MSc (Mathematics)PhD (Major: Mathematics and Minor: Electronics and Communication Engineering)
Dr. Dinesh C. S. Bisht is currently working as an Associate Professor in the Department of Mathematics at Jaypee Institute of Information Technology. Dr. Bisht has received his Ph.D. with a major in Mathematics and a minor in Electronics and Communication Engineering from G. B. Pant University of Agri. & Technology, Uttarakhand. Before joining the Jaypee Institute of Information Technology he worked as an assistant professor at ITM University, (NorthCap University), Gurgaon, India. He has taught several core courses in applied mathematics and soft computing at undergraduate and master levels. His major research interests include Soft Computing, Fuzzy optimization, Fuzzy time series, Multicriteria decision making, and Nature Inspired optimization. He has published more than 50 research papers in national and international journals of repute. He is the Associate Editor for the International Journal of Mathematical, Engineering and Management Sciences, ESCI and SCOPUS indexed journal. He is the editor of the books “Computational Intelligence: Theoretical Advances and Advanced Applications” published by Walter de Gruyter GmbH & Co KG and “Recent Advances in Time Series Forecasting” published by CRC Press: Taylor & Francis Group, one more edited book by him is under process. He has also published several book chapters in the reputed book series. Dr. Bisht is a member of the International Association of Engineers in Hong Kong and Soft Computing Research Society, India. He has been awarded for outstanding contribution in reviewing, from the editors of Applied Soft Computing Journal, Elsevier.
Work Experience:
More than 13 years of teaching and research experience
- R. Kumar, and D. C. S. Bisht, "Picture Fuzzy Entropy: A Novel Measure for Managing Uncertainty in Multi Criteria Decision Making", Decision Analytics Journal Volume 9, 2023, p. 100351, ISSN 2772-6622. [SCOPUS]
- D. Sharma, D. C. S. Bisht, and P. K. Srivastava. "Intuitionistic fuzzy multi-objective transportation model during pandemic COVID-19." International Journal of Modeling, Simulation, and Scientific Computing (2023): 2350051. [SCOPUS] [ESCI] [I.F. 5.5]
- S. Kumar, A. Jain, and D. Bisht. "Hybrid Approach for Link Prediction using Supervised Machine Learning in Social Networks: Combining Global and Local Features." In Proceedings of the 2023 Fifteenth International Conference on Contemporary Computing, pp. 591-597. 2023. [SCOPUS]
- Bisht, D.C. and Srivastava, P.K., 2022. Minimum demand supply based stepping stone approach to solve a special trapezoidal fuzzy transportation problem. International Journal of Modelling and Simulation, pp.1-9. [SCOPUS] [ESCI] [I.F. 3.1]
- D. Chhibber, P. K. Srivastava and D. C. S. Bisht “Triangular intuitionistic fuzzy TOPSIS for non-linear multi-objective intuitionistic fuzzy programming problem”, Expert System with Applications. Volume 210, p. 118357, 2022. (SCIE) (SCOPUS) (I.F: 8.665).
- Sunil K. Sahu, N. Kumar Swamy, and D. C. S. Bisht,* Rainfall Prediction Using Artificial Neural Network, Computational Intelligence based Time Series Analysis, River Publishers, pp. 127–141, 2022. (SCOPUS).
- M. H. Reddy, N. Manikumari, M. M. Raju, A. Naresh, D. C. S. Bisht, H. Gupta, and M. G. Naik, “Suspended sediment transportation analysis using soil water assessment tool (SWAT) for Peddavagu tributary in Godavari river basin in India,” Nonlinear Stud., vol. 29, no. 4, pp. 1147–1161, 2022. (SCOPUS).
- P. K. Srivastava, D. C. S. Bisht, D. Chhibber, and M. Ram, “An ingenious approach to optimize a special class of transportation problem in uncertain environment,” Int. J. Syst. Assur. Eng. Manag., pp. 1–11, 2022. (SCOPUS).
- D. Chhibber., P. K. Srivastava, and D. C. S. Bisht, “Optimization of a transportation problem under Pythagorean fuzzy environment” Mathematics in Engineering, Science and Aerospace (MESA) vol. 13, no. 3, pp. 769-776, 2022. [SCOPUS][20413165] [USA].
- K. Lavanya, L. Edukondalu, M. M. Raju, A. Naresh, D. C. S. Bisht, and Harish Gupta, “Temperature and air velocity distribution in ripening chamber of fruits by CFD model” Mathematics in Engineering, Science and Aerospace (MESA), USA, vol. 13, no. 3, pp. 581-592, 2022. [SCOPUS][20413165] [USA].
- G. Goyal and D. C. S. Bisht. Adaptive hybrid fuzzy time series forecasting technique based on particle swarm optimization, Granul. Comput. pp. 1–18, 2022. (SCOPUS).
- Y. Singh and D.C.S. Bisht. “Innovative pythagorean entropy measure with real world applications Nonlinear Studies, USA, vol. 13, no. 3, pp. 825-839, 2022. [SCOPUS][13598678] [USA].
- M. Harini Reddy, N. Manikumari, M. Mohan Raju, Dinesh. C. S. Bisht, A. Naresh, Harish Gupta, M. Gopal Naik. Neural Networks Analysis of Suspended Sediment Transport Time Series Modeling in a River System. Computational Intelligence based Time Series Analysis, River Publishers, pp. 81-97, 2022. (SCOPUS).
- M. Mohan Raju, Dinesh. C. S. Bisht, Aadhi Naresh, Harish Gupta, and M. Gopal Naik, Artificial Neural Networks (ANNs) and their Application in Soil and Water Resources Engineering. Recent Advances in Time Series Forecasting, CRC Press, pp.191-226, 2021. [ISSN 9781003102281].
- Y. Singh and D.C.S. Bisht. A Hybrid Method for Multi-Criteria Group Decision Making under Pythagorean Fuzzy Environment. International Journal of Modelling and Simulation, Vol. 41, No. 5, pp. 376-384, 2021. [SCOPUS][ISSN: 0228-6203].
- D. Chhibber, Pankaj Kumar Srivastava and D. C. S. Bisht. From fuzzy transportation problem to non-linear intuitionistic fuzzy multi-objective transportation problem: A literature review. International Journal of Modelling and Simulation, Vol. 41, No. 5, pp. 335-350, 2021. [SCOPUS].
- P. K. Srivastava and D. C. S. Bisht, “A Segregated Advancement in the Solution of Triangular Fuzzy Transportation Problems”. American Journal of Mathematical and Management Sciences, (Taylor & Francis), Vol. 42, No. 2 pp. 134-144, 2021.
- D. Chhibber, D. C. S. Bisht and P. K. Srivastava. “Pareto-Optimal Solution for Fixed-Charge Solid Transportation Problem under Intuitionistic Fuzzy Environment”, Applied Soft Computing, Vol. 107, 107368, 2021. [SCI][SCOPUS][IF:8.236].
- Lalit Bhagat, G. Goyal, D. C. S. Bisht and Mangey Ram. An Improved Hybrid Adaptive Time Variant Fuzzy Time Series Model with Genetic Algorithm for Air Quality Index Prediction. The TQM Journal, Vol. ahead-of-print No. ahead-of-print. https://doi.org/10.1108/TQM-10-2020-0243. [SCOPUS]. [ISSN: 1754-2731].
- Pankaj Kumar Srivastava, D. C. S. Bisht and H. Garg. Innovative Ranking and Conversion Approaches to Handle Impreciseness in Transportation. Journal of Multiple-Valued Logic and Soft Computing Vol. 35, No 5-6, pp. 491–507, 2021. (SCIE) (SCOPUS) (IF: 0.861)[ ISSN: 1542-3980 (print) ISSN: 1542-3999 (online)].
- Aadhi Naresh, Ravali Bharadwaj, M. Gopal Naik, Harish Gupta, M. Mohan Raju, and Dinesh. C. S. Bisht, A Comprehensive Review on Urban Floods and its Modeling Techniques. Recent Advances in Time Series Forecasting, CRC publication. 151-179, 2021. [ISSN 9781003102281].
- G. Goyal and D. C. S. Bisht. Strong α-Cut and Associated Membership Based Modeling for Fuzzy Time series, International Journal of Modeling, Simulation, and Scientific Computing.https://doi.org/10.1142/S1793962320500671.[ISSN (print): 1793-9623 | ISSN (online): 1793-9615][ESCI][SCOPUS].
- D. Chhibber,D.C.S. Bisht and P. K. Srivastava,Fuzzy transportation problems and variants.Computational Intelligence: Theoretical Advances and Advanced Applications, Walter de Gruyter GmbH & Co KG, Vol 3, pp.91-110, 2020. [ISBN 978-3-11-065524-7] [ISSN 2626-5427]
- V. Khanna, B. K. Das, andD. Bisht, Particle swarm optimization and differential evolution algorithms: application to solar photovoltaic cells. Theoretical Advances and Advanced Applications, Walter de Gruyter GmbH & Co KG, Vol 3, pp.209-230, 2020. [ISBN 978-3-11-065524-7] [ISSN 2626-5427]
- G. Goyal, P. K. Srivastavaand D. C. S. Bisht,Genetic algorithm: a metaheuristic approach of optimization. Computational Intelligence: Theoretical Advances and Advanced Applications, Walter de Gruyter GmbH & Co KG, Vol 3, pp.27-44, 2020. [ISBN 978-3-11-065524-7] [ISSN 2626-5427]
- G. Goyal and D. C. S. Bisht, “Fuzzy time series forecast with enhanced trends and weighted defuzzification”, Mathematics in Engineering, Science & Aerospace Vol. 11. No. 1, pp.91-102,2020. [ISSN: 2041-3165] [SCOPUS]
- G. Goyal and D. C. S. Bisht, “Sugeno Intuitionistic Fuzzy Generator Based Computational Technique for Crude Oil Price Forecasting”,International Journal of Mathematical, Engineering and Management Sciences, Vol. 5, No. 3, pp. 488–496, 2020. https://doi.org/10.33889/IJMEMS.2020.5.3.040[ESCI][SCOPUS] [ISSN 24557749]
- D. C. S. Bishtand Pankaj Kumar Srivastava, Trisectional fuzzy trapezoidal approach to optimize interval data-based transportation problem, Journal of King Saud University-Science, Vol.32, No. 1, pp. 195-199 ,2020. [I.F. 2.83][SCIE] (Scopus Indexed) [ISSN10183647].
- D. C. S. Bisht,S. Jainand P. K. Srivastava, “Adaptive Particle Swarm Optimized Fuzzy Algorithm to Predict Water Table Elevation”, International Journal of Modeling, Simulation, and Scientific Computing, Vol. 10, No. 6, pp. 1950038, 2019.[ISSN (print): 1793-9623 | ISSN (online): 1793-9615][ESCI][SCOPUS].
- D. Chhibber,P. K. Srivastavaand D.C.S. Bisht, “Average duo triangle ranking technique to solve fully and type-2 intuitionistic fuzzy transportation problem”, Nonlinear Studies,Vol. 26, No. 3, pp. 1-19, 2019. [SCOPUS][ISSN 21534373, 13598678] [United Kingdom]
- D.C.S. Bisht and P. K. Srivastava, “One Point Conventional Model to Optimize Trapezoidal Fuzzy Transportation Problem”,International Journal of Mathematical, Engineering and Management Sciences, Vol. 4, No. 5, 1251–1263, 2019. [ESCI][SCOPUS][ISSN 24557749]
- P. K. Srivastava and D. C. Bisht, “An Efficient Fuzzy Minimum Demand Supply Approach to Solve Fully Fuzzy Transportation Problem”, Mathematics in Engineering, Science and Aerospace (MESA), USA, vol. 10, no. 2, pp. 253-269, 2019.[SCOPUS][20413165] [USA]
- V. A. Tikkiwal , S. V. Singh, D. Bisht, and H. O. Gupta, “Adaptive neuro-fuzzy approach for prediction of global solar radiation for twenty five cities falling under seven Köppen climatic zones” ,International Journal of Computer Aided Engineering and Technology, 2019. [SCOPUS][17572665, 17572657][Switzerland]
- D. Chhibber, D. C. Bisht, and P. K. Srivastava, “Ranking approach based on incenter in triangle of centroids to solve type-1 and type-2 fuzzy transportation problem,” in AIP Conference Proceedings, vol. 2061, p. 020022, 2019. [SCOPUS][00001984, 00002005, 00001983][USA]
- G. Goyal and D. C. Bisht, “An aggregated higher order fuzzy logical relationships technique,” in AIP Conference Proceedings, vol. 2061, p. 020023, 2019. [SCOPUS][00001984, 00002005, 00001983] [USA]
- P. K. Srivastava and D. C. Bisht, “Dichotomized Incenter Fuzzy Triangular Ranking Approach to Optimize Interval Data Based Transportation Problem,” Cybern. Inf. Technol., vol. 18, no. 4, pp. 111–119, 2018. [SCOPUS][13119702, 13144081][Bulgaria]
- Pankaj Kumar Srivastavaand Dinesh C S Bisht, “Recent Trends and Applications of Fuzzy Logic”. In Advanced Fuzzy Logic Approaches in Engineering Science, pp. 327-340 (2019). IGI Global.
- Dinesh C S Bishtand Pankaj Kumar Srivastava, “Fuzzy Optimization and Decision Making”. In Advanced Fuzzy Logic Approaches in Engineering Science (pp. 310-326). IGI Global.
- Pankaj Kumar Srivastavaand Dinesh C S Bisht, “Dichotomized Incenter Fuzzy Triangular Ranking Approach to Optimize Interval Data Based Transportation Problem”, Cybernetics and Information Technologies, Vol. 18, no. 4, pp. 111-119 (2018).[Scopus Indexed]
- Pankaj Kumar Srivastava, Dinesh C S Bisht. and Mangey Ram, “Soft computing techniques and applications”. In Advanced Mathematical Techniques in Engineering Sciences (pp. 57-70) (2018). CRC Press. (Taylor & Francis Group)
- Jain S., Mathpal P. C., Bisht D. and Singh P., “A Unique Computational Method for Constructing Intervals in Fuzzy Time Series Forecasting”, Cybernetics and Information Technologies, Vol. 18, no. 1, pp. 3-10 (2018).[Scopus Indexed]
- BishtD.,Srivastava, P.K.and Ram, M.,“Role of Fuzzy Logic in Flexible Manufacturing System”, Diagnostic Techniques in Industrial Engineering, Management and Industrial Engineering. Springer, Cham, pp. 233-243 (2018).
- Jain S.,Bisht D.,Singh P., and Mathpal P.C., "Real coded genetic algorithm for fuzzy time series prediction." In AIP Conference Proceedings, vol. 1897, no. 1, p. 020021. AIP Publishing, 2017.[Scopus Indexed]
- Bisht, Dinesh, and Pankaj Kumar Srivastava. "A unique conversion approach clubbed with a new ranking technique to optimize fuzzy transportation cost." In AIP Conference Proceedings, vol. 1897, no. 1, p. 020023. AIP Publishing, 2017.[Scopus Indexed]
- Singh V.,Joshi G. C. and Bisht D., “Energy dispersive x-ray fluorescent analysis of soil in the vicinity of industrial areas and heavy metal pollution assessment”, Journal of Applied Spectroscopy, Vol. 84, no. 2, pp.289-294, 2017. [SCI, Scopus Indexed]
- Jain S., Bisht, D., “Genetic Algorithms based fuzzy time series prediction for water table elevation fluctuation”, Aloy journal of Soft Computing and Application, Vol.3 , Issue 1, pp.14-23, 2015.
- Khanna, V., Das, B. K., Bisht, D ,Vandana, Singh, P.K.,2015, A Three Diode Model for Industrial Solar Cells and Estimation of Solar Cell Parameters using PSO Algorithm. Renewable Energy 78, ISSN: 0960-1481 pp 108-113.(impact factor 3.34).
- Raju,M.M., Kumar,A., Bisht,D ,Rao,D.B.,2014, Stochastic Analysis of Wind Energy for Wind Pump Irrigation in Coastal Andhra Pradesh, India, Journal of The Institution of Engineers (India): Series A 95 (3), 157-168.
- A Comparative Analysis of PSO and Adaptive PSO for prediction of water table elevation fluctuation, International ,Conference on Soft Computing Techniques for Engineering and Technology-2014 (ICSCTET-2014).
- Khanna, V., Das, B. K., Bisht, D ,Vandana, Singh, P.K.,2014, Estimation of Photovoltaic Cells Model Parameters using Particle Swarm Optimization. Physics of Semiconductor devices, Environmental science and Engineering(Springer International Publishing) ISBN: 978-3-319-03001-2 (Print) 978-3-319-03002-9 (Online). DOI 10.1007/978-3-319-03002-9_98, PP-391-397
- Khanna,Vandana, Das, Bijoy Kishore, Bisht, Dinesh 2013. Matlab/Simelectronics Models Based Study of Solar Cells. International Journal of Renewable Energy. Vol.3 (1) pp.30-34.
- Bisht, Dinesh, Jain, Shilpa and Raju, M. M., 2013. Prediction of Water Table Elevation Fluctuation through Fuzzy Logic & Artificial Neural Networks. International Journal of Advanced in Sciences and Technology (SERSC). Vol.51, pp. 107-120.
- Raju MM, Kumar A, Bisht D, Kumar Y, Sarkar A (2012) Representative Hydraulic Conductivity and its Effect of Variability in the Design of Drainage System. 1:576 doi:10.4172/scientificreports.576
- Raju, MM, Srivastava, R. K. , Dinesh C. S. Bisht, H. C. Sharma, and Anil Kumar, “Development of Artificial Neural-Network-Based Models for the Simulation of Spring Discharge,” Advances in Artificial Intelligence (HINDAWI), vol. 2011, Article ID 686258, 11 pages, 2011. doi:10.1155/2011/686258
- Bisht, Dinesh and Jangid, Ashok. 2011. Discharge modelling using Adaptive Neuro-fuzzy Inference System. International Journal of Advanced in Sciences and Technology (SERSC). Vol.31, pp. 99-114.
- Bisht, D. C. S., Raju, M. M., Joshi, M. C., 2010. Simulation ANN Based River Stage – Discharge Modeling for Godavari River, India, Computer Modelling and New Technologies. Vol. 14, No. 3. pp.48-62.
- Bisht, D. C. S., Raju, M. M., Joshi, M. C., 2009. Simulation of Water Table Elevation Fluctuation using Fuzzy- Logic and ANFIS, Computer Modelling and New Technologies. Vol. 13, No. 2. pp. 16-23.
Research papers presented/abstract published in conferences
- Shilpa Jain and Dinesh Bisht, “Improved Mutation operator for Genetic Algorithms”, International Conference on Competitive Strategies in Emerging Markets (ICSEM-2018) on 6-7th March 2018 at Ansal University, Gurgaon, India.
- Gunjan Goyal and Dinesh Bisht, “Modified Rule based Algorithm for Fuzzy Time Series” in 2nd International Conference on “Recent Advances in Mathematical Sciences and its Applications (RAMSA-2017)”at JIIT Noida, December 12-14, 2017.
- Pankaj Kumar Srivastava and Dinesh C S Bisht, “A Novel Triangular Fuzzy Approach to Optimize Interval Based Transportation Problem” in International Conference on “Recent Advances in Mathematical Sciences and its Applications (RAMSA-2016)”at JIIT Noida, December 8-10, 2016.
- Singh IP, Bhatt P, Bisht D. Design of Tunable Micro strip Band pass Cascaded Quadruplet Filter for SDR(Software Defined Radio), 2nd International Conference on Innovative Research in “Mechanical, Electrical, Electronics, Civil, Computer Science and Information Technology”(MECIT) 2015.
- Shilpa Jain, Dinesh Bisht, Prakash C. Mathpal. A Comparative Analysis of PSO and Adaptive PSO for prediction of water table elevation fluctuation. International Conference on Soft Computing Techniques for Engineering and Technology-2014 (ICSCTET-2014).
- Bisht, Dinesh, Jain,Shilpa, 2013 “Practical Aspects of Genetic Algorithm: A review", presented at the National Conference on Contemporary developments in mathematical sciences and Computing Organized by Galgotia Universty at Noida, held on 2-3rd Feb.
- Gupta, Saakshi and Bisht, Dinesh, 2012. A Statistical approach for ground water modelling, Proceeding, National Conference on Recent Advances in Applied Mathematics, 2012.Held on feb 18, 2012 at Itm University, Gurgaon, India.
- Mathpal, Prakash C., Bisht, Dinesh and Joshi, Lokesh K. 2012. Identification of Parameters Affecting Crop Production using Fuzzy Logic. Proceeding, National Conference on Recent Advances in Applied Mathematics, 2012. Held on feb 18, 2012 at Itm University, Gurgaon, India.
- Padalia, Diwakar, Singh, Virendra, Vijayveer & Bisht, D. C. S., 2010. Magnetic and Dielectric study of barium titnate/ Magnetic hybrid polymer nanocomposite, Advances in Materials and Devices held on May 15, 2010, at itm Univeristy, Gurgaon, India.
- Jain, Shilpa , Bisht, Dinesh, Mathpal, Prakash, 2013, Comparative Analysis of Real and Binary Coded Genetic Algorithm for Fuzzy Time Series Prediction, International Journal of Education and Information Sciences, ISSN- 2249-0108 Volume-3, Number-2, July-December (2013), Pages: 299-304
- Bisht, D. C. S., Raju, M. M., Joshi, M. C., 2007.Fuzzy logic and ANFIS in ground water modeling, 3rd Uttarakhand State Science and Technology Congress held during 10-11, November, 2008, at IIT, Roorkee, India.
- Bisht, D. C. S., Raju, M. M., Joshi, M. C, Pal, A .K, Kumar, Anil and Srivastava, R. K.,2007.Artificial Neural Networks Application and their performance in hydrologic engineering, International Conference on Advances in Mathematics: Historical Developments and Engineering Applications held during 19-22, December 2007, at G.B. Pant University of Agriculture and Technology, Pantnagar, India.
- Joshi, L. K., Bisht, D. C. S., Raju, M. M., Joshi, M. C, 2007.Fuzzy logic application in water engineering, International Conference on Advances in Mathematics: Historical Developments and Engineering Applications held during 19-22, December 2007, at G.B. Pant University of Agriculture and Technology, Pantnagar, India.
- Bisht, D. C. S., Joshi, M. C, 2007.Fixed point theorems in fuzzy metric spaces, International Conference on Advances in Mathematics: Historical Developments and Engineering Applications held during 19-22, December 2007, at G.B. Pant University of Agriculture and Technology, Pantnagar, India.
- Joshi, L. K., Bisht, D. C. S., Joshi, M. C, 2007.Fixed points for mappings in symmetric spaces, International Conference on Advances in Mathematics: Historical Developments and Engineering Applications held during 19-22 December 2007, at G.B. Pant University of Agriculture and Technology, Pantnagar, India.
Member of Professional Bodies:
- International Association of Engineers (IAENG) Membership no. 65362.
- International Association of Computer Science and Information Technology membership Id 80351152
Editor/Guest Editor:
- Editorial Board: International Journal of Mathematical, Engineering and Management Sciences (IJMEMS), INDIA.
- Awarded a certificate for outstanding contribution in reviewing from the Editors of APPLIED SOFT COMPUTING JOURNAL Elsevier, August, 2017.
- Neural Computing and Applications (Springer)
- Applied Water Science - a Springer Open journal
- Journal of Industrial Engineering International (JIEI)-Springer
- Applied Soft Computing Elsevier
- International Journal of Applied Mathematics and Computer Science (AMCS)
- International Journal of Mathematical, Engineering and Management Sciences (IJMEMS), INDIA
- International Journal of Fuzzy Systems
- Bisht, D. C. S., & Ram, M. (Eds.). (2022). Computational Intelligence-based Time Series Analysis. River Publishers, IEEE Xplore. [EISBN: 9788770224161 PISBN: 9788770224178] [SCOPUS].
- Bisht, D. C., & Ram, M. (Eds.). (2021). Recent Advances in Time Series Forecasting. CRC publication, Boca Raton. [ISSN 9781003102281]
- Bisht, D. C., & Ram, M. (Eds.). (2020). Computational Intelligence: Theoretical Advances and Advanced Applications (Vol. 3). Walter de Gruyter GmbH & Co KG. [ISBN 978-3-11-065524-7] [ISSN 2626-5427]
Books Publishing
- Bisht, D. C. S., & Ram, M. (Eds.). (2022). Computational Intelligence-based Time Series Analysis. River Publishers, IEEE Xplore. [E ISBN: 9788770224161 P ISBN: 9788770224178]
- Bisht, D. C., & Ram, M. (Eds.). (2021). Recent Advances in Time Series Forecasting. CRC publication, Boca Raton. [ISSN 9781003102281]
- Bisht, D. C., & Ram, M. (Eds.). (2020). Computational Intelligence: Theoretical Advances and Advanced Applications (Vol. 3). Walter de Gruyter GmbH & Co KG. [ISBN 978-3-11-065524-7] [ISSN 2626-5427]https://www.degruyter.com/view/title/554694?rskey=Mz5pah&result=6
Artificial Neural Networks: in River Stage-Discharge Modeling, LAP LAMBERT Academic Publishing (June 9, 2012) ISBN 3659144703.
Book of Abstracts, International Conference on Advances in Mathematics: Historical Developments and Engineering Applications held during 19-22 December 2007, at G.B. Pant University of Agriculture and Technology, Pantnagar, India.
- Book of Abstracts, National Seminar on Advances in Materials and devices held on 15,May,2010, at itm University,Gurgaon, India.
Community Involvement / Administrative Activity
- Convener for One-week faculty development program on "Mathematical Foundations of Machine Learning," Department of Mathematics, JIIT, Noida, July 25 - 30, 2022.
- One of the Organizer for JIIT Entrepreneurs Meet (JEM) in 2022
- Organized an event on Research and Patents on 27 February, 2020 at JIIT, Noida.
- IQAC-AQAR Committee for 2021-2022, 2022-2023.
- PG admission Social Media Committee 2022-2023
- Member of Audit Committees (Non-Teaching Departments - Accounts and Finance) 2020-21, 2021-2022, 2022-2023
- Admission committee MSc mathematics 2022-2023
- Admission Committee BCA 2022-2023
- DQAC member (ERD) 2022-2023
- Member of IPR cell at JIIT, Noida. 2020-21, 2021-2022, 2022-2023
- Convener for National Workshop on Numerical Methods using Scilab, 8 and 9th April 2016, at Jaypee Institute of Information and Technology, Sector 128, Noida, India.
- Organized National workshop on Numerical Methods with Scilab, (18-20, August 2012), at ITM University, Gurgaon, India.
- Organized National Conference on Recent Advances in Applied Mathematics as held on 8th Feb, 2012, at ITM University, Gurgaon, India.
- Organized National seminar on Advances in Materials and Devices held on May 15, 2010, at itm Univeristy, Gurgaon, India.
- Founder and Faculty Advisor for Enactus Itm University(A community of student, academic and business leaders committed to using the power of entrepreneurial action to transform lives and shape a better more sustainable world).
- OrganizedInternational Conference (Advances in Mathematics: Historical Developments and Engineering Applications) and presented a research paper entitled “Artificial Neural Networks application and their performance in Hydrologic Engineering” held at G.B. Pant University of Agriculture and Technology, Pantnagar during 19 – 22 December 2007.
Guest Lecture/ Technical Session Chaired
- Delivered an expert lecture on “Introduction to Multi-Attribute Decision Making” in One Week FDP on Statistical and Computational Methods for Decision Making” scheduled from July 17-22, 2023, organized by Department of Mathematics, Jaypee Institute of Information Technology, Noida.
- Delivered an expert lecture on “Basics of MATLAB” in IEEE Sponsored International Workshop on Useful Mathematical and Statistical Software Tools for Engineering Applications, September 8-9, 2017, at Jaypee Institute of Information Technology, Noida.
- Delivered an expert lecture on “Hands on Practice on Fuzzy Logic and Applications” in National Workshop on Computational Intelligence (NWCI-2016) 26th – 28th May, 2016, organized by department of Computer Science and Engineering, Jaypee institute of Information Technology, Noida, India.
- Delivered a talk on “Genetic Algorithms” in Faculty Development Program on Advanced Computing Methods, organized by Jaypee institute of Information Technology in July 21-26, 2014.
- Chaired Technical Session on "Advances in communication and Networks" in the 3rd IEEE International Advance Computing Conference 22-23rd Feb, 2013 at AKGEC, Ghaziabad, India.
- Chaired Technical Session on "Teaching and Learning Systems" in the 3rd IEEE International Advance Computing Conference 22-23rd Feb, 2013 at AKGEC, Ghaziabad, India.
- Delivered a Guest lecture on SoftComputing: Fuzzy Logic on 28th April, 2012 at SGT Institute of Engineering and Technology, Gurgaon,India.
- Dr. Shilpa Jain, Thesis title “Improved soft computing techniques in prediction of groundwater level”, Status: Degree Awarded (2019).
- Ms. Gunjan Goyal, Thesis title “Efficient fuzzy time series forecasting methods and their applications”, Status: Status: Awarded (March, 2023).
- Ms. Divya Chhibber, Thesis title “Optimal Solutions of Single and Multi-Objective Transportation Problems in Fuzzy and Intuitionistic Fuzzy Environment”, Status: Awarded (Feb., 2023)
- Mr. Yograj, Topic/ Area: Developments and applications of Soft Computing Techniques, Status: Ongoing.
- Mr. Shambhu Kumar, Topic/ Area: Link Prediction in social media, Status: Ongoing.