Krishna Sundari, Professor, Biotechnology Department, JIIT, NOIDA, hasbeen in academics for the last nineteen years. Educational institutes where worked earlier include Institute of Applied Medicines and Research (IAMR), Ghaziabad, Institute of Home Economics (IHE), New Delhi, Jamia Milia Islamia, New Delhi and Teri – SAS, New Delhi. Prior to academics, she gained eight years of research experience, working at places of National & International repute such as Teri (The Energy and Resources institute), New Delhi; Institute Nationale Recherche Agronomie (INRA), Champenoux, France; and brief work assignments at ENSAIA, France; Universitae Henrie Poincare, France, University of Florida, Gainesville, USA.
Krishna Sundari has distinction throughout her academics (National merit Scholarship received from 1985-1987, Ranked first in the college from 1985 through 1991). She has earned Masters in Life Sciences (specialization in Plant sciences) from Hyderabad Central University (HCU), Hyderabad. Having qualified CSIR-NET, she started her research career as Research associate with Teri (The Energy and Resources Institute, Lodi Road, New Delhi) and obtained Doctorate in Microbiology from Barkatullah University, Bhopal. She has done her Post Doctoral research at INRA. Institute Nationale Recherche Agronomy, Chapenoux, France, which is Europe’s premier agriculture & forestry research institute.
She harbours research Interest in the area of Microbial & Environmental Biotechnology. Present research projects of her relate to Microbial Biotechnology, Application of microbes for environment and agriculture benefits, microbial metagenome studies, development of bioformulations, bioactive metabolites from Microbes. Prof. Krishna holds membership in international scientific societies such as: International Mycorrhiza Society (CMR, Teri, New Delhi), American Society of Microbiology (ASM, Washington DC), Asian PGPR Society and Association of Microbiologists of India (AMI).
Our specific works of interest include plant-microbe interactions, developing bio inoculants for sustainable agriculture, mycorrhizae research, bioactive compounds from fungi, microbial biodiversity profiling and bioremediation of organic pollutants including pesticides applying plant growth promoting microorganisms.
Developing bio inoculants for bioremediation of organophosphate pesticides
Our on-going DBT funded research project in this area includes; development of microbial consortia that provides dual benefits of rhizoremediation of residual pesticide along with plant growth support. Exploring molecular mechanism of pesticide degradation in fungal and bacterial isolates
Conversion of agricultural waste into value added products
Our on-going research in this area includes bioconversion of tannic acid into pharmaceutically important compounds through microbe assisted
Developing bio inoculants for bioremediation of organophosphate pesticides
- Our on-going DBT funded research project in this area includes; development of microbial consortia that provides dual benefits of rhizoremediation of residual pesticide along with plant growth support. Exploring molecular mechanism of pesticide degradation in fungal and bacterial isolates
Conversion of agricultural waste into value added products
- Our on-going research in this area includes bioconversion of tannic acid into pharmaceutically important compounds through microbe assisted
- Kumari, A., Sattiraju, K.S. In vitro and in vivo evidence for the mitigation of monocrotophos toxicity using native Trichoderma harzianum isolate. Biologia 77, 2335–2349 (2022)[Indexing: SCOPUS, doi: https://doi.org/10.1007/s11756-022-01078-8]
- Kumari, A., Sattiraju, K. S. (2022). In-silico modeling, docking of ThPON1-like protein, and in-vitro validation of pesticide tolerance in Trichoderma harzianum. Journal of Applied Biology and Biotechnology, 10(6), 108-116. [Indexing: SCOPUS]
- Yadav P., Sundari S.K., (2020) “Native plant growth promoting rhizobacteria with remarkable phorate metabolising abilities at concentrations multi-fold higher than residual concentration present in soil”, Journal of Microbiology Biotechnology and Food Sciences. [Indexing: SCOPUS, doi: 10.15414/jmbfs.2020.10.1.54-60 ]
- Yadav P., Kumari A., Sundari S.K., (2019) “ASURE: A Multi-potential Plant Bioassay and a Pre-Determinative Microbial Efficiency Testing Tool for Bioinoculant Studies”, MethodsX. Elsevier [Indexing: SCOPUS https://doi.org/10.1016/j.mex.2019.09.037]
- Mishra N and Sundari S K (2017). A ‘Six-Step-Strategy’ to evaluate competence of plant growth promoting microbial consortia. Current Science (Accepted February 2017). [Indexing: SCOPUS, Thomson Reuters IF: .967, H Index: 84].
- Mishra N, Khan S S and Sundari S K (2016). Native isolate Trichoderma harzianum – a biocontrol agent with unique abiotic stress tolerance properties. World Journal of Microbiology and Biotechnology. 32(8), 1-23. [Indexing: SCOPUS, Thomson Reuters IF: 1.532, H Index: 57, H5 Index: 31]
- Mishra N, Sundari SK (2016). Designing Low Cost SSF Strategy for Mass Production of Bioinoculant Trichoderma harzianum KSNM with Longer Shelf Life. Asian J Microbiol Biotechnol Environ Sci. 18 (2): 447-458. [Indexing: SCOPUS, NAAS Rating: 3.07, H Index: 11]
- Nandini K.E and S Krishna Sundari (2016). Synthesis of value added tea products by enzymatic treatment employing FAR derived tannase, Int. Journal of Biotechnol & Biomed sci. 2(1), 69-72.
- S Krishna Sundari, Singh, J, Raizada, D, Jamisho, N, Goel, M. (2016). Saprolegniasis: Ubiquitous fungal disease in freshwater fishes and biotechnological remedies, Int. Journal of Biotechnol & Biomed sci. 2(1), 78-82.
- S Krishna Sundari, Singh,A, Yadav, P. (2016). Current research advances in microbial and phyto-biopesticides, Int. Journal of Biotechnol & Biomed sci. 2(1), 73--77.
- Yadav P and Sundari S K (2015). Plant growth promoting rhizobacteria: an effective tool to remediate residual organophosphate pesticide methyl parathion, widely used in Indian agriculture, J. Environ. Res. Develop.,Vol. 9, 04.
- Sukriti Gupta, Srishti Dangayach, S Krishna Sundari (2015). Investigating the Role of PGPM in Assisting Plant Growth Under Stress Caused by Organophosphate Pesticide-Phorate. Indo Global Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences. 5(2): 129-137
- Krishna Sundari S and Potapragada HS. (2015). Bioelectronics: Revolutionizing the research landscape of modern medicine, security and environmental applications.Advanced research in Electrical and Electronic Engineering.10(2):97-101.
- Krishna Sundari S, Kotiyal S, Singhai S and Gupta N. (2015). Evaluation of antimycotic activity ofEucalyptus globules,Datura stramoniumandTagetes patulaagainst three economically important plant pathogens.Journal of Environmental Research and development. 9(3A):762-772.
- Mishra N and Sundari SK. (2015). Native PGPM Consortium: A Beneficial Solution to Support Plant Growth in the Presence of Phytopathogens and Residual Organophosphate Pesticides.Journal of Bioprocessing and Biotechniques5(2): 1-8. doi:10.4172/2155-9821.1000202
- Nandini S, Nandini KE and S. Krishna Sundari (2014). Food and agriculture residue (FAR): A potential substrate for tannase and gallic acid production using competent microbes.Journal of Bioprocessing and Biotechniques. 5(1):1-8.
- S. Shaheen and S. K. Sundari. “Exploring the applicability of PGPR to remediate residual organophosphate and carbamate pesticides used in agriculture fields”International Journal of Agriculture and Food Science Technology,vol. 4, pp. 947-954, 2013.
- K. E. Nandini, A. Gaur and S. K. Sundari. “The suitability of natural tannins from food and agricultural residues (FAR) for producing industrially important tannase and gallic acid through microbial fermentation”International Journal of Agriculture and Food Science Technology, vol. 4, pp. 999-1010, 2013.
- N. Mishra and S. K. Sundari. “Native PGPMs as bioinoculants to promote plant growth: Response to PGPM inoculation in principal grain and pulse crops.International Journal of Agriculture and Food Science Technology. vol. 4, pp. 1055-1064, 2013.
- S. K. Sundari. Medicinal value of edible Ectomycorrhizal fungi: Potential example of sustainable resource utilization.Mycorrhiza News. vol. 25(3), pp. 20-26, 2013
- S. K. Sundari. “A New Edition of an Old Favorite. Review of: Molecular Biotechnology—Principles and Applications of Recombinant DNA”Journal of Microbiology Education,vol.13 (1), pp. 101-102, May 2012.
- S. Pan, R. Potumarthi, S.K. Sundari and M.K. Danquah. “Production of Recombinant Human G-CSF: A Techno-Economic Analysis”.International Journal of Industrial Biotechnology. Vol. 1(1): pp.11-17, 2011
- S. K. Sundari and A. Adholeya.“Growth profile of ectomycorrhizal fungi mycelium: emphasis on Substrate pH influence”,Antonie Van Leeuwenhoek Journal of Microbiology, vol. 83 (3), pp. 209-214, 2003 [Indexed in SCOPUS, Impact Factor:2.072]
- S. K. Sundari and A. Adholeya.“Functional integrity and structural stability of freeze-dried ectomycorrhizal fungi established through viability assays”.Canadian Journal of microbiology, vol. 47/2, pp. 172-177, 2001 [Indexed in SCOPUS, Impact Factor:1.199]
- S. K. Sundari and A. Adholeya.“Retention of enzyme activity following freeze-drying the mycelium of ectomycorrhizal isolates”,World Journal of Microbiology & Biotechnology, vol. 16 (4), pp. 373-376, 2000 [Indexed in SCOPUS, Impact Factor:1.262]
- S. K. Sundari and A. Adholeya.“Retention of enzyme activity following freeze-drying the mycelium of ectomycorrhizal isolates: part II. Enzymes acting upon carbon compounds”.World Journal of Microbiology & Biotechnology,vol. 16 (8), pp. 865-868, 2000 [Indexed in SCOPUS, Impact Factor:1.262]
- S. K. Sundari and A. Adholeya.“Freeze-drying vegetative mycelium of Laccaria fraterna and it's subsequent regeneration”, Biotechnology Techniques, vol. 13, pp. 491-495, 1999 [Indexed in SCOPUS,merged with Biotechnology Letters from December 1999Impact Factor: 1.853]
- Archana Kumari and S. Krishna Sundari., Pseudomonas-Trichoderma based inoculants for remediation of most commonly used insecticide Profenofos. ICABB, 20th to 22nd January 2022, held at JIIT NOIDA.
- Archana Kumari and S. Krishna Sundari., Investigating the applicability of selected plant growth promoting microbes in pesticide bioremediation by in silico characterization, modeling, and docking. Advances in PGPR technology for the Betterment of Agriculture and Environment, 3rdto 4th September 2021, Barkatullah University Bhopal.
- Archana Kumari and S. Krishna Sundari., Harnessing the pesticide degradation potential of Trichoderma to address health risks associated with consumption of agricultural products containing pesticides. ICABB conference held from January30th to February 1st, 2020 held at JIIT, Noida
- Archana Kumari and S. Krishna Sundari, “Harnessing the pesticide degradation potential of Trichoderma to address health risks associated with consumption of agricultural products containing pesticides”, ICABB conference held from January31st to February 2nd, 2020.
- Archana Kumari1, Pratibha Yadav, Sonam Shaheen and Krishna Sundari Sattiraju, “Multi-trait analysis for tolerance to pesticide Monocrotophos and plant growth promoting potential of individual fungal, bacterial isolates and their consortia”. 6th International Asian PGPR conference, August 2019, held at Tashkent, Russia. (Best poster award).
- Yadav P. and Sundari S. K., “ Efficient Rhizobacterial Consortium to provide bipartite benefit in supporting plant growth in presence of organophosphate pesticide stress” short oral communication (SOC) and poster presentation in BioRemid 2019, Porto, Portugal
- Archana Kumari and S. Krishna Sundari, Different approaches to detect residual pesticides, selection determinants and limits of detection: critical analysis. INSCR conference held from 11th and 12th October, 2019, held at MDU, Rohtak
- Archana Kumari and S. Krishna Sundari, Investigating the role of multicompetent fungal isolate to mitigate organophosphate pesticide stress in Sorghum bicolor. Biogenesis-VI conference held from 12th and 13th April, 2019, held at IILM Academy Greater NOIDA (First prize in poster presentation).
- Astha Mishra and S. Krishna Sundari, “Current status of Tannase and Gallic acid production through fermentation of organic substrates” for poster presentation during the Biogenesis-VI conference to be held on 12-13th April 2019 in IILM University.
- Astha Mishra and S. Krishna Sundari, “Microbial transformation of organic wastes into pharmaceutically significant products Gallic acid & Trimethoprim: A critical review.” INSCR-2019 held from 11-12th October 2019 at MDU Rohtak
- Astha Mishra and S. Krishna Sundari, “Efficiency of microorganisms in utilizing natural tannins through fermentation for production of Gallic acid” ICABB-2020 conference held from January30th to February 1st, 2020, held at JIIT NOIDA.
- Sundari S.K., Sachdeva S., Agarwal P. and Awasthi S. (2018). Bioenergy: A Sustainable Energy option. MOL2NET 2017, International Conference on Multidisciplinary Sciences, 3rd edition. DOI: 10.3390/mol2net-03-05122
- Yadav P. and Sundari S. K., Biodegradation of Dimethoate residues by native Rhizobacterial isolates. Journal of protein and proteomics. ICABB 2018 (JPP77), held at JIIT NOIDA 2018.
- Prakash R. and Sundari S. K., Biological control of postharvest diseases in agricultural grains. Journal of protein and proteomics. ICABB 2018 (JPP108), held at JIIT NOIDA 2018.
- SoniS., Ruba P.H., MaheshwariM., DwivediK.N., AroraA., GuptaA., KumariA. and Sundari S. K., Interdependency of soil quality and microbial activity: a review. Journal of protein and proteomics. ICABB 2018 (JPP122), held at JIIT NOIDA 2018.
- Gupta A., Arora A., DwivediK.N.,MaheshwariM.,Yadav P.,Ruba P.H., SoniS. and Sundari S. K., A study on the dynamic associations between soil quality and microbial activity in selected regions of north India. Journal of protein and proteomics. ICABB 2018 (JPP113), held at JIIT NOIDA 2018.
- Yadav P., Nandini K.E and Sundari K.S., (2015). Rhizobacterial isolates with hydrolase activity and their role in degradation of organophosphate pesticides. The 56th Annual Conference of the Association of Microbiologists of India (AMI), JNU, New Delhi. December 7-10.
- Nandini K.E and Sundari K.S., (2015). The Biological Solutions to treat industrial effluent using native isolates of Aspergillus carbonarius. The 56th Annual Conference of the Association of Microbiologists of India (AMI), JNU, New Delhi. December 7-10.
- Krishna Sundari S. (2014). Plant Growth Promoting Microbes: Opening new avenues to augment crop productivity and remediate agriculture soils, In “BioAndhra: international conference on marine, Agriculture and pharma Biotechnologies”, by Godavari Knowledge park, 15-17th December, 2014, at JNTUK, Kakinada, Andhra Pradesh.
- Malhotra A and Krishna Sundari, S. (2014). Role of Natural Sources of Antioxidants in Reducing ROS-Related Ageing. Proceedings of “International Conference on Life Sciences, Informatics, Food and Environment (IC LIFE 2014)”, 29-30th August, 2014, published in:Indo Global Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences, 4(3): 218
- S. Gupta, S. Dangayach, K. Shukla, N. Agrawal and S. K. Sundari (2014). Investigating the Role of PGPM in Assisting Plant Growth Under Stress Caused by Organophosphate Pesticide- Phorate. Proceedings of “International Conference on Life Sciences, Informatics, Food and Environment (IC LIFE 2014)”, 29-30th August, 2014, published in:Indo Global Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences, 4(3):142.
- Nandini KE, Gaur A and Krishna Sundari S (2013). The suitability of natural tannins from food and agricultural residues (FAR) for producing industrially important Tannase and Gallic acid through microbial fermentation. In “International Conference on Chemical, Environmental and Bioprocess Engineering (CEBE - 2013)”, 21-22nd December, 2013 at JNU, New Delhi.
- Rakshit Agrawal, Mridu Atray, and S. Krishna Sundari. KrishiEkta: Integrated knowledge and information distribution system for Indian agriculture. InProceedings of “the 4th Annual Symposium on Computing for Development(ACM DEV-4 '13)”, Cape Town, South Africa, Article 19, September 24 – 27, 2013.
- S Krishna Sundari, Pooja Singh, and Sukriti Gupta. Plant growth promoting microbes: A safe and natural solution to alleviate effects of biotic, abiotic stress and improve agricultural productivity. In proceedings of “Future prospects of advancements in biological sciences, health issues and environmental protection (FAB-HEP 2014)”, Lucknow, India, February 7 – 8, article: PS405, pp.65, 2014.
- Rakshit Agrawal, Mridu Atray, and S. Krishna Sundari. Exploring Suitable Interfaces for Agriculture Based Smartphone Apps in India. InProceeding of the11th Asia Pacific Conference on Computer Human Interaction (APCHI 2013), Bangalore, India, Dec 06-07, 2013.
- S.K. Sundari, Deepika, B. Sharma and S. Chabbra. “Anti-oxidative compounds from edible ectomycorrhizal fungi and their ability to protect cells from oxidative damage”.In 7th International Conference on Mycorrhiza (ICOM7). 2013, pp.96.
- R. Agrawal, M. Atray, and S. K. Sundari. “Sensor network architecture for soil and weather data extraction and database generation”. InProceedings of the 10th ACM Conference on Embedded Network Sensor Systems(SenSys '12), pp. 337-338.
- R. Aggarwal, M. Atray, K. Sundari. “Concept to design a hand-held crop management device (CMD) for farmers. Published in: Proceedings of the 2nd ACM Symposium on Computing for Development”ACM Symposium on Computing for Development (ACM DEV '12), 2012
- R. Chaddha, R. Shah, K. Sundari, S. Mani. “Pathogenic role of SCO2 gene in Leigh syndrome patients”,Genes, Genetics & Genomics: Today & Tomorrow- Human Concerns and XXXVII: Annual Conference of The Indian Society of Human Genetics,2012.
- S. K. Sundari. “Microbial Biotechnology – Simple Concepts, Salient Applications”, in “One health – One earth: Sustainable future”, ASMcue conference for Undergraduate educators, Town & Country Resort and Convention Center, San Diego, USA, May 20-23, 2010.
- M. Nishika, T. Kumar Siddhartho, S. Meha and S. Krishna Sundari. “Study Exploring the Bioremediating Abilities of Plant Growth Promoting Microbes”, In Proc. of theInternational Congress of Environmental Research (ICER-08),2008.
- S. Krishna Sundari, (2008), “Impact assessment study: Two decades of research on biofertilisers and sustainable alternatives - has the Indian farmer benefited”, in Proc.International Congress of Environmental Research (ICER-08)at BITS – Pilani, Goa Campus, Goa, India, Dec. 18-20, 2008.
- S. K. Sundari and A. Adholeya.“Conservation of mycorrhizal germplasm by freeze-drying: Limiting factors and process optimization”.ASM 106th General Meeting, 21-25 May; Orlando, USA., 2006 [Indexed in Web of Science]
- S.K. Sundari. “Exploring the diversity in aerobic bacterial communities of polluted Yamuna waters and comparing it with an adjacent institutional area – An undergraduate project”.11th ASM conference for undergraduate educatorsNew Orleans USA., 2004.
- S. K. Sundari, A. Prakash and A. Adholeya.“In vitromycorrhization and appearance of fruit body initials using freeze dried vegetative mycelium ofLaccaria laccata”.Second International Conference on Mycorrhiza,Uppsala, Sweden, 2000.
- S. K. Sundari and A. Adholeya. “Lyophilization of EM fungi. In: Szaro T M, Bruns T D (eds).First International Conference on Mycorrhizae,Berkeley, USA, 115p., 1996.
- S.K. Sundari, P. Singh, and S. Gupta (2014). Plant growth promoting microbes: A safe and natural solution to alleviate effects of biotic, abiotic stress and improve agricultural productivity. In proceedings of “Future prospects of advancements in biological sciences, health issues and environmental protection (FAB-HEP 2014)”, February 7 – 8, Lucknow, India, article: PS405, pp.65.
- K.E. Nandini and S.K. Sundari. “Microbial production of tannase and gallic acid by submerged fermentation using alternate substrates”, In proceedings ofNational seminar on Emerging trends in biotechnological research (ETBR), 2012. pp199.
- M. Nivedita and S. K. Sundari. “Study of new solid substrate combination for mass production of consortia for plant growth promotion”, In proceedings of National seminar on Emerging trends in biotechnological research (ETBR) 28 October, 2012, Mewar institute of management, Gzb., U.P. pp.199.
- Gaur, S. Mahajan, K.E. Nandini and S.K. Sundari. “Solid state fermentation of tannin rich plant residues by native microbes in co-culture for production of tannase and gallic acid”In Proc. Of National conference on energy environment and biotechnology research (NCEEBR), 2013. pp.310.
- N. Mishra, S. Shaheen and S. K. Sundari. “Plant growth promoting properties of bacteria isolated from agricultural fields of northern India.In Proc. Of National conference on energy environment and biotechnology research (NCEEBR), 2013. pp. 315.
- D. Sai, V. Kohli, and S.K. Sundari. “Bioplastic Production: An Economical Approach”. Presented atthe National Conference on Role of Analytical Techniques in Biological & Environmental Sciences, Kirori Mal College, University of Delhi, Delhi, 2011.
- S.K. Sundari, “The challenge of sensitizing engineering students towards sustainability and environment”, InNational Conference on Environmental Sociology, organized by International Development Centre Foundation (IDC) and Periyar Centre, at Periyar Centre, New Delhi, Jul. 03, 2010.
- D. Sai, V. Kohli, and S.K. Sundari. “Bioplastic production using microbes in a cost effective way”, in proc of“Biotech for a better tomorrow”, Bangalore India Bio, 2010.
- S.K. Sundari. “Progressive use of molecular techniques in ectomycorrhizal diversity studies”, In Proc ofNational Conference on Biodiversity: Present Status and Future Challenges, 2009.
- S. K Sundari, A. Nayak, M. Rath, Madhusmita, K. Mishra and S. Saklani. “Are the microbes from polluted waters of Yamuna any different from those in residential areas”?,“Biohorizon” The sixth National symposium on Biochemical Engineering and Biotechnology,New Delhi, India. AEB-36. 2004
- Krishna Sundari Sattiraju, Archana Kumari, Priya Chaudhary (2022). Fungal ministrations in soil detoxification, soil building and soil health restoration Eds. Prof. Tulasi Satyanarayana and Prof. Sunil Kumar Deshmukh, Springer Book Chapter. [In Press, Publication date 5/3/2023]
- Krishna Sundari Sattiraju, Srishti Kotiyal, Asmita Arora and Mahima Maheshwari (2019). Plant Growth-Promoting Microbes: Contribution to Stress Management in Plant Hosts. In Environmental Biotechnology: For Sustainable Future. Springer pp 199-236.
- Krishna Sundari Sattiraju, Pratibha Yadav, Archana Kumari and Anil Prakash (2019).“PGPM as frontrunners for onsite remediation of organophosphate pesticide residues in agriculture soils”. In Phyto & Rhizoremediation. Springer.
- Krishna Sundari Sattiraju and Srishti Kotiyal (2016). Endurance to Stress: An Insight into Innate Stress Management Mechanisms in Plants. In “Microbes for Plant Stress Management”, Editors: D.J. Bagyaraj and Jamaluddin, New India Publishing Agency, New Delhi, India pp 67-103.
- S. Krishna Sundari (2014). Impact of biotic, abiotic stressors: Biotechnologies for alleviating plant stress. In “Use of Microbes for the alleviation of salt stress”. M. Miransari (Ed). Springer Science+Business Media New York, DOI: 10.1007/978-1-4939-0721-2_6, Chapter 6. pp.87-120.
- S. K. Sundari and K. E. Nandini.“A systematic study of advances in Plant-stress biotechnology, processes involved and approaches for countering stress”.Biotechnological Techniques of Stress Tolerancein Plants.Houstan, Texas: Studium Press LLC, 2013, Chapter 4. ISBN: 1-626990-31-X.
- S. K. Sundari and N. Mishra. “Contribution of Plant Growth Promoting Microorganisms for sustainable agricultural and forestry management practice”. InSoil Microbiology and BiotechnologyM. Miransari. Ed. Houstan, Texas: Studium Press LLC, 2013, Chapter 12. ISBN: 1-626990-14-X.
- A.K. Gupta, R. Chaddha, R. Shah, S. K. Sundari. “Methods to Study Diversity in Soil Metagenome and it’s Significance for Sustainable Soil Management”, In"Soil Microbiology & Biotechnology"M. Miransari. Ed. Houstan, Texas: Studium Press LLC, 2013, Chapter 1. ISBN: 1-626990-14-X.
- S. K. Sundari. “Organic pollutants in agricultural soils, risks involved and options for remediation.” InEnvironmental Biotechnology-Recent Perspectives: Application and New Horizons of Environmental Biotechnology,N. Joshi, K.C. Sharma, M. Sharma Eds. Lambert academic Publishing, Gmbh & Co., KG., 2012. pp.194-232.
- Formulation of Microbial Consortia with Parallel biofertilizer and biocontrol properties; Funded by Department of Biotechnology, Govt. of India. Project duration4 years (2010-2014), Total Grant value: 57.39 lakh (JIIT: 24.22 Lakhs) PI: Dr. S Krishna Sundari (JIIT, NOIDA) Co-PI: Dr. Reena Singh (TERI, New Delhi)
- Ability of select PGPM strains to remediate organophosphate pesticides commonly used in agriculture" Funded by Department of Biotechnology, Govt. of India. Grant Value: Rs. 659600/-; PI: Dr. S Krishna Sundari
- Application of customized PGPM based formulations for reclamation of soil permeated with Organophosphate pesticide residues. Project Grant approval received from Department of Biotechnology, Govt. of India. February 2017.PI: Dr. S Krishna Sundari
Post Doctoral Research Fellowship Grant: Screening of native microbes with tannase producing ability, production of tannase and gallic acid using alternate substrate; Funded by Department of Biotechnology, Govt. of India. Project duration: 4 years (January 2012 – December 2015); Grant Value: 19,44,594 Lakhs; PI: Dr. S Krishna Sundari
Biotechnological solution for attaining longer shelf life and portability of microbial inoculum. Funded by Trident GreenTech Pvt. Ltd., Andhra Pradesh. Project duration: August 2015 - February 2017; Grant value: 19 Lakhs approx; PI: Dr. S Krishna Sundari
- "Harvesting Agribiodiversity - A solution for Food security & Sustainability", lecture in Recent Advances and outlooks in Biological Sciences, A Webinar Lecture series organized by Department of Microbiology, Institute of Home Economics, University of Delhi, NewDelhi.
- "Agro-Biodiversity for sustainable food security", International E-conference on Recent Advances in Agriculture & Environment for Improvement of Agricultural Sustainability from 27th August to 29th August 2020 rganised by SAGE School of Agriculture, SAGE University, Bhopal, Madhya Pradesh In Association with Asian PGPR Society for Sustainable Agriculture (APSSA)-India Chapter
- "Types of Scientific & Technical Publications" UGC Stride sponsored 21 day virtual program on Research Methodology organised by Mizoram University, KSR College of Technology & NSF, on 06/06/2020
- “Project Feasibility, Ethics and regulatory approvals", UGC Stride sponsored 21 day virtual program on Research Methodology organised by Mizoram University, KSR College of Technology & NSFon 21/06/2020
- "Opportunities & Funding for Scientific Research &Entrepreneurship", UGC Stride sponsored 21 day virtual program on Research Methodology organised by Mizoram University, KSR College of Technology & NSFon 22/06/2020
- " Challenges in Indian agriculture soils and solutions through microbe assisted rhizoremediation", delivered at National Seminar On Recent Advances in Agriculture and Biomedical Research (RAABR-2020), in the UGC Sponsored Seminar organised by Acharya Nagarjuna University, Andhra Pradesh on 06/03/2020
- "PGPM: Perfect Antidote for Perils in Indian agriculture soils", 6th International Asian PGPR conference, August 2019, held at Tashkent, Uzbekistan
- PGPM: Prowess, Promise, and Prospects 4th National Conference on “PGPR For Sustainabilityof Agriculture and Environment” , Mizoram University and India Chapter of Asian PGPR Society for Sustainable Agriculture (ICAPSSA) in association with Asian PGPRSociety for Sustainable Agriculture (APSSA), 11-12 May 2018,Mizoram University, Aizawl, Mizoram.
- Invited for Expert interaction in Techno-Foresight Series conducted by CSIR-NISTAD. July 8th, 2016, at India International Centre (IIC), New Delhi.
- "Environment - A level field of play integrating Scientists & Engineers across disciplines" at IILM Academy of Higher Learning, GREATER NOIDA, September 6th 2016.
- “Mycorrhiza – future vision,” Information workshop on mycorrhiza, Teri, New Delhi, February, 13th 2013.
- “Global warming & Climate change: a state of panic or a sense of purpose?” in the workshop “iAdapt- for a CLEAN-India' campaign, World Earth day, IYCN (Indian Youth Climate Network), in association with Developmental Alternatives, New Delhi, April, 2012.
- “Accumulating municipal waste; a menace or a resource to be mined” in the International Workshop “Trash into cash – Waste Management workshop”, IYCN (Indian Youth Climate Network), New Delhi, December, 2012.
- “Application of Plackett-Burman Design to evaluate and select Media Components”, 4 July, 2012, TERI, New Delhi.
- Series of Lectures on “Techno Economic Biofeasibility Reporting”. September 2010, JUIT, Waknaghat, HP
Conferences/ Faculty Development Programs / worksops organised
- Faculty coordinator for online Faculty Development Program titled "Advances n plant and Microbial Biotechnology conducted from 13 to 18 July, 2020
- Organizing Secretary for the International conference on Advances in Plant, Microbial & Environmental Biotechnology (PMB-2017), 2 4 February, 2017 at JIIT, NOIDA.
- Co-faculty for the DBT sponsored training workshop on “Advanced Techniques in Mycorrhizal research” conducted by the CMR (Center for Mycorrhiza research ) Division of Teri, New Delhi during the period 12Feb-3 March,2007.
- Conducted short course on Mycorrhizae as a part of the Indo-US professorship award received. Course conducted in association with Prof. Andrew Ogram and Dr. Abid Al Agely of Molecular Ecology laboratory, University of Florida. The course was conducted between 10-14th July 2006, UF, Gainesville, USA.
- Organizing Secretary for the symposium titled “The Spherical Edge - Revering Mother Earth”. An International symposium on “Sustainable development & disaster management” to commemorate “Earth Day” 23-24 April, 2005, at JIIT, NOIDA.
Received Indo-US professorship award (year 2005) from IUSSTF in coordination with American Society of Microbiology (ASM), Washington D.C. to teach a short course at University of Florida, USA