Assistant Professor (Senior Grade)
- M.Tech, PhD (PDPMIIITDM, Jabalpur)
Teaching Experience : 10 years
1.5 year (Pre-PhD),
6.5 year (Post-PhD),
2 year (Teaching during Research)
Research Experience : 6 years
6 years (During PhD and M.Tech)
- Assistant Professor ECE Department JIIT, Noida (24 July 2017-Present)
- Lecturer ECE Department NIT Hamirpur (25 July 2016-21 July 2017)
- Assistant Professor ECE Department, SRIT, Jabalpur (04 Sep. 2015-18 July 2016)
- Lecturer ECE Department GGITS, Jabalpur (18 Sep 2008- 25 July 2009).
Interest Area (s)
Digital Signal Processing (DSP),MultirateDSP, Multirate Filter Bank Design, Optimization, Biomedical Signal Processing, Image Processing, Fractional Calculus, Neural Network, Soft Computing, Machine Learning.PROFESSIONAL MEMBERSHIP
- Professional Member of IEEE.
- Member of International Association of Computer Science and Information Technology (IACSIT), Singapore
SCI Journals
- Nikhil Agrawal, Anil Kumar, B. Kuldeep, S. Lee, H. N. Lee, “Weighted Least Square Design Technique for Hilbert Transformer using Fractional Derivative” Signal, Image and Video Processing, Springer, vol. 15(7), pp. 1461-1468. 2021. (SCI, Impact Factor:2.157)
- B Kuldeep, VK Singh, A Kumar, GK Singh, Design of two-channel filter bank using nature inspired optimization based fractional derivative constraints, ISA transactions, vol. 54, pp.101–116, 2015 (SCI; Impact Factor: 4.305; Citation: 49)
- B. Kuldeep, A. Kumar and G. K. Singh, Hybrid Method for Designing Digital FIR Filters based on Fractional Derivative Constraints, ISA Transactions, vol. 58, pp. 493-508. 2015 (SCI; Impact Factor: 4.305; Citation: 25).
- A Kumar, B Kuldeep, Design of M-channel cosine modulated filter bank using modified Exponential window, Journal of the Franklin Institute vol. 349 (3), pp. 1304-1315, 2012 (SCI; Impact Factor: 4.036; Citation: 34)
- B. Kuldeep, A. Kumar and G. K. Singh, Design of Quadrature Mirror Filter Bank using Lagrange Multiplier Method Based on Fractional Derivative Constraints, Engineering Science and Technology, an International Journal, vol.18 (2), pp. 235–243, 2015. (SCI; Impact Factor: 3.219; Citation: 20)
- Ila Sharma, B. Kuldeep, Anil Kumar, V. K. Singh, Performance of Swarm Based Optimization Techniques for Designing Digital FIR Filter: A Comparative Study, Engineering Science and Technology, an International Journal, vol. 19(3), pp. 1564–1572, 2016. (SCI; Impact Factor: 3.219; Citation: 23)
- KuldeepBaderia, Anil Kumar, and Girish Kumar Singh, Design of Quadrature Mirror Filter Bank using Polyphase Components based on Optimal Fractional Derivative Constraints, International Journal of Electronics and Communications, AEU, vol. 69 (9), pp. 1254-1264, 2015.(SCI; Impact Factor: 2.924; Citation: 19)
- B. Kuldeep, A. Kumar, and G. K. Singh, Design of Multi-Channel Cosine Modulated Filter Bank Based on Fractional Derivative Constraints using Cuckoo Search Algorithm, Circuits, Systems, and Signal Processing, vol.34(10), pp. 3325-3351, 2015(SCI; Impact Factor: 1.681; Citation: 28)
- A. Kumar,B. Kuldeep, G. K. Singh,H. N. Lee,“An Improved Design Method based on Polyphase Components for Digital FIR Filters,” International Journal of Electronics (Taylor & Francis, in Press), http://dx.doi.org/10.1080/00207217.2017.1329950, 2017.(SCI; Impact Factor: 1.004; Citation: 01).
Non-SCI Journals
- A Kumar, GK Singh, B Kuldeep, An Improved and Simplified Approach for Designing Cosine Modulated Filter Bank Using Window Technique, Journal of Mathematical Modelling and Algorithms vol. 10 (3), pp. 213-226, 2011(Scopus cited; Citation: 20)
- A Kumar, B Kuldeep, Design of cosine modulated pseudo QMF bank using modified Dolph–Chebyshev window, International Journal of Signal and Imaging Systems Engineering vol. 7 (2), pp. 126-133, 2014(Scopus cited; Citation: 05)
- A Kumar, B Kuldeep, RK Panday, An Efficient Constrained Optimisation Method for Designing Two-Channel Quadrature Mirror Filter Banks, Indian Journal of Industrial and Applied Mathematics, vol. 4 (1a), pp. 81-87, 2013(Google Scholar cited)
Conference papers/book chapters/other(s)
Book Chapters
- A. Kumar, B. Kuldeep, I. Sharma, G. K. Singh, and Heung No Lee, ‘Advances in MultirateFilterbanks: A Research Survey’, Advances in Multirate Systems, Springer-Verlag, 35-37, 2018. ( Scopus cited, Citation: 04)
- B. Kuldeep, A. Kumar, G. K. Singh, and Heung No Lee, “Design of Multi-channel Filterbank using Minor Component Analysis and Fractional Derivative Constraints”, Advances in Multirate Systems, Springer-Verlag, 83-118, 2018( Scopus cited, Citation: 02)
- A. Kumar, KuldeepBaderia, G. K. Singh, S. Lee, and H.-N. Lee, An Improved Design Technique of Digital Finite Impulse Response Filter for Notch Filtering, Advances in Signal Processing and Communication. Lecture Notes in Electrical Engineering, vol 526. Springer, Singapore. ( Scopus cited, Citation: 1)
- Om Navin, Gautam Kumar, Nirmal Kumar, KuldeepBaderia, Ranjeet Kumar, Anil Kumar, R-peaks Detection using Shannon Energy for HRV Analysis, Advances in Signal Processing and Communication. Lecture Notes in Electrical Engineering, vol 526. Springer, Singapore ( Scopus cited, Citation: 2)
International Conference
- B. Kuldeep, A. Kumar and G. K. Singh, Design of Multi-Channel Filter Bank using ABC Optimized Fractional Derivative Constraints, IEEE Conference on Communication and Signal Processing (ICCSP), 2015, pp. 492-496, April 2-4, 2015.( Scopus cited, Citation: 11)
- B. Kuldeep, A. Kumar and G. K. Singh, PSO based Optimized Fractional Derivative Constraints for Designing M-channel Filter Bank, IEEE Conference on Signal Processing Computing and Control (ISPCC), pp. 140-144, 24-26 Sept. 2015. (Scopus cited, Citation: 07)
- KuldeepBaderia, Anil Kumar and Girish Kumar. Singh, An Improved Method for Designing Cosine Modulated Filter Bank Using Polyphase Components, IEEE conference on Signal Processing & Integrated Networks (SPIN), pp. 9-13, 11-12 Feb. 2016.(Scopus cited, Citation: 07)
- Santhos Kumar A., A. Kumar, V. Bajaj, G. K. Singh and B. Kuldeep, A Fuzzy Min-Max Neural Network based Classification of Histopathology Images, IEEE Conference onSignal Processing and Communication (ICSC), 7-9 March, 2019. (Scopus cited, Citation: 1)
- A. Kumar, B.Kuldeep, Comparative Performance of Modified Window Functions for Designing Two-Channel Filter Bank, International Conference on Machine Learning and Computing, Singapore, 3, 460-465, 26-28 Feb 2011.
Reviewer in Journal and Conferences
- IEEE Transactions on Emerging Topics in Computational Intelligence
- CSSP, Springer
- Arabian Journal for Science and Engineering, Springer
- Applied Acoustics, Elsevier
- International Journal of electronics, Taylor & Francis.
- International Journal of Circuit Theory and Applications, Wiley.
- IET Circuits, Devices & Systems
- IETE Journal of Research, Taylor & Francis
- International Journal of Signal and Imaging Systems Engineering(IJSISE), Inderscience.
- Biomedical Engineering Letters, Springer
- Current Medical Imaging Reviews(Bentham Science)
- Journal of Integrative Neuroscience
- Indian Journal of Science and Technology (Indjst)
- SciTechnol Journal
- ICSPVCE 2019
- International Conference on Signal Processing and Communication (ICSC-2018)
- International Conference on Signal Processing and Communication (ICSC-2019)
- International Conference on Advance in Computing, Communication and Control (ICAC3), 2011.
Workshop, FDP and Seminars
- Participated in the One Week FDP on “ Machine Learning (ML) and its Applications” organized by department of ECE during 28 March to 01 April 2022, CVR College of Engineering, Hyderabad, Telangana.
- Participated in the One Week FDP on “Advancement in Wireless Communication Technologies” organized by department of ECE during 21 March to 25March 2022, CVR College of Engineering, Hyderabad, Telangana.
- Participated in the TEQIP-III sponsored One Week Online Faculty Development Program on “Machine Learning in Digital Image Processing” organized by Department of Computer Science and Engineering Govind Ballabh Pant Institute of Engineering & Technology Pauri Garhwal, Uttarakhand on January 04th to 08th, 2021.
- Expert Lecture delivered in FDP on “Research Trends in Communication and Signal Processing,” Organized by ECE department NIT Jalandhar, 21 Dec 2020.
- AttendTEQIP-III sponsored an International FDP on “Multidisciplinary Research Innovation in Engineering, Science and Technology for Sustainable Development” organized by Computer Science and Engineering Department, BipinTripathiKumaon Institute of Technology DwarahatAlmora (Uttarakhand), INDIA on October 26- November 7, 2020.
- Attend FDP on “Artificial Intelligence andMachine Learning Using Python”organized by ECE department JIIT Noida, 10th August to 15th August 2020.
- Expert Lecture delivered on “Multirate Digital Signal Processing” organized by Rajive Gandhi ProudyogikiVishwavidyalaya Bhopal under TEQIP-III on 31 July 2020.
- Attend FDP on “Competency Development Programme on Research Methodology and Data Analysis ” organized by Jaypee Business School, Noida, July 27‐31, 2020.
- Attend FDP on “Technology Computer Aided Design: Simulation for VLSI Devices, Circuits and Systems”organized by ECE department JIIT Noida, 20th July to25th July 2020.
- Attend AICTE(QIP) Sponsored Short Term Course on EMERGING TRENDS OF SIGNAL AND IMAGE PROCESSING,organized by ECE department PDPMIIITDM Jabalpur, Feb 21-25-2020.
- Attend FDP on “ Advances in Network Modeling and Optimization Technique” organized by CSE department JIIT Noida, 3rd June to 8th June, 2019 .
- Attend Workshop on Recent Trends in Nanotechnology: Devices and Materials Perspectiveby ECE DepartmentJIIT Noidaon February15 -16, 2019
- Attend Workshop on AI and IoT: Lead the Age of Sensor Technology” organized by ECEDepartmentJIIT Noidaon December 17 -18, 2018
- Attend Workshop on Contemporary Physics: Light Phenomenon and Applications” organized by PhysicsDepartmentJIIT Noidaon December 11 -12, 2018
- Attend Workshop on “Current Aspects of Research Evaluation and Plagiarism”organized by Math DepartmentJIIT Noidaon November 30- December 01, 2018.
- Attend Workshop on “Design and Simulation of Microwave Devices and Circuits” organized by ECE department JIIT Noida, 7th-8th Sept. 2018.
- Expert lecture delivered in FDP“RecentTrends in Signal processing, Microelectronics and Microwave” organized by ECE department JIIT Noida, 5-11 July 2018.
- Attend Workshop on “Communication System and Signal processing” organized by ECE department JIIT Noida, 1-2 September 2017.
- Attend Seminar on “ Quality Technical Education- Teaching & Research” organized by NIT Hamirpur, 12-13 June 2017.
- Attend Workshop on “Wavelets and its Apllication” organized by PDPMIIITDM, Jabalpur, 13-15 July 2012.
- Attend Workshop on “Deployment and use of NPTEL Courses” organized by jointly IIT Kanpur and PDPMIIITDM, Jabalpur, 31 March to 1 April 2012.
- Attend Workshop on “Wireless Communication and Next Generation Networks” organized byBSNL, Jabalpur, 30 Dec 2009 to 05 Jan 2010.
- 286 citations in International Journals and Conferences (http://scholar.google.co.in/citations?user=P3OLHHUAAAAJ&hl=en).
- Ministry of Human Resource Development (MHRD) scholarship during PhD at IIIT Jabalpur.
- Design and Manufacturing Proficiency Award (ECE) in M.TECH for best M. TECH thesis in ECE.
- Selected in JENESYS (Japan-East Asia Network of Exchange for Students and Youths) during 2009-10 and visit various companies and Universities and colleges in Japan.
- Ministry of Human Resource Development (MHRD) scholarship during M.Tech at IIIT Jabalpur.
- TPC member in International Conference on Signal Processing and Communication (ICSC), JIIT, Noida, 25-27 November, 2021.
- TPC member in International Conference on Signal Processing and Communication (ICSC), JIIT, Noida, 21-23 March, 2018.
- TPC member in International Conference on Signal Processing and Communication (ICSC), JIIT, Noida, 7-9 March, 2019.
- TPC member in International Conference on Signal Processing and Communication (ICSC), JIIT, Noida, 5-7March, 2020.