEICES-2016) from 4th to 6th July, 2016 at Delhi Technological University, Delhi, India.
- One day workshop on "Virtual-Labs" on 7th June, 2016 at Inderprastha Engineering College, Ghaziabad, Uttar Pradesh.
- One day workshop on "Mat-Robotics" on 9th April, 2016 at Inderprastha Engineering College, Ghaziabad, Uttar Pradesh.
- One day workshop on "VLSI Front End (FPGA) & Back End (ASIC) Technologies" on 12th March, 2016 at Inderprastha Engineering College, Ghaziabad, Uttar Pradesh.
- International Conference on “Advances in Engineering and Technology” (AET-2015) from 26th to 27th December, 2015 at Cochin, India.
- Attended “Commune-09” a national level technical paper presentation on Emerging Trends and Technologies on 16th April 2009, at National Institute of Technology, Kurukshetra, Haryana.
Signal and Systems, Control Systems, Network Analysis and Synthesis, Digital Electronics, Digital Signal Processing, Analog Integrated Circuits etc.
Programming Languages : C, MATLAB
Circuit Simulator : PSPICE, HSPICE, Cadence VIRTUOSO
EDA Tools : ORCAD (Cadence Tools)