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Jaypee Institute of Information Technology, Noida
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  • Dr. Hemant Kumar
Associate Professor

Educational Qualifications:

  • Ph.D., Microelectronics, IIT(BHU), Varanasi, 2018
  • M.Tech., Digital Communication, IIIT, Gwalior, 2011
  • B.E., Electronics and Communication, RJIT, Gwalior, 2009


Hemant Kumar was born in Pauri Garhwal, Uttrakhand, India and completed school education in 2005 from K.V I.M.A Dehradun. He has completed his Bachelor of Engineering (B.E.) degree in Electronics and Communication engineering from RustamJI Institute of Technology, Tekanpur Gwalior in the year 2009 and earned his Master of Technology (M.Tech.) degree in Digital Communication from ABV-IIITM Gwalior in the year 2011.  Hemant Kumar has worked with the educational and industrial organization for two years before joining regular Ph.D. programme with IIT (BHU), Varanasi. He has completed his Ph.D. from the Department of Electronics Engineering in the IIT(BHU), Varanasi in the year 2017-18 for the dissertation on “Fabrication and Characterization of Colloidal ZnO and CdSe Quantum Dots Based Photodetectors.” His core expertise lies in the fabrication and characterizations of Quantum-dot based thin film based devices, and its application in the field of optoelectronics, biosensing, and solar cell applications.

Area of interest:

Self-powered and spectrum selective photodetectors for biosensing applications, Sensor based wireless network.


  • Project Title: Development of Tunable Self-Powered Quantum Dot Based Photodetectors Using Low-Cost Solution Processed Method

Funding Agency:Science and Engineering Research Board (SERB), DST

File Number:SRG/2020/001282

Sanctioned Amount:Thirty lakhs Thirty-Six Thousand Seven Hundred Seventy (Rs. 3036770)

Duration: Two Years

Sanctioned date: 23-Dec-2020

Status: Completed


  • Satyabrata Jitand Hemant Kumar. A Colloidal Quantum Dots (QDs) Based Ion Sensitive Field Effect Transistor. Indian Patent, Application Number 201911049752, December 03, 2019 (Download Patent).


International Journals

  • Varun Goel and Hemant Kumar, " Pyro-Phototronic Aided Self-Powered Photodetector With Hybrid Heterojunction of PQT-12 and CdSe CQDs," IEEE Photonics Technology Letters, vol. 35, no. 17, pp. 911-914, 1 Sept.1, 2023, doi: 10.1109/LPT.2023.3288141. . (I.F: 2.486)
  • Varun Goel and Hemant Kumar, “Highly Efficient Pyro-Phototronic Effect-Assisted Spectrum-Selective Colloidal Quantum Dot-Based Self-Powered Photodetector,” IEEE Transactions on Electron Devices, pp. 1–8, 2022, doi: 10.1109/TED.2022.3212338. (I.F 2.917, Download Article)
  • Varun Goel and Hemant Kumar, “Modified Schottky Contact (Pd/MoOx) Based Filter-Free Spectrum-Selective Self-Powered Photodetector,” IEEE Photonics Technology Letters, vol. 34, no. 23, pp. 1273–1276, Dec. 2022, doi: 10.1109/LPT.2022.3211676. (I.F: 2.486, Download Article).
  • C. Dubey, D. K. Jarwal, Hemant Kumar, Yogesh Kumar, K. Mummaneni, and Gopal Rawat, “Development of Highly Efficient ZnO Nanorod-Based Nontoxic Perovskite Solar Cell Using AZO Buffer Layer and Lanthanide Doping,” IEEE Trans. Electron Devices, vol. 69, no. 2, pp. 622–630, Feb. 2022, doi: 10.1109/TED.2021.3138375. (I.F: 2.917, Download Article).
  • Hemant Kumar, Yogesh Kumar, Bratindranath Mukherjee, Gopal Rawat, Chandan Kumar, Bhola Nath Pal, and Satyabrata Jit. Effects of Optical Resonance on the Performance of Metal (Pd, Au)/CdSe Quantum Dots (QDs)/ ZnO QDs Optical Cavity Based Spectrum Selective Photodiodes. IEEE Transactions on Nanotechnology, 18(1):365-373, 2019, DOI:10.1109/TNANO.2019.2907529. (I.F: 2.857, Download Article

  • Hemant Kumar, Yogesh Kumar, GopalRawat, Chandan Kumar, Bratindranath Mukherjee, BholaNath Pal, and SatyabrataJit. Heating Effects of Colloidal ZnO Quantum Dots (QDs) on ZnO QDs/CdSe QDs/MoOx Photodetectors. IEEE Transactions on Nanotechnology, 16(6):1073-1080, 2017, DOI:10.1109/tnano.2017.2761785. (I.F: 2.485)
  • Hemant Kumar, Yogesh Kumar, GopalRawat, Chandan Kumar, Bratindranath Mukherjee, BholaNath Pal, and SatyabrataJit. Colloidal CdSe Quantum Dots and PQT-12 Based Low-Temperature Self-Powered Hybrid Photodetector. IEEE Photonics Technology Letters, 29(20):1715-1718, 2017, DOI:10.1109/LPT.2017.2746664. (I.F: 2.375)
  • Hemant Kumar, Yogesh Kumar, Bratindranath Mukherjee, GopalRawat, Chandan Kumar, BholaNath Pal, and SatyabrataJit. Electrical and Optical Characteristics of Self- Powered Colloidal CdSe Quantum Dot-Based Photodiode. IEEE Journal of Quantum Electronics, 53(3):1-8, 2017, DOI:10.1109/JQE.2017.2696487. (I.F: 1.917)
  • Hemant Kumar, Yogesh Kumar, Kunal Singh, Sanjay Kumar, GopalRawat, Chandan Kumar, BholaNath Pal, and SatyabrataJit. Kink Effect in TiO2 Embedded ZnO Quantum Dot based Thin Film Transistors. Electronics Letters, 53(4):15–16, 2017, DOI:10.1049/el.2016.3595. (I.F: 1.155)
  • Hemant Kumar, Yogesh Kumar, GopalRawat, Chandan Kumar, Bratindranath Mukherjee, BholaNath Pal, and SatyabrataJit. Electrical and Optical Characteristics of Solution processed MoOx and ZnO QDs Heterojunction. MRS Communications, 7(3), 607-612, 2017 DOI: 10.1557/mrc.2017.68. (I.F: 3.01)
  • Yogesh Kumar, Hemant Kumar, GopalRawat, Chandan Kumar, BholaNath Pal, and SatyabrataJit. Spectrum Selectivity and Responsivity of ZnO Nanoparticles Coated Ag/ZnO QDs/Ag UV Photodetectors. IEEE Photonics Technology Letters, 30(12):1147–1150, 2018, DOI: 10.1109/LPT.2018.2836978. (I.F: 2.375)
  • Yogesh Kumar, Hemant Kumar, GopalRawat, Chandan Kumar, Anand Sharma, BholaNath Pal, and SatyabrataJit. Colloidal ZnO Quantum Dots Based Spectrum Selective Ultraviolet Photodetectors. IEEE Photonics Technology Letters, 29(4):361–364, 2017, DOI:10.1109/LPT.2016.2647321. (I.F: 2.375)
  • GopalRawat, Hemant Kumar, Yogesh Kumar, Chandan Kumar, DivyaSomvanshi, and SatyabrataJit. Effective Richardson Constant of Sol-Gel Derived TiO2 Films in n−TiO2 / p-Si Heterojunctions. IEEE Electron Device Letters, 38(5):633-636, 2017, DOI: 10.1109/LED.2017.2687820. (I.F: 3.048)
  • Yogesh Kumar, Hemant Kumar, Bratindranath Mukherjee, GopalRawat, Chandan Kumar, BholaNath Pal, and SatyabrataJit. Visible-blind Au / ZnO Quantum dots based Highly Sensitive and Spectrum Selective. IEEE Transactions on Electron Devices, 64(7), 2017, DOI:10.1109/TED.2017.2705067. (I.F: 2.605)
  • Chandan Kumar, GopalRawat, Hemant Kumar, Yogesh Kumar, Amit Kumar, Rajiv Parakash, and SatyabrataJit. Electrical and Ammonia Gas Sensing Properties of PQT-12/CdSe Quantum Dots Composite Based Organic Thin Film Transistors. IEEE Sensors Journals, 18(15): 6085-6090, 2018, DOI: 10.1109/JSEN.2018.2845873. (I.F: 2.512)
  • Chandan Kumar, GopalRawat, Hemant Kumar, Yogesh Kumar, Rajiv Parakash, and SatyabrataJit. Electrical and Optical Characteristics of PQT-12 Based Organic TFTs Fabricated by Floating-Film Transfer Method. IEEE Transactions on Nanotechnology, Accepted, 2018, DOI: 10.1109/TNANO.2018.2846230. (I.F: 2.485)
  • Chandan Kumar, GopalRawat, Hemant Kumar, Yogesh Kumar, SmritiRatan, Rajiv Parakash, and SatyabrataJit. Poly (3, 3’’’-dialkylquaterthiophene) Based Flexible Nitrogen Dioxide Gas Sensor. IEEE Sensor Letters, 2(1), 2017, DOI: 10.1109/LSENS.2018.2799851. (I.F: N.A)
  • Shivalini Singh ,Yogesh Kumar, Hemant Kumar, Sumit Vyas, ChinnamuthanPeriasamy, ParthasarathiChakrabarti, SatyabrataJit, and Si-Hyun Park. A Study of Hydrothermally Grown ZnONanorod-Based Metal-Semiconductor-Metal UV Detectors on Glass Substrates. Nanomaterials and Nanotechnology, 7:1-5, 2017, DOI:10.1177/1847980417702144. (I.F: 1.536)
  • GopalRawat, DivyaSomvanshi, Hemant Kumar, Yogesh Kumar, Chandan Kumar, and SatyabrataJit. Ultraviolet Detection Properties of p-Si/n – TiO2Heterojunction Photodiodes Grown by Electron-Beam Evaporation and Sol-Gel Methods: A Comparative Study. IEEE Transactions on Nanotechnology, 15(2):193–200, 2016, DOI:10.1109/TNANO.2015.2512565. (I.F: 2.485)
  • Shivalini Singh ,Pramod Kumar Tiwari, Hemant Kumar, Yogesh Kumar, GopalRawat, Sanjay Kumar, Kunal Singh, EktaGoel, S Jit, and Si-Hyun Park. Theoretical and Experimental Study of UV Detection Characteristics of Pd/ZnONanorod Schottky Diodes. Nano, 12:1750137(8), 2017, DOI: 10.1142/s1793292017501375. (I.F: 1.025)
  • Chandan Kumar, GopalRawat, Hemant Kumar, Yogesh Kumar, Rajiv Prakash, and SatyabrataJit. Electrical and Ammonia Gas Sensing Properties of Poly ( 3 , 3”’ – dialkylquaterthiophene ) Based Organic Thin Film Transistors Fabricated by Floating-Film Transfer Method. Organic Electronics, 48:53-60, 2017, DOI:10.1016/j.orgel.2017.05.040. (I.F: 3.399)
  • Chandan Kumar, GopalRawat, Hemant Kumar, Yogesh Kumar, Rajiv Prakash, and SatyabrataJit. Flexible poly (3, 3”’- dialkylquaterthiophene) based interdigitated metal-semiconductor-metal ammonia gas sensor. Sensors & Actuators: B. Chemical 255(part 1):203–209, 2017,DOI: (I.F: 5.401)
  • GopalRawat, DivyaSomvanshi, Yogesh Kumar, Hemant Kumar, Chandan Kumar, and SatyabrataJit. Electrical and Ultraviolet-A Detection Properties of E-Beam Evaporated n−TiO2 Capped p-Si Nanowires Heterojunction Photodiodes. IEEE Transactions on Nanotechnology, 16(1):49–57, 2017, DOI:10.1109/TNANO.2016.2626795. (I.F: 2.485)
  • GopalSankar, PiyaliMaity, Yogesh Kumar, Hemant Kumar, Vinod K Gangwar, SandipChaterjee, SatyabrataJit, Anup K Ghosh, and Bhola N. Pal. Single Quantum Dot Rectifying Diode With Tunable Threshold Voltage. RSC-Journal of Materials Chemistry C, 5(37):9792-9798, DOI: 10.1039/C7TC02537H (I.F: 5.256)
  • Kunal Singh, Sanjay Kumar, EktaGoel, Balraj Singh, Prince Kumar Singh, KamlakshBaral, Hemant Kumar, and SatyabrataJit. Effects of Source/Drain Elevation and Side Spacer Dielectric on Drivability Performance of Non- Abrupt Ultra Shallow Junction Gate Underlap GAA MOSFETs. Indian Journal of Physics,92(2):171-176, 2018, DOI: 10.1007/s12648-017-1091-2 (I.F: 0.988)

Book Chapters

  • Varun Goel and Hemant Kumar, “Self-Powered Photodetectors: Fundamentals and Recent Advancements,” Nanoelectronics Devices: Design, Materials, and Applications (Part I). BENTHAM SCIENCE PUBLISHERS, pp. 256–291, Oct. 29, 2023. doi: 10.2174/9789815136623123010013
  • Hemant Kumar and Satyabrata Jit, “Self-Powered Photodetector,” Handbook of II-VI Semiconductor-Based Sensors and Radiation Detectors. Springer International Publishing, pp. 495–515, 2023. doi: 10.1007/978-3-031-20510-1_21.
  • Hemant Kumar and Satyabrata Jit, “CdSe – Based Photodetectors for Visible-NIR Spectral Region,” Handbook of II-VI Semiconductor-Based Sensors and Radiation Detectors. Springer International Publishing, pp. 231–250, 2023. doi: 10.1007/978-3-031-20510-1_10.
  • Yogesh Kumar, Hemant Kumar, Gopal Rawat, Chandan Kumar, Varun Goel, Bhola Nath Pal and Satyabrata Jit., “Fabrication and Characterization of Photojunction Field-Effect Transistor,” Lecture Notes in Electrical Engineering. Springer Singapore, pp. 553–558, Nov. 20, 2018. doi: 10.1007/978-981-13-2553-3_53.

International Conferences


  • Varun Goel, Yogesh Kumar, and Hemant Kumar, “Optical Analysis of TiO2 and MoO3 based Optoelectronic Devices using Solcore,” in 2023 9th International Conference on Signal Processing and Communication (ICSC), Dec. 2023, (in press)
  • Tejas Kumar, Yogesh Kumar, Hemant Kumar, Varun Goel and Gopal Rawat, “Temperature Dependent Analysis of ZnO Qd Photodetectors,” in 2023 9th International Conference on Signal Processing and Communication (ICSC), Dec. 2023 (in press)
  • Tejas Kumar, Yogesh Kumar, Varun Goel and Hemant Kumar, “Time-Dependent Study of Solution-Processed Low-Cost ZnO QDs and NRA-based UV Photodetector,” 2023 International Conference on Communication, Circuits, and Systems (IC3S), BHUBANESWAR, India, 2023, pp. 1-3. doi: 10.1109/IC3S57698.2023.10169709.
  • Varun Goel and Hemant Kumar, "Study of Pyro-phototronic Effect in ITO/PQT-12 /CdSe QDs/Au based Self-Powered Photodetector," 2023 International Conference on Recent Advances in Electrical, Electronics & Digital Healthcare Technologies (REEDCON), New Delhi, India, 2023, pp. 47-49, doi: 10.1109/REEDCON57544.2023.10151153.
  • Varun Goel, Yogesh Kumar and Hemant Kumar, “A Simulation Based Study and Optimization of CdTe/ZnO/ITO Based Device for Self-Powered Photodetector Perspective,” in 7th International Conference on Signal Processing and Communication (ICSC), 2021, pp. 282-285. oral, Online (IEEE)
  • Varun Goel and Hemant Kumar, “Effect of Electrodes on Generation Rate of CdTe and PbSe Based Optoelectronic Devices,” in 6th International Conference on Signal Processing and Communication (ICSC), 2020, vol. 128, pp. 243–247. oral, Online (IEEE) (Download Article)
  • Y. Kumar, H. Kumar, G. Rawat, B.N. Pal, and S. Jit “Mg Doping Effects on Optical and Electrical Properties of Solution-Processed ZnO Quantum Dots Based Thin Film Devices,” in 6th International Conference on Signal Processing and Communication (ICSC), 2020, vol. 128, pp. 240–242. oral, Online (IEEE) (Download Article)
  • H. Kumar, Y. Kumar, G. Rawat, C. Kumar, B. N. Pal, and S. Jit, “Electrical and Optical Characteristics of MoOx/ZnO Based Thin Film Photodetector,” 5th Int. Conf. Signal Process. Commun. ICSC 2019, vol. 128, pp. 304–306, 2019. oral, Online (IEEE) (Download Article)
  • Yogesh Kumar, Hemant Kumar, Gopal Rawat, Chandan Kumar, Varun Goel, Bhola N Pal, S Jit. Fabrication and Characterization of Photojunction Field-Effect Transistor. In ICSC-2018, Noida, published in book Advances in Signal Processing and Communication, Springer, pages 553–558, 2018. oral, Online (Springer) (Download Article)
  • Hemant Kumar, Yogesh Kumar, GopalRawat, Chandan Kumar, Bratindranath Mukherjee, BholaNath Pal, and SatyabrataJit. Solution processed MoO2 and ZnOHeterojunction Electrical and Optical Characteristics. MRS Spring Meeting, Phoenix, Arizona, 2017, poster.
  • Hemant Kumar, Yogesh Kumar, GopalRawat, Chandan Kumar, Bratindranath Mukherjee, BholaNath Pal, and SatyabrataJit. Effect of Electrode on Spectrum Selectivity and Photoresponse of the Colloidal-QD Based Schottky Photodiode. MRS Fall Meeting, Boston, Massachusetts, 2017, oral.
  • Hemant Kumar, Yogesh Kumar, GopalRawat, Chandan Kumar, Bhola N Pal, and SatyabrataJit. Optical Characteristics of Solution Processed MoO2 / ZnO Quantum Dots based Thin Film Transitor. In IEEE-iNiS, pages 210–213, Gwalior, India, 2016. IEEE Computer Society, oral.
  • Hemant Kumar, Yogesh Kumar, GopalRawat, Chandan Kumar, Bhola N Pal, and SatyabrataJit. Electrical and Optical Characteristics of CdSe Quantum Dot based Schottky Diode. In IEEE-ICIIS, pages 365–368, Roorkee, India, 2016, oral.
  • Hemant Kumar, Yogesh Kumar, GopalRawat, Kunal Singh, Bhoal N Pal, and SatyabrataJit. Kink Effect in TiO2 Embedded ZnO based TFT. In IWPSD, pages 12–14, 2015, poster.
  • Hemant Kumar, Yogesh Kumar, GopalRawat, Kunal Singh, Bhola N Pal, and S Jit. Ultra-Violet Detection Characteristics of MoO2 / ZnO based Thin Film Sensor Grown on Al2O3 / p-Si Substrates. In CDAMOP, pages 8–11, 2015, poster.
  • Yogesh Kumar, Hemant Kumar, GopalRawat, Chandan Kumar, Bhola N Pal, S Jit, and A Zno Quantum. Electrical and optical characteristics of Pd / ZnO Quantum dots based Schottky Photodiode on n-Si. In IEEE-iNIS, pages 365–368, Gwalior, India, 2016. IEEE Computer Society, oral.
  • Yogesh Kumar, Hemant Kumar, GopalRawat, Kunal Singh, Bhola N Pal, and S Jit. Optical Characterization of Sol-Gel deposited Zinc Oxide Thin Film. In CDAMOP, pages 1–4, 2015, poster.
  • GopalRawat, Hemant Kumar, Yogesh Kumar, Chandan Kumar, DivyaSomvanshi, and SatyabrataJit. Structural and Optical Characteristics of n – TiO2 Thin Films by Sol-Gel Method. In IEEE Indicon, pages 0–3. IEEE, 2015, oral.
  • Yogesh Kumar, Hemant Kumar, GopalRawat, Chandan Kumar, Bratindranath Mukherjee, BholaNath Pal, and SatyabrataJit. Mg Doping Effects on Optical and Electrical Properties of Solution-Processed ZnO Quantum Dots Based Thin Film Devices. MRS Spring Meeting, Phoenix, Arizona, 2017, poster.
  • C. Kumar, G. Rawat, H. Kumar, Y. Kumar, R. Prakash, and S. Jit, “Photoresponse in Poly (3, 3’’’-dialkylquarterthiophene) Based Metal-Semiconductor-Metal Structure,” in Optics & Photonics Taiwan, the International Conference (OPTIC 2016), Taiwan 2016, pp. 1–2, poster.
  • C. Kumar, G. Rawat, H. Kumar, Y. Kumar, R. Prakash, and S. Jit, “Poly (3, 3’’’- dialkylquaterthiophene) Based Organic Thin Film Transistor Under Green Light Illumination”, 2017 IEEE Nanotechnology Materials and Devices Conference (NMDC), Singapore, 2017, pp. 1-2, oral.

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Awards and Recognition:

  • Gold Medal, For Project Titled “Colloidal Quantum Dots based Devices”, IIT(BHU), Varanasi
  • Journal Cover-letter, IEEE Journal of Quantum Electronics, Vol 53, Issue 3 For article titled “Electrical and Optical Characteristics of Self- Powered Colloidal CdSe Quantum Dot-Based Photodiode”, IEEE Photonics Society
  • Gold Medal, awarded for inter and intra college sports festivals in “Football and Volleyball”, IIIT Gwalior