Jaypee Institute of Information Technology, Noida
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  • JIIT

M. Sc. Physics

M. Sc. in Physics program is offered by the department of Physics and Materials Science and Engineering (PMSE). Established in the year 2001, department is engaged in teaching and research. The department has 22 faculty members with rich teaching and research experience in diverse areas of Physics and Materials Science.Besides undergraduate and post graduate teaching, the department also offers Ph.D. program in Physics and Materials Science and Engineering and has produced 33 Ph.D. students and has published more than 500 research papers in high impact international journals and conferences.The department has well equipped curricular labs for UG and PG programs and research labs with modern research equipment. There are several funded research projects running in the department. The Ph.D. students graduated from the department have been successful in getting teaching positions in universities and colleges and prestigious international and national post-doctoral fellowship such as Japanese Society of Promotion of Science (JSPS, Japan), Kothari Fellowship of DST, and National Post-doctoral Fellowship of DST. In order to maintain high standards of teaching and research, the department regularly organizes national/ international workshops and conferences.

The course curriculum of M. Sc. Physics is designed with an aim to provide knowledge and skills in physics suitable for a professional career in R&D or doctoral studies in Physics/ Applied Physics, or Engineering. The course curriculum follows choice based credit system (CBCS) with the option of advanced study and training in two specializations: Condensed Matter Physics and Applied Optics. The curriculum consists of core courses (theory and labs), elective courses and dissertation/ project.


Curriculum Structure - M.Sc Physics 2023-24 onwards -- Click Here

Curriculum Structure - M.Sc Physics 2019-20 onwards -- Click Here

Course Outline - M.Sc Physics 2019-20 onwards -- Click Here


Course Descriptions with Course Outcomes

ACADEMIC YEAR 2023-24 Click here
ACADEMIC YEAR 2022-23 Click here
ACADEMIC YEAR 2021-22 Click here
ACADEMIC YEAR 2020-21 Click here
ACADEMIC YEAR 2019-20 Click here

If you are interested about admission in MSc (Physics) please fill in your basic details using the following link  https://forms.gle/xBrXeyshYuX75aMJ6