He is a passionate educator & researcher. During his 22 years of career, he has developed and taught several courses at UG & PG levels. His academic and research interests span across Image Processing & Computer Vision, Software Engineering & Data Structures. His objective as an educator & academic leader is to motivate students & faculty members to develop their learning interests and critical thinking, to establish a learner-centric environment in the classroom & to be engaged in and lead R&D activities revolving around cutting edge technologies and sustainable developments.
He has more than 100 publications in refereed journals and conferences including journals of high repute like IEEE Transaction on Vehicular Tech., IEEE Geoscience & Remote Sensing, IEEE Access, Elsevier Computer Communications, Weily SPE, IET Quantum Communication, Neural Computing & Applications, Expert systems, ESA and in the star conferences like IEEE ICC, IEEE INFOCOM & IEEE SIU, etc. He has guided 8 Ph.D. theses, 25 PG dissertations, and 140+ Undergraduate Projects. Presently, he is supervising 3 Ph.D. scholars. He has served as a reviewer of several world-class journals (Like IEEE Geoscience Letter, IEEE Access, and several Springer and Elsevier journals) & Conferences. From 2008 onwards, He has also served as a key organizer along with Prof. Sartaj Sahni (UFL, USA) of a premier computing conference IC3. Apart from his teaching and research-related roles and responsibilities, he has served in several key administrative roles at the departmental & University level in the last 20 years. In the past, he has led at various levels and played pivotal roles during NAAC, NBA, UGC, AICTE & NIRF-related visits and tasks. Presently he is also looking after several new initiatives like Digital Learning Centre & HPC Centre Ramanujan Universe etc.
- Ph.D. (CSE) from JIIT , Noida in the field of “Digital Image Watermarking”, Degree awarded in March-2009.
- Supervisor: Prof. J. P. Gupta, Ex-Prof IIT Roorkee, Thesis Evaluator: Prof. K. K. Biswas, IIT Delhi, India, Prof. Rajat Moona, IIT Kanpur, India, Prof. Sunil kumar, San Diego Univ., USA.
- M.E. (CS) Form VJTI, Mumbai. Completed with distinction in March 2002 with 71%.
- B Tech. (CS & IT) from IET, MJP Rohilkhand University, Bareilly. Completed in July 2000 with GPA 8.09.
- MHRD Fellowship GATE (2000)-AIR 415
- Experience – 22+ years (ApRIl ’02 to till date)
He started his career as lecturer in the month of April’2002 ( JSSATE Noida), & Joined JIIT as Sr. Lecturer in the month of Oct 2005. He was promoted to Professor in 2017 & taken over the responsibility as HOD in 2019. From Feb 2023, He is working as Director JIIT in addition to his roles as HOD(CSE&IT).Interest Area(s)
Interest Area(s)
Image Processing and Computer vision, Software Engineering, Data structures and Computer science education.
Research Contributions:
Patents: 02 Published,
Publications: 100+ , Citations: 2800+ ( March 2024), h-Index=20
Ph.D. guidance: 08 Completed, 03 under progress, 25 PG Dissertations.
Ph.D. Awarded: 08
- Manish Kumar Thakur ( June 2014), Title: TAMPERED VIDEOS: DETECTION AND QUALITY ASSESSMENT, Thesis Evaluators: Prof Harpreet Singh, Wayne State Univ, USA and Prof. Phalguni Gupta, IIT Kanpur, India
- Suma Dawn (June 2015), Title: DIGITAL ELEVATION MODEL: REGISTRATION AND QUANTIFICATION,Thesis Evaluators: Niels da Vitoria Lobo, Univ. Of Florida, USA and Prof. K.K.Biswas, IIT Delhi
- Tribhuwan K Tewari ( July 2014) , Title: NOVEL TECHNIQUES FOR IMPROVING THE PERFORMANCE OF DIGITAL AUDIO WATERMARKING FOR COPYRIGHT PROTECTION, Thesis Evaluators: Prof R. Thaper, Carnegie Mellon University Pittsburgh, USA and Prof. R.C Joshi, IIT Roorkee.
- Gagandeep Kaur D (September 2015), Title: Using self-similarity for detection of rate based network-anomalies, Thesis Evaluators: Prof Harpreet Singh, Wayne State Univ, USA and Prof. Karmeshu, JNU, India
- Bhawana Saxena ( June 2020), Title: "Identification and Exploitation of Self-Similarity for Influence Maximization in Online Social Networks, Thesis Evaluators: Prof. Christos, Greece, & Prof. M. Mishra , IIT Roorkee, India
- Madhu Khurana: ( August 2020), Title: “Chance Detection in Remotely Sensed Images”.
- Vikas Hassija (Oct 2021) , Title: “Blockchain-Based Transparent and Secure Algorithms for Specific Domains of the Internet of Things”
- Varsha Garg (Aug 2022); Title: Effective Identification of Endometrial Tuberculosis for Infertility using Machine Learning;
Best Publications (Only SCI & Star Conferences)
- Saxena, B., Saxena, V., Anand, N., Hassija, V., Chamola, V., & Hussain, A. (2023). A Hurst-based diffusion model using time series characteristics for influence maximization in social networks. Expert Systems, 40(9), (SC IF 2.5)
- Garg V., Sahoo A., Saxena V., “Identification of Endometrial Tuberculosis in Infertility using Non-Subsampled Contourlet based Convolution Neural Network” , Expert Systems with Applications, Elsevier. (SCIE IF 6.9) (accepted),
- Chamola V, Goyal A, Sharma P., Hassija V, Binh H.T.,Saxena V, " Artificial Intelligence Assisted Blockchain-based Framework for Smart and Secure EMR Management", Springer Neural Computing and Applications, March 2022, ( SCIE IF: 5.6)
- Jain M, Kaur G, Saxena V., “A K-Means Clustering and SVM based Hybrid Concept Drift Detection Technique for Network Anomaly Detection”, Expert Systems with Applications, Elsevier. (SCIE IF 6.9) Jan 2022,
- Hassija V., Saxena V, Chamola V and F. Richard Yu, "A Parking Slot Allocation Framework Based on Virtual Voting and Adaptive Pricing Algorithm," in IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology, vol. 69, no. 6, pp. 5945-5957, June 2020, doi: 10.1109/TVT.2020.2979637. [SCI IF: 6.1]
- Garg V., Sahoo A., Saxena V., “A cognitive approach to endometrial tuberculosis identification using hierarchical deep fusion method”, Nov 2021, Soft Computing, Springer, (SCIE IF:3.6) [https://doi.org/10.1007/s00500-021-06474-x]
- Khurana, M., Saxena, V, "A unified approach to change detection using an adaptive ensemble of Extreme Learning Machines", vol. 17, no. 5, pp. 794-798, May 2020,, IEEE Remote Sensing & GeoScience letter, [SCI IF 3.6] [doi: 10.1109/LGRS.2019.2933906.]
- Hassija V., Chamola V., Saxena V., Jain D., Goya P.,Sikdar B.,"A Survey on IoT Security: Application Areas, Security Threats, and Solution Architectures", IEEE Access, vol. 7, pp. 82721-82743, 2019, doi: 10.1109/ACCESS.2019.2924045.(SCIE IF: 4.5)
- Hassija V., Chamola V., Saxena V., ChananaV,ParashariP,Mumtaz S.,Guizani M., "Present landscape of quantum computing", IET Quantum Communication,Volume 2, Issue 1, March 2021, Doi: https://doi.org/10.1049/iet-qtc.2020.0027
- Hassija, V, Saxena, V, Chamola, V. A mobile data offloading framework based on a combination of blockchain and virtual voting. Software: Practices and Experience. , Wiley, 2020; 1– 18. https://doi.org/10.1002/spe.2786[ SCIE IF 2.0]
- Hassija V.,Saxena V., Chamola V., “Scheduling drone charging for multi-drone network based on consensus time-stamp and game theory”, Computer Communications, Elsevier, Volume 149, 2020, Pages 51-61, ISSN 0140-3664, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.comcom.2019.09.021. [ SCIE IF 3.12]
- Saxena B.,Saxena V., “Hurst exponent based approach for influence maximization in social networks”,Journal of King Saud University - Computer and Information Sciences, Elsevier , Dec 2019,ISSN 1319-1578,https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jksuci.2019.12.010., https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S1319157819308766) [ SCIE IF 13.47]
- Saxena, B., Saxena, V. Towards establishing the effect of self-similarity on influence maximization in online social networks, Springer’s Social Networks Analysis &. Mining.10, 35 (2020).https://doi.org/10.1007/s13278-020-00654-7 [ ESCI]
- Dawn S., Saxena V., Sharma B, “Advanced free-form deformation and Kullback–Lieblier Divergence measure for digital elevation model registration”, Springer Journal of Signal, Image and video processing, Vol-9, No-7, pp 1625-1635, 2015.) [ SCIE IF 2.15]
- Khurana, M., Saxena, V., “Green Cover Change Detection using a Modified Adaptive Ensemble of Extreme Learning Machines for North-Western India”, Journal of King Saud University -Computer and Information Sciences (2018), Elsevier, doi: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jksuci.2018.09.008, Sep 201 [ SCIE IF 13.47]
- G. Kaur, V. Saxena, JP Gupta, “Detection of TCP targeted high bandwidth attacks using self-similarity” , Journal of Computer and Information Sciences, Elsevier, May 2017 (online at: http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S1319157817300617) [ SCIE IF 13.47]
- Tewari T.K.,Saxena V., Gupta JP, "A digital audio watermarking scheme using selective mid band DCT coefficients and energy threshold", Springer International Journal of Speech Technology, May 2014, V 17, pp 365-371. ( ESCI, SNIP 1.08 as per Springer Nature)
- V. Hassija, V. Saxena and V. Chamola, "A Blockchain-based Framework for Drone-Mounted Base Stations in Tactile Internet Environment," IEEE INFOCOM 2020 - IEEE Conference on Computer Communications Workshops (INFOCOM WKSHPS), Toronto, ON, Canada, 2020, pp. 261-266, doi: 10.1109/INFOCOMWKSHPS50562.2020.9162991. [ H Index:72, H Median :99]
- V Hassija, G Bansal, V Chamola, V Saxena, B Sikdar, BlockCom: A Blockchain Based Commerce Model for Smart Communities using Auction Mechanism, pp 1-6, IEEE ICC- 2019.(flagship conference of the IEEE Communications Society),), https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/abstract/document/8756808
- Dawn, S., Saxena, V., and Sharma, B.D., “A Novel Non-rigid Free-form Deformation for Consistent Registration of Digital Elevation Models”, Indian Conference of Vision, Graphics and Image Processing (ICVGIP 2014), 14-17 December 2014, pp1-8, Bangalore, India. ( Most prestigious conference in the area of Image and Vision in India)
- Saxena V.; and Gupta J.P, “Collusion Attack Resistant Watermarking Scheme for Images Using DCT”, Proceedings of IEEE 15th Signal Processing and Communication Applications Conference, pp. 1-4, Turkey, June 2007 ( IEEE-SIU).
- Saxena V.; and Gupta J.P, “Towards Increasing the Robustness of Image Watermarking Scheme Against Histogram Equalization Attack” Proceedings of IEEE 15th Signal Processing and Communication Applications Conference, ( IEEE-SIU). pp. 1-4, Turkey, June 2007. Turkey.
- Dawn S.,Saxena V.,Sharma B., "DEM registration using watershed algorithm and chain coding",Proceedings of the Fourth Annual ACM Bangalore Conference (ACM-COMPUTE '11). ACM, NewYork, NY, USA,pp 1-5, March 2011
External Ph. D. & PG Thesis Examined:
- Sandip Mal, ““Development of Software Quality Metrics for Object-Oriented Design”, December 2015, Theis Submitted in BIT Mesra. Exam./SP/Ph.D./2015-16/458
- Charu Agarwal, “Design of digital Watermarking Schemes for Gary-Scale Images and Uncompressed Video Using Soft Computing Techniques”,Exam.IV/Ph.D./9587/2/343 dated 29 August, Thesis Submitted in Delhi University., Oct 2016
Other Contributions in Journal / Conference/Books
- Reviewer IEEE Geosciences and Remote Sensing letter,
- Reviewer Elsevier Journal Computer and Information Sciences,
- Reviewer in Journal: Elsevier journal Computer Vision and Image Understanding, 2013, Elsevier, USA.
- Reviewer in Journal: Reviewer in Optics Express, USA, 2013, USA
- Publication chair and editorial board member in IC3 2009 to IC3-2018, Jointly Conducted by Univ. of Florida USA and JIIT, Noida, India
- Publicity Co Chair IC3 2008, Noida, India
- Program Committee member: IEEE-International Conference on Image Processing Theory, Tools and Applications, 14-17 Oct, Paris, France.
- Program Committee member: Third International Workshop on Trust Management in P2P Systems, 3-5 August, 2012, Chennai, India.
- Program Committee member: Third International Conference on Computer and Communication Technology, ICCCT-2012,23-25 Nov, 2012, Allahabad, India.
- Program committee member of 3rd IEEE International Advance Computing Conference, February 22-23, 2013 Ghaziabad, India.
- Program Committee member: International Conference on Advances in Computing, Communications and Informatics 2013, 22-25 August, Mysore, India
- Program Committee member: International Conference on Security in Computer Networks and Distributed Systems. 11-12,OCT 2012, Trivandrum, India
- Program Committee member: International Conference on Advanced Computer Science Applications and Technologies,26-28 Nov 2012. Malaysia.
- Program Committee member, IEEE International Symposium on Signal Processing and Information Technology, Dec 15-17, 2014 JIIT, Noida.
- Program Committee member, 2015 International Conference on Signal processing and Application, 16-18 March, 2015 , Noida, India
- Program Committee member, 2013 International Conference on Signal processing and Application, December 12-14 , Noida, India
- Book Reviewer: Programming in C, McGraw Hill Education, First Edition, 2015 December, Delhi , India.
- Book reviewer: C++ Programming, Jaico Publishing House, First Edition, 2014, New Delhi.
- Book reviewer: Object Oriented C++ Programming, First Edition, Jaico Publishing House, 2014, New Delhi.
- Book reviewer: Introduction to Digital Image Processing, First Edition, Orient BlcakSwan, New Delhi, India, 2014.
- Book Reviewer: Software Testing by M.G.Limaye, 2E.”TMH, India, 2015.
Other Roles as Academician
- Nodel Coordinator, Virtual Lab, From 2018 –Dec 2023 .
- Delivered Invited talk in two week FDP in BVICAM, New Delhi on “Emerging Research Trends in Computer Science & IT, 14th – 26th May, 2018,
- Delivered Invited talk in FDP in JSS, Soft Computing-Techniques, tools and applications, 11-15 June, 2018
- Delivered invited talks in three FDPs organized by Dept of CSE, Dept of ECE and Dept of Mathematics in July 2017.
- Delivered an invited talk as a Resource person, Faculty development program on DIGITAL IMAGE PROCESSING, 6-10 FEB 2017, RKGIT Ghaziabad, India.
- Delivered an invited talk as a Resource person, Faculty development program on Machine learning and its application on Image and Text analysis, 30 Jan -03 Feb 2017, JSSATE, Noida, India
- Session Chair, Attended International. Conference on Computing, Communication and Automation (ICCCA2016), April 2016, Noida ( GU).
- Session Chair, International. Conference on Signal Processing and communication, Dec 2016.Noida ( JIIT,ECE)
- Attended and participated in the “IAENG International Conference on Imaging Engineering,” 21-23 March 2007, Hong Kong, along with more than 12 other international conferences in India
- Organizing committee member of International Conference on Contemporary Computing (IC3) jointly conducted by JIIT Univ., India and Univ. of Florida, USA during 2008 to 2017.
- Invited speaker in IEEE National workshop on Computer Vision &Image Processing in LNMIIT, Jaipur, 8-9 September 2012.
- Being a life member of CSI and Executive member of CSI-Ghaziabad Chapter, more than dozen workshops and seminars attended & organized in the different areas of CSE/IT at Zonal and National level.
- Eight FDPs attended/organized of one to two-week duration, including TCS FDP at IIT-Delhi in December 2004 in the area of Software Engineering.