Associate Professor
yogesh.gupta@jiit.ac.in, yogesh4july@gmail.com
Ph.D. (MNNIT Allahabad), M.Sc. (University of Allahabad)
Work Experience: More than 18 years teaching and research
International/ National Journals
- Ritu and Yogesh Gupta, Rach Adomian Decomposition Method to Solve Nonlinear Equations of Chemical Kinetic System, Journal of International Academy of Physical Sciences, 1061294/jiaps2024.xxxx, 2024.
- Agrawal, Ajay Kumar & Gupta, Yogesh (2022). Variational iteration method for solving differential equations in various science and engineering applications : a review. In Bhagwati Prasad Chamola, Pato Kumari & Lakhveer Kaur (eds.), Emerging advancements in mathematical sciences. Nova Science Publishers.
- Ritu, Gupta Y.,“Numerical Analysis Approach for Models of Covid-19 and Other Epidemics”International Journal of Modeling, Simulation, and Scientific Computing(2020) https://doi.org/10.1142/S1793962321500070. (SCOPUS indexed journal) (Corresponding author and supervisor)
- Gupta Y., Rana P., “MHD Natural Convection in Inclined Wavy Annulus utilizing Hybrid Nanofluid with Discrete Wavy Coolers”, Journal of Thermal Analysis and Calorimetry (2020)https://doi.org/10.1007/s10973-020-09920-4 (SCOPUS &SCIindexed journal) (First and Corresponding author)
- Chaurasia A., Gupta Y., Srivastava P.C., “Numerical scheme based on non-polynomial spline functions for the system of second order boundary value problems arising in various engineering applications”, Journal of Applied and Computational Mechanics (2020) https://doi.org/10.22055/JACM.2020.32435.2012 (SCOPUS indexed journal) (Corresponding author and supervisor-2)
- Gupta Y., Rana P., Beg O. A., Kadir A., “Multiple Solutions for Slip Effects on Dissipative Magneto-Nanofluid Transport Phenomena in Porous Media: Stability Analysis”, Journal of Applied and Computational Mechanics 6(4) (2020) 956-967. (SCOPUS indexed journal) (First author)
- Chaurasia A., Gupta Y., Srivastava P.C., “A smooth approximation for non-linear second order boundary value problems using composite non-polynomial spline functions”, Studia Universitatis Babeș-Bolyai Mathematica 65 (3) (2020) 453-470. (SCOPUS indexed journal) (Corresponding author and supervisor-2)
- Chaurasia A., Srivastava P.C., Gupta Y.,Bhardwaj A., “Composite Non-polynomial Spline Solution of Boundary Value Problems in Plate Deflection Theory”,International Journal for Computational Methods in Engineering Science & Mechanics, 20(5)(2019) 372-379. (SCOPUSindexed journal)(Corresponding author and supervisor-2)
- Chaurasia A., Gupta Y., Srivastava P.C., Rana P., "A smooth approximation for non-linear second order boundary value problems using composite non-polynomial spline functions", Accepted in Studia Universitatis Babeș-Bolyai Mathematica (2019) (SCOPUS and WoS Indexed Journal)
- Chaurasia A., Srivastava P.C., Gupta Y., "Exponential spline approximation for the solution of third-order boundary value problems", Data Management, Analytics and Innovation. Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing, vol 808 (2019). Springer, Singapore. (SCOPUS Indexed Springer series)
- Rana P., Shukla N., Gupta Y. and Pop I., "Analytical prediction of multiple solutions for MHD Jeffery–Hamel flow and heat transfer utilizing KKL nanofluid model", Published in Physics Letters A, 383 (2019) 176–185. (Elsevier Journal indexed in SCOPUS & SCI)
- Rana P., Shukla N., Gupta Y. and Pop I., "Homotopy analysis method for predicting multiple solutions in the channel flow with stability analysis", Published in Communications in Nonlinear Science and Numerical Simulation, 66 (2019) 183-193. (Elsevier Journal indexed in SCOPUS & SCI)
- Chaurasia A., Srivastava P. C., Gupta Y., "Solution of higher order boundary value problems by spline methods", Published in AIP Conference Proceedings 1897 (1), 020018 (2017). (SCOPUS Indexed journal)
- Gupta Y., "Numerical solution of system of boundary value problems using B-spline with free parameter", Published in AIP Conference Proceedings 1802, 020006 (2017). (SCOPUS Indexed journal)
- Rana P., Uddin M.J., Gupta Y. and Ismail A.I.M., "Slip effects on MHD Hiemenz stagnation point nanofluid flow and heat transfer along a nonlinearly shrinking sheet with induced magnetic field: Multiple solutions", Published in Journal of the Brazilian Society of Mechanical Sciences and Engineering, 39, 3363–3374 (2017). (Springer Journal indexed in SCOPUS & SCI)
- P. Rana , M.J. Uddin, Y. Gupta, A.I. Md. Ismail, "Two component modeling for non-Newtonian nanofluid slip flow and heat transfer over a sheet: A Lie group approach", Published in Applied Mathematics and Mechanics, 37 (10) (2016) 1325-1340. (Springer Journal indexed in SCOPUS & SCI)
- A. Chaurasia, P. C. Srivastava, Y. Gupta, "Spline Based Computational Techniques for Second, Third and Fourth Order Boundary Value Problems", Published in Journal Global Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics, 11 (5) (2015) 3203-3215. (SCOPUS Indexed journal till 2016)
- N. Pragesh, Y. Gupta, "B-spline Approach for Solving Boundary Value Problems" Published in Global Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics, 11 (2) (2015) 1037-1047. (SCOPUS Indexed journal till 2016)
- Y. Gupta, M. Kumar: "A computational approach for solution of singular boundary value problem with applications in human physiology". Published in Journal "National Academy Science Letters", 35 (3) (2012) 189-193. (A Springer Journal indexed in SCOPUS & SCI)
- Y. Gupta, M. Kumar: "Anthology of spline based numerical methods for singularly perturbed boundary value problems". Published in Journal International Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics, 74(4) (2012) 437-454. (Journal published from European Union indexed in SCOPUS)
- Y. Gupta: "A numerical algorithm for solution of boundary value problems with applications". Published in Journal "International Journal of Computer Applications" 40(8) (2012) 48-51. (Journal published from USA)
- Y. Gupta, M. Kumar: "B-spline based numerical algorithm for singularly perturbed problem of fourth order". Published in an International Journal "American Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics", 2(2) (2012) 29-32. (Journal published from USA)
- Y. Gupta, M. Kumar: "A computer based numerical method for singular boundary value problem". Published in Journal "International Journal of Computer Applications" 30(1) (2011) 20-25. (Journal published from USA)
- Y. Gupta, P. K. Srivastava, M. Kumar: "Application of B-spline to numerical solution of a system of singularly perturbed boundary value problems". Published in an International Journal "Mathematica Aeterna" 1(6) (2011) 405-415. (Journal published from European Union)
- Y. Gupta, P. K. Srivastava: "A computational method for solving two point boundary value problems of order four". Published in Journal "International Journal of Computer Technology and Applications" 2(5) (2011) 1427-1431. (Journal published from India)
- M. Kumar, Y. Gupta: "Methods for solving singular boundary value problems using splines". Published in Journal "Journal of Applied Mathematics & Computing" 32 (2010) 265-278. (A Springer Journal indexed in SCOPUS)
Conferences Attended/Participated
- Presented a paper entitled “Spline Based Method for Singular Boundary Value Problem Occurring in Science and Engineering Applications”, in The International Conference on Multidisciplinary Research to Create Future Prospect (MRCFP), SRU International Conference 2019, at Suratthani Rajabhat University, Suratthani, Thailand during 12-13 December 2019.
- Presented a paper entitled “Numerical Solution of Singular Boundary Value Problem with Applications in Science and Technology” in International Conference of International Academy of Physical Sciences (CONIAPS XVIII) on Recent Trends in Physical Sciences at University of Allahabad during 22-24 December 2015.
- Presented a paper entitled “Numerical Solution and Application for a Class of Singular boundary value problems” in National Conference on Mathematical Modeling and Application in Sciences & Engineering (MMASE-2013) at NIT, Patna in Mar 2013.
- Presented a paper entitled “Spline methods for differential equations” in an international conference, CONIAPS-XI, organized by International Academy of Physical Sciences, India at University of Allahabad in Feb 2010.
- Presented a paper entitled “Singular perturbation problems: Numerical solution and applications” in Computer Society of India student convention at SIET, Allahabad in Nov 2009.
- Presented a paper entitled “Computational techniques for solving singular perturbation problems” in International Conference on Modeling of Engineering & Technological Problems, ICMETP-2009, organized by Indian Society of Industrial and Applied Mathematics and Department of Mathematics, BMAS College Agra in Jan 2009 at Agra.
Workshops Attended
- Successfully completed a 2-Week Faculty Development Programme on "MANAGING ONLINE CLASSES AND CO-CREATING MOOCS 3.0" from July 25 - August 10, 2020 and obtained grade A+, organised by Ramanujan College, University of Delhi under the aegis of Ministry Of Human Resource Development, Pandit Madan Mohan Malaviya National Mission on Teachers and Teaching (PMMMNMTT).
- Participated in Webinar on “Numerical and Scientific Computing” organised by Manipal University Jaipur on July 01, 2020.
- Participated in Faculty Development Programme (FDP) on the topic "Role of LaTeX in Scientific Writing" organized by Department of Mathematics, Babu Banarasi Das Northern India Institute of Technology, Lucknow from June 19 to 21, 2020.
- Participated in in IEEE webinar on How to Publish a High Quality Journal Paper on April 20, 2020.
- Participated in Mini Symposium on Analytic Number Theory and its Applications in Cryptography: A Tribute to S. Ramanujanat JIIT Noida in August 2019.
- Participated in Workshop on Emerging Computational Methods for Science and Engineering Applications at JIIT Noida in March 2019.
- Participated in Faculty Development Program on Mathematical and Statistical Computations organized at JIIT Noida in July 2018.
- Participated in International Workshop on Useful Mathematical and Statistical Software Tools for Engineering Applications organized at JIIT Noida in September 2017.
- Participated in Workshop on Recent Trends in Mathematical Modeling and Scientific Computing organized at JIIT Noida in April 2017.
- Participated in Faculty Development Programme on Continuum mechanics and its applications organized at JIIT Noida in July 2016.
- Participated in the workshop on numerical methods using Scilab organized at JIIT Noida in April 2016.
- Participated in two days national seminar on Interdisciplinary approach of science in advancement of technology held at Galgotias college of engineering and technology, Greater Noida in October 2015.
- Participated in Faculty Development Programme on Functional Analysis and its Applications organized at JIIT Noida in July 2015.
- Participated in an International workshop on Statistical and Numerical Trends in Sciences & Engineering organized at JIIT Noida in January 2015.
- Participated in the workshop on "Advanced Optimization Techniques" at JIIT Noida, September 2014.
- Participated in Faculty Development Program through ICT conducted by NITTTR, Chandigarh at United Institute of Technology, Allahabad in Dec 2012.
- Participated in Two week ISTE workshop on Introduction to Research Methodology conducted by IIT Bombay in June-July 2012.
- Participated in a national seminar ‘Advances in computing & its applications’ at UCER, Allahabad in April 2008.
- Participated in “CONIAPS-VII, 2004” organized by International Academy of Physical Sciences, India at University of Allahabad in Dec 2004.
Professional Achievements
Professional Association
- Life Member, Indian Society of Industrial and Applied Mathematics (ISIAM).
- Life Member, International Association of Engineers (IAENG).