Ph.D. in Particle Physics phenomenology
Dr. Indrani Chakraborty is currently an Assistant Professor (Senior Grade) in Jaypee Institute of Information Technology, Sector-62 Noida. She obtained her B.Sc. (Honours) (2006-2009) and M.Sc. degree (2009-2011) in Physics from University of Calcutta, Kolkata. She completed her Ph.D. in Particle Physics phenomenology from University of Calcutta, Kolkata in 2017. After submitting thesis, she was a post doctoral fellow at Harish-Chandra Research Institute, Allahabad (2016-2018). Prior to joining JIIT, she was a DST INSPIRE Faculty at Indian Institute of Technology Kanpur from 2018. She has guided a Ph.D. student at IIT Kanpur during her INSPIRE Faculty tenure. Her research interest spans a broad area in particle physics, in particular, model building and phenomenological aspects of beyond Standard Model (BSM) physics, collider physics, electroweak vacuum stability in the Standard Model (SM) and beyond, electroweak one-loop computations, dark matter phenomenology, cosmology, leptogenesis, possible solutions to the muon anomaly and searching for gravitational wave signatures.
- Nominated for National Merit Scholarship in 10th (rank: 46) and 12th standard in 2004 and 2006 respectively with 90.7 % and 91 % marks.
- Obtained highest marks in Bethune Collegiate School in 2006
- Mohit Bala Prize awarded for the highest proficiency in the higher secondary exam from Bethune Collegiate School and continuing studies in Bethune College in 2007
- Gwalior Medal Awarded for the Higher Secondary Exam from Bethune Collegiate School in 2007
- Chameli Bose Memorial Prize for highest proficiency in the B.Sc. Part II Exam 2008
- Secured 1st position in Bethune College in B.Sc. Examination, 2009.
- Secured 3rd position in B.Sc. Examination in University of Calcutta, 2009 (77.37 %).
- Secured 2nd position in M.Sc. Examination in University of Calcutta, 2011 (79.7 %).
- Mukul Basu Memorial Scholarship in 2011 for securing 2nd Rank in M.Sc.
- National Eligibility Test (NET) (CSIR); All India Rank : 40, 2011
- Graduate Aptitude Test in Engineering (GATE); All India Rank : 118, 2011
- Qualified Joint Entrance Screening Test (JEST), 2011
- Received post doctoral fellowship from Harish-Chandra Research Institute (HRI), Allahabad in 2016
- Awarded DST INSPIRE faculty award by Department of Science and Technology (DST) in 2018
- Indrani Chakraborty, Himadri Roy, Tripurari Srivastava; “Searches for heavy neutrinos at multi-TeV muon collider : a resonant leptogenesis perspective”; The European Physical Journal C 83, 280 (2023)
- Nabarun Chakrabarty, Indrani Chakraborty; “Muon g − 2 in a 2HDM assisted by inert scalars: probing at the ILC”; Physical Review D 107 (2023) 7, 075013
- Nabarun Chakrabarty, Indrani Chakraborty, “Flavour-alignment in an S3-symmetric Higgs sector and its RG-behaviour”; Chinese Physics C 46 (2022) 12, 123102
- Indrani Chakraborty, Dilip Kumar Ghosh, Nivedita Ghosh, Santosh Kumar Rai; “Signals for vector-like leptons in a S3-symmetric 2HDM at ILC”; The European Physical Journal C 82 (2022) 6, 538
- Indrani Chakraborty, Himadri Roy, Tripurari Srivastava; “Resonant leptogenesis in (2,2) inverse see-saw realisation”; Nuclear Physics B 979 (2022) 115780
- Indrani Chakraborty, Dilip Kumar Ghosh, Nivedita Ghosh, Santosh Kumar Rai; “Dark Matter and Collider Searches in S3-Symmetric 2HDM with Vector Like Lepton”; The European Physical Journal C 81 (2021) 7, 679
- Amit Adhikary, Nabarun Chakrabarty, Indrani Chakraborty, Jayita Lahiri; “Probing the H±W∓Z interaction at the high energy upgrade of the LHC”; The European Physical Journal C 81 (2021) 6, 554
- Rahool Kumar Barman, Biplob Bhattacherjee, Indrani Chakraborty, Arghya Choudhury, Najimuddin Khan; “Electroweakino searches at the HL-LHC in the baryon number violating MSSM”; Physical Review D 103 (2021) 1, 015003
- Nabarun Chakrabarty, Indrani Chakraborty, Dilip Kumar Ghosh; “Fingerprinting the contribution of colored scalars to the H+W−Z(γ) vertex”; The European Physical Journal C 80 (2020) 12, 1120
- Indrani Chakraborty, Himadri Roy ; “Type-I thermal leptogenesis in Z3-symmetric three Higgs doublet model”; The European Physical Journal C 80 (2020) 11, 1038
- Nabarun Chakrabarty , Indrani Chakraborty; “On the Higgs mass fine-tuning problem with multi-Higgs doublet models”; International Journal of Modern Physics A 34 (2019) 05, 1950025
- Indrani Chakraborty , Subhadeep Mondal and Biswarup Mukhopadhyaya ; “Lepton Flavour violating Higgs decay at e +e − colliders”, Physical Review D 96, 115020 (2017)
- Indrani Chakraborty, Anirban Kundu, Amitava Datta;“Lepton flavor violating Higgs boson decay h → µτ at the ILC”; Journal of Physics G43 (2016) no.12, 125001
- Indrani Chakraborty, Anirban Kundu; “Diphoton excess at 750 GeV: Singlet scalars confront triviality”; Physical Review D 93, 055003 (2016)
- Indrani Chakraborty, Anirban Kundu; “Scalar potential of two-Higgs doublet models”; Physical Review D 92, 095023 (2015)
- Indrani Chakraborty, Anirban Kundu;“Naturalness Problem : Off the Beaten track”; Pramana Journal of Physics 87 (2016) no.3, 38
- Indrani Chakraborty, Anirban Kundu; “Two Higgs doublet models confront the naturalness problem”; Physical Review D 90, 115017 (2014)
- Indrani Chakraborty, Anirban Kundu; “Triplet extended scalar sector and naturalness problem”; Physical Review D 89, 095032 (2014)
- Indrani Chakraborty, Anirban Kundu;“Controlling the fine-tuning problem with singlet scalar dark matter”; Physical Review D 87, 055015 (2013)
- Gautam Bhattacharyya, Indrani Chakraborty, Dilip Kumar Ghosh, Tapoja Jha, Gourab Saha; “Searching for exotic Higgs bosons from top quark decays at the HLLHC”; arxiv : 2212.09061 [hep-ph]
- Nabarun Chakrabarty, Indrani Chakraborty, Dilip Kumar Ghosh, Gourab Saha; “The muon g − 2 and W -mass anomalies and colored scalars ”; arxiv : 2212.14458 [hep-ph]
- SERC preparatory school at North Bengal University, India in 2012. Attended preparatory courses in Group theory, Quantum Field theory, Particle Physics, Statistical methods and General theory of Relativity.
- Frontiers of High Energy Physics (FHEP) IMSc Golden Jubilee Symposium at IMSC Chennai in 2012, India.
- Workshop SANGAM at Harish-Chandra Research Institute, Allahabad, India in March 2013.
- Attended courses in Supersymmetry algebra, Supersymmetry phenomenology, Electroweak symmetry breaking and AdS-CFT.
- Academic visit to Jamiya Millia Islamiya, Delhi, India in March 2014. • Workshop SANGAM at Harish-Chandra Research Institute, Allahabad, India in March 2014.
- Workshop at Kalyani University in 2014, India. (presented talk)
- Oral presentation in the Young Physicists Colloquium (YPC) at Saha Institute of Nuclear Physics, Kolkata, India in 2014.
- Poster presentation in the Asia Europe Pacific School of High-Energy Physics (AEPSHEP) International school in Puri, India in 2014.
- XXIX THEP SERC MAIN SCHOOL BITS Pilani Goa, India in 2014-2015. Attended courses in Flavour Physics, Wilsonian Renormalization Group and Effective Field Theory, Applications of Effective Field Theory and Introduction to Anomalies in QFT.
- Workshop LHC and Dark Matter (LHCDM) at Indian Association for the Cultivation of Science, Kolkata, India in February 2015.
- Academic visit to Harish-Chandra Research Institute, India in 2015. (presented talk)
- Oral presentation in the Indo-French Network (INFRE-HEPNET) Kick Off Meeting, Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore, India in May 2016.
- Academic visit and Oral presentation at Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore, India in May 2016.
- Oral presentation in the workshop Looking for BSM Physics, Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore, India in December 2016.
- Workshop on collider Physics in IIT Guwahati, India in March 2017.
- Academic visit and Oral presentation at Indian Association for the Cultivation of Science, Kolkata, India in October 2017.
- Academic visit to Indian Association for the Cultivation of Science, Kolkata, India in December 2018.
- Academic visit and Oral presentation at Harish-Chandra Research Institute, Allahabad, India in February 2019.
- Academic visit at National Center for Theoretical Sciences, Physics Division, Hsinchu, Taiwan in June 2019.
- Workshop on High Energy Physics Phenomenology (WHEPP) XVI at IIT Guwahati, India in December 2019.
- Oral presentation in zoom platform organised jointly by Rice University USA and IIT Kanpur, India in July 2020.
- Virtual School On Flavor Structure of the Standard Model in online Zoom platform in August-September 2021.
- Invited talk at at International Meeting on High Energy Physics at Institute of Physics, Bhubaneswar in February 2023.
- Invited talk at at FRONTIERS IN PARTICLE PHYSICS 2023 at Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore in March 2023.
- Virtual School On Flavor Structure of the Standard Model in online Zoom platform in August-September 2021.
- INSPIRE Faculty grant received in 2018, sponsored by Department of Science and Technology (DST), Grant amount : Rs. 3500000 for 5 years