Assistant Professor (Grade-II)
Educational Qualifications
- M. Sc. (Statistics) from Banaras Hindu University
- Ph.D. (Statistics) from Banaras Hindu University
Other Qualifications
- UGC-NET JRF (July 2016)
- IBM Course Certificate in Data Science
Work Experience : 3+ years
Interest Area(s)
- Statistical Inference, Bayesian Statistics, Data Science, Applied Statistics
International Journals: 4
National Journals: 2
Paper published in International/National Journals
- Inferences for the DUS-Exponential Distribution Based on Upper Record Values, Annals of Data Science, Springer, 8(2), 2019. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/s40745-019-00231-6
- Estimation of P(X<Y) for Gompertz Distribution Based on Upper Records, International Journal of Modelling and Simulation, Taylor & Francis, 42(3), 2021. DOI: 10.1080/02286203.2021.1923979
- Does the Type of Records Affect the Estimate of the Parameters, Journal of Modern Applied Statistical Methods, 19(1), 2020. DOI: 10.22237/jmasm/1608552300
- Model Discrimination Based on Record Values, Journal of Scientific Research, 66(1), 2022. DOI: 10.37398/JSR.2022.660144
- Statistical Insights on the Health of Indian Economy: A Multivariate Analysis, Journal of Data, Information and Management, Springer,4(2), 2022. DOI: 10.1007/s42488-022-00083-5
- Statistical Inference for Fr´echet Distribution Based on Dual Generalized Order Statistics, Special Proceedings: ISBN #: 978-81-950383-2-9, 25th Annual Conference of the Society of Statistics, Computer and Applications (SSCA), 15–17; pp 93–106, 2023.
International/National Conferences
Attended/Abstract Published
- Presented paper titled “Bayesian and non-Bayesian estimation based on lower record values from DUS-exponential distribution” at National Conference on Recent Trends in Mathematical Analysis and its Applications
- Presented paper titled “Estimation with the DUS exponential distribution based on record values” at International Conference on Biological Sciences and Bio-Statistics (ICBS-2017)
- Presented paper titled “Estimation of parameter of logarithmic transformed exponential distribution based on upper records” at the National Conference on Advanced Developments in Theoretical and Applied Statistics (ADTAS-2017)
- Presented paper titled “Classical estimation of one parameter LTE distribution based on record values” at the National Conference on Recent Advances in Mathematical Modelling and Analysis
- Presented paper titled “Inferences for the NLTE distribution based on record values” at International Conference on Emerging Methodologies in Theoretical and Applied Statistics
- Presented paper titled “Discriminating Between the Inverse Rayleigh and Inverted Exponential Distributions Based on Record Data” at 4th International Conference on Mathematical Modelling, Computational Intelligence Techniques, and Renewable Energy (MMCITRE2024), Manipal University Jaipur during May 29-31, 2024
- Attended 2nd International Conference on Recent Advances in Fluid Mechanics and Nanoelectronics (ICRAFMN-2024) organised in Manipal University Jaipur during July 10-12, 2024
FDP/Workshop Attended
- Attended training program on “LATEX and Other Open-Source Software” held at DST- Centre for Interdisciplinary Mathematical Sciences, Banaras Hindu University, Varanasi, U.P. during February 13-23, 2017
- Attended skill development workshop on “Applied Business Research Methods” at the 39th annual conference of IASP, held at Banaras Hindu University, Varanasi, U.P. during September 18-20, 2018
- Attended 5-day National Workshop on Data Science and Advanced Computing in March 2021 organized by VIT-AP University
- Attended Faculty Development Programme on Analytics using SAS in November 2023 at Manipal University Jaipur
- Attended Faculty Development Programme on “NBA & NAAC Strategic Preparation for Enhancing Quality of Education” organised in Manipal University Jaipur during May 27-31, 2024
- Attended Faculty Development Programme on Applied Mathematics with MATHEMATICA conducted by Applied Science Department from 15-19 July 2024 at Manipal University, Jaipur
Professional Projects / Professional Achievements
Editor/ Reviewer
- Editorial Board Member of journal ‘Advances and Applications in Statistics (ESCI)’
- Iranian Journal of Science
- Hacettepe Journal of Mathematics and Statistics
- Qeios
- Annals of Data Science
- Journal of Scientific Research (BHU)
- Journal of Modern Applied Statistical Methods
Technical Session Chaired
- Chaired Technical Session of 4th International Conference on Mathematical Modelling, Computational Intelligence Techniques, and Renewable Energy (MMCITRE2024), Manipal University Jaipur during May 29-31, 2024
- Chaired Technical Sessions of 2nd International Conference on Recent Advances in Fluid Mechanics and Nanoelectronics, Manipal University Jaipur, July 10-12, 2024
Member of Professional Bodies
- Member of American Statistical Association
- Member of Indian Society for Probability and Statistics