Assistant Professor (Grade-II)
- Ph.D, Department of Political Science, University of Delhi (2021)
- M.Phil.,Department of Political Science, University of Delhi (2015)
- M.A. (Political Science), Centre for Political Studies/School of Social Sciences, JNU (2013)
- B.A. (Hons.) Political Science, Kamala Nehru College, University of Delhi (2011)
Work Experience
- Assistant Professor, School of Humanities & Social Sciences, Sharda University (July 2022- May 2022)
Interest Area(s)
- Political Philosophy, Political Theory, Gender Studies
- Nasreen Chowdhory, Sabur Ali M., Ramneet Kaur, Meghna Kajla, Namreeta Kumari, Bipin Tiwari and Saba Isha (2022). Gendering Migration: Evaluating Empowerment of Single Migrant Women, Social Change, Vol. 52, Issue 1
- Kumari Namreeta (2022). The Facilitators and the Reproductive Laborers of the Indian Gestational Surrogacy Market. Ed. Nasreen Chowdhory & Paula Banerjee, Gender Identity & Migration in India. Palgrave Macmilan.
- Kumari, Namreeta (2016). A Gaze Devoid of Dignity, Social Action, Vol.66, Issue1, 20016, RNI No. 1166/57.
Attended/Abstract published in conferences:
- Surrogacy: The Garb of Empowerment’, Paper presented at IIC, Lodhi Road in Walking the Talk: Feminist Reflections on International Practices, 10th-11th April, 2017, organized by South Asian University in collaboration with International Journal of Feminist Research (IFJP).
- ‘Surrogacy: Laboring Motherhood’, Paper presented at Department of Political Science, University of Delhi in Five Day National Workshop on Feminist Methodologies, 18th -22nd September 2017.
- ‘Asserting Dignity in the “Undignified Work”: The Indian Gestational Surrogacy Market’, Paper presented at LSA 2019 Annual Meeting at Washington DC, May 30th- June 2nd 2019.