MSc, MPhil, PhD
Dr. Anuraj Panwar is currently an Associate Professor in Department of Physics and Material Science, JIIT Noida. He did M.Sc. (2002) and M.Phil. (2004) from Institute of Advanced Studies, CCS University Meerut. In 2010 he had completed Ph.D. from IIT Delhi. From Jan 2010 - Jan 2012, he worked as Research Associate with Prof. Karl-Peter Marzlin at St. Francis Xavier University, NS, Canada. In mid Jan 2012 he moved to Pohang University of Science and Technology, Pohang, South Korea. Since then (Jan 2012 to Aug 2017) he was the post doctoral research associate there and actively involved in research with Prof. C. M. Ryu. He is a member of Plasma Science Society India (PSSI) and Association of Asia Pacific Physical Societies – Division of Plasma Physics, (AAPPS-DPP).
Professional Achievements:
Dr. Anuraj Panwar has received Brain Korea post-doctoral fellowship (Jan. 2012 to Feb. 2013) and Brain Korea 21+ post-doctoral fellowship (Nov. 2013 to Feb. 2016). His research interest includes theoretical and computational physics with various applications to terahertz photonics, plasmonics, metamaterials, laser interactions with plasmas and atoms and magnetically confined plasmas. He has published 40 peer reviewed papers in reputed international journals and presented results in several international/national conferences. At present he has research collaborations with Professors in Canada, South Korea, Singapore, IIT Guwahati, NPL New Delhi, SSPL DRDO and TIFR Mumbai.
Detail of Research project:
- Project Title: Exploring tunable electromagnetic induced transparency effect using exotic materials in terahertz metamaterials.
- Project cost: 32,55,164 INR (24.30 L will be used at JIIT)
- Granting Agency: SERB India
- Status: Ongoing (in collaboration with IIT Guwahati, Assam)
International Journal:
- Lavi Kumar Vaswani, Bhagwat Singh Chouhan, Anuraj Panwar, Angana Bhattacharya, Fiza Moin, Gagan Kumar, “Single and dual-band electromagnetically induced transparency in a strongly near field coupled planar toroidal terahertz metamaterial”, Optics & Laser Technology, Volume 176, 2024, 111006.
- https://doi.org/10.1016/j.optlastec.2024.111006.
- Himani Juneja, Anuraj Panwar, Prashant Chauhan “Twisted terahertz excitation using pre-bunched relativistic electron beam in magnetic wiggler”, Phys. Plasmas 31, 063101 (2024).
- https://doi.org/10.1063/5.0206098
- Bhagwat Singh Chouhan, Nityananda Acharyya, Anuraj Panwar, Dibakar Roy Chowdhury, Gagan Kumar, “Multi-stacked polarization insensitive broadband terahertz metamaterial”, J. Appl. Phys. 7 May 2024; 135 (17): 173103.
- https://doi.org/10.1063/5.0203862.
- Srivastav RK, Panwar A. (2024) Resonant excitation of terahertz surface magnetoplasmons by optical rectification over a rippled surface of n-type indium antimonide. Journal of Plasma Physics. 90(1):905900106. doi:10.1017/S0022377823001459
- B. S. Chouhan, B. Barman, L. K. Vaswani, A. Panwar and G. Kumar (2024), "Broadening of Resonance With the Bending of Strongly Coupled Strip Resonators in a Planar Terahertz Metamaterial," Journal of Lightwave Technology, DOI: 10.1109/JLT.2024.3353330.
- L. K. Vaswani, B. S. Chouhan, A. Panwar, G. Kumar (2023), "Electromagnetically induced transparency in a strongly coupled orthogonal polarization insensitive planar terahertz metamaterial", Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics, 57, 75103.
- Himani Juneja, Anuraj Panwar, Prashant Chauhan (2023), "Generation of tunable terahertz pulse carrying orbital angular momentum in non-uniform vortex plasma channel", Materials Today: Proceedings.
- Lavi Kumar Vaswani, Anuraj Panwar, Gagan Kumar (2023), "Thermally controllable electromagnetically induced transparency in a coupled terahertz metamaterial", Materials Today: Proceedings.
- "Rohit Kumar Srivastav, A. Panwar (2023), ""Excitation of third harmonic terahertz surface plasmon over a rippled graphene-free space interface"", Materials Today: Proceedings.
- Rohit Kumar Srivastav, A Panwar (2023), "Excitation of second harmonic terahertz surface magnetoplasmons over a rippled surface of n-InSb", Results in Optics, 11, 100414.
- R. K. Srivastav and A. Panwar (2023), "Cherenkov terahertz surface magnetoplasmons excitation by an electron beam", Physics of Plasmas, 30(2), 23104.
- Srivastav, Rohit Kumar and Panwar, Anuraj (2023). "Linear mode conversion of terahertz radiation into terahertz surface plasmon wave over a graphene-free space interface" International Journal of Materials Research, 114(7–8), 572–578.
- Srivastav, Rohit Kumar and Panwar, Anuraj (2023), "Generation of second harmonic terahertz surface plasmon wave over a rippled graphene surface" International Journal of Materials Research, 114(7–8), 579–585. https://doi.org/10.1515/ijmr-2021-8753
- Srivastav, R. K., Panwar, A. (2023) “Excitation of terahertz surface magnetoplasmons by nonlinear mixing of laser and its second harmonic on a rippled surface of n type semiconductor”, Optical and Quantum Electronics55 (2), 1-12.
- Juneja, H., Chauhan, P., Panwar, A. (2022) “Terahertz radiation generation from self-focused amplitude modulated gaussian pulse in non-uniform plasma channel”, Optik-International Journal for Light and Electron Optics268, 169791.
- Srivastav, R. K., Panwar, A. (2022) “Excitation of terahertz surface magnetoplasmons by nonlinear mixing of two lasers on a rippled surface of magnetized n-InSb”, Optik-International Journal for Light and Electron Optics264, 169363
- Shahzad, M., Rizvi, H., Panwar, A., Ryu, C. M., Rhee, T. (2020). "Kinetic damping of radially localized kinetic toroidal Alfvén eigenmodes in tokamak plasmas", Physics of Plasmas, Vol. 27, 072504.
- Panwar, A., Rizvi, H., Shahzad, M., Ryu, C. M. &Sajal, V. (2019). "Excitation of kinetic reverse shear Alfven eigenmode by energetic ions in a tokamak plasma" AIP Conference Proceedings 2136, 060016.
- Chauhan, P., Awasthi, S. K., Varshney, A., Panwar, A., &Sajal. V. (2019) "Modified dispersion relation of surface plasmon waves in the presence of external magnetic field" AIP Conference Proceedings 2136, 060019.
- Mann, K. L., Sajal, V., Panwar, A.,Sharma, N. K. (2019). Excitation of Terahertz radiation by parametric mixing of four waves in magnetized plasma, Optik 186, 182-186.
- Mann, K. L., Sajal, V., Panwar, A.,Sharma, N. K. (2019). Excitation of terahertz radiation by parametric coupling of a laser beam and its frequency shifted second harmonic in a corrugated magnetized plasma, Optik 179, 401-407.
- Baliyan, S., Rafat, M., Panwar, A.,Sharma, N. K., Sajal, V. (2019). Suppression of stimulated Raman side-scattering of a laser in a plasma in presence of co-propagating electron beam, Optik 179, 330-335.
- Baliyan, S., Rafat, M., Panwar, A.,Sajal, V., Ryu, C. M. (2018). Magnetic field generation by amplitude modulated laser pulse in a rippled plasma, Optik 172, 437-442.
- Tripathi, D., Pandey, H., Panwar, A., Sajal, V. (2018). Effect of sintering techniques on thermo-electric properties of bulk La1.96Sr0.04CuO4, AIP Conference Proceedings 2009 (1), 020035.
- Marchenko, V. S., Panwar, A., Reznik, S. N., & Ryu, C. M. (2017). Generation of geodesic acoustic mode by nonlinear coupling of magnetic island and island-driven beta-induced Alfvén eigenmode. Plasma Physics and Controlled Fusion, 59(9), 092001.
- Shahzad, M., Rizvi, H., Panwar, A., & Ryu, C. M. (2017). Numerical study of the existence criterion for the reversed shear Alfven eigenmode in the presence of a parallel equilibrium current. Physics of Plasmas, 24(6), 062506.
- Rizvi, H., Panwar, A., Shahzad, M., & Ryu, C. M. (2016). Radially localized kinetic beta induced Alfven eigenmodes in tokamak plasmas. Physics of Plasmas, 23(12), 122515.
- Marchenko, V. S., Panwar, A., Reznik, S. N., & Ryu, C. M. (2016). Excitation of the beta-induced Alfvén eigenmode by a plasma flow around the magnetic island. Nuclear Fusion, 56(10), 106021.
- Marzlin, K. P., Panwar, A., Razul, M. S. G., & Sanders, B. C. (2016). Propagation of radiation pulses through gas–plasma mixtures. Journal of Physics B: Atomic, Molecular and Optical Physics, 49(7), 075501.
- Panwar, A., Ryu, C. M., & Kumar, A. (2016). Modulational instability of a laser pulse in a non-uniform plasma channel. Laser and Particle Beams, 34(1), 53-60.
- ABains, A. S., Panwar, A., & Ryu, C. M. (2015). Oblique shock waves in a two electron temperature superthermally magnetized plasma. Astrophysics and Space Science, 360(1), 17.
- Panwar, A., Ryu, C. M., & Bains, A. S. (2015). Kinetic Alfven solitary waves in a magnetized plasma with superthermal electrons. Physics of Plasmas, 22(9), 092130.
- Panwar, A., Ryu, C. M., & Bains, A. S. (2014). Oblique ion-acoustic cnoidal waves in two temperature superthermal electrons magnetized plasma. Physics of Plasmas, 21(12), 122105.
- Panwar, A.,& Ryu, C. M. (2014). Modulational instability and associated rogue structures of slow magnetosonic wave in Hall magnetohydrodynamic plasmas. Physics of Plasmas, 21(6), 062104.
- Panwar, A., Rizvi, H., & Ryu, C. M. (2013). Sagdeev potential approach for large amplitude compressional Alfvenic double layers in viscous plasmas. Physics of Plasmas, 20(11), 112103.
- Panwar, A., Rizvi, H., & Ryu, C. M. (2013). Compressional Alfvénic rogue and solitary waves in magnetohydrodynamic plasmas. Physics of Plasmas, 20(8), 082101.
- Panwar, A., Ryu, C. M., & Kumar, A. (2013). Effect of plasma channel non-uniformity on resonant third harmonic generation. Laser and Particle Beams, 31(3), 531-537.
- Panwar, A., Rizvi, H., & Ryu, C. M. (2013). Large amplitude inertial compressional Alfvénic shock and solitary waves, and acceleration of ions in magnetohydrodynamic plasmas. Physics of Plasmas, 20(5), 052103.
- Panwar, A.,Kumar, A., & Ryu, C. M. (2012). Stimulated Raman forward scattering of laser in a pre-formed plasma channel. Laser and Particle Beams, 30(4), 605-611.
- Panwar, A., & Sharma, A. K. (2009). Stimulated Brillouin scattering of the beat wave of two lasers in a plasma. Journal of Applied Physics, 106(6), 063301.
- Panwar, A., Sajal, V., & Sharma, A. K. (2009). Whistler wave stabilization/destabilization of drift waves in a plasma cylinder. Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics, 42(9), 095201.
- Panwar, A., & Sharma, A. K. (2009). Self-phase modulation of a laser in self created plasma channel. Laser and Particle Beams, 27(2), 249-253.
- Panwar, A., & Sharma, A. K. (2007). Magnetic field effects on two plasmon decay in a plasma. Physica Scripta, 75(4), 439.
- Sajal, V., Panwar, A., & Tripathi, V. K. (2006). Relativistic forward stimulated Raman scattering of a laser in a plasma channel. Physica Scripta, 74(4), 484.
International Conference:
Panwar, A.Rizvi, H. and Shahzad, M. and Ryu, C. M. (2018).Matrix solution of coupled kinetic Alfven waves in a tokamak plasma. Conference on Conference on Plasma Simulations,IISc Bangalore, India.
Panwar, A.Rizvi, H. and Shahzad, M. and Ryu, C. M. (2018).Alfven wave studies in a tokamak plasma. CSIR sponsored National workshop on Recent Trends in computational physics, JIIT Sec 128, Noida, India.
- C. M., Panwar, A.,Shahzad, M. & Rizvi, H. (2017, June). Matrix solution of coupled kinetic Alfven waves in a tokamak plasma. 44th EPS Conference on Plasma Physics, Belfast, Northern Ireland (UK).
- Ryu, C. M., Shahzad, M., Rizvi, H. & Panwar, A. (2017, June). Destabilization of TAEs in KSTAR Plasmas. 8th IAEA Technical Meeting on the Theory of Plasma Instabilities, Vienna, Austria.
- Rizvi, H. Panwar, A., Shahzad, M. & Ryu, C. M. (2017, Jan.). Radially localized kinetic BAEs in tokamak plasma. KSTAR conference 2017, Muju, South Korea.
- Ryu, C. M., Haider Rizvi, Mohsan Shahzad, Anuraj Panwar, Woo, M. H., Jun-Gyo Bak & KSTAR Team (2016, Oct.). Observation and simulation of TAEs in KSTAR plasmas. 26th IAEA Fusion Energy Conference - IAEA CN-234, Kyoto, Japan.
- Anuraj Panwar & Ryu C. M. (2016, Feb.). Coupling of whistler waves with ion temperature gradient modes. KSTAR conference 2016, Daejeon, South Korea.
- Anuraj Panwar & Ryu C. M. (2016, Nov.). Fast wave stabilization/destabilization of ion temperature gradient drift waves in a tokamak plasma. 57th APS 2015, Savannah, Georgia, USA.
- Anuraj Panwar, Shahzad M. & Ryu C. M. (2014, July). Energetic particle driven EPM and TAE modes in KSTAR tokamak plasmas, 11th Asia Pacific Plasma Theory Conference 2014 (APPTC 2014), Jeju Island, South Korea.
- Shahzad, M., Anuraj Panwar & Ryu C. M. (2014, July). Effect of magnetic shear on short wavelength ion temperature gradient turbulence in tokamaks. 11th Asia Pacific Plasma Theory Conference 2014 (APPTC 2014), Jeju Island, South Korea.
- Anuraj Panwar & Ryu C. M. (2013, Nov.). Dissipative inertial compressional Alfven shock wave. Asia Plasma Fusion Association 2013 (APFA 2013), Gyeongju, South Korea.
- Anuraj Panwar, Karl-Peter Marzlin & Barry C. Sanders (2010, Dec.). Light propagation through atom-plasma mixtures. Photonics 2010, International Conferenceon Fiber Optics and Photonics, IIT Guwahati, India.
- International Workshop on the High Energy Density Science End station and Associated Instrumentation at the European XFEL (2009, March). St. Catherines College, University of Oxford, UK.
- CMPD-CMSO Winter School (2008, Jan.). University of California, Los Angeles, Department of Physics and Astronomy, USA.
- Summer College on Plasma Physics (2007, July). ICTP, Trieste, Italy.
National Conference:
- Anuraj Panwar & A. K. Sharma (2008, Dec.). Whistler wave coupling to Rayleigh Taylor instability in the ionosphere. 23rd National Symposium on Plasma Science and Technology, BARC, Mumbai, India.
- PSSI-IPR Nation Fusion Program-ITER and Beyond (2008, Nov.). Ahmedabad, Gujrat, India.
- 21st National Symposiumon Plasma Science and Technology (2006, Dec.), NIT, Jaipur, India.
- 20th National Symposium on Plasma Science and Technology (2005, Dec.), CUSAT, Cochin, India.