Dr Nibha is a passionate health communicator, health communication researcher, media educator, media researcher, professional communicator, and journalist. She has 23 years of teaching, research, and journalism experience. An alumnus of Patna Women’s College (Patna University) and Indian Institute of Mass Communication, Delhi, she has worked with renowned newspapers and magazines including National Hindi Daily Dainik Jagran and Samsayiki Mahasagar. She has wide experience teaching in Delhi- NCR colleges and universities including the Indian Institute of Mass Communication, Delhi, Hansraj College (Delhi University), Makhana Lal Chaturvedi Patrakarita University (Noida Campus), Asian School of Media Studies, Mass Media, and various other Institutes. She has conducted several research and health awareness workshops. She has also worked as research head of Bihar Bihar-based non-profit organization, Nag Jagriti. She is a Published author of Scopus and Web of Science Journals. She is an advisory board member of the US-based Journal. She is the recipient of the International Youth Entrepreneurship Award 2021.
Educational Qualifications
- Ph.D. in Health Communication
- M. Phil in Mass Communication
- Masters in Mass Communication,
- Bachelor of Arts with specialization in Psychology
- PG Diploma in Journalism
- PG Diploma in Human Rights
- NET Qualified in Mass Communication
Work Experience
23 years in Academia, Research, and Media Industry.
Interest Area(s)
Area of Interest: Health communication, Media Research, Social Media Research, Professional Communication, Development Communication, Gender-related Communication
Research Publications
- Sinha N, “Prospects of Traditional Media for Green Communication & Sustainable Development: A Case Study of One Selected NGO of Bihar” Communication Today, Vol.27 (4), Oct-Dec 2023, ISSN: 0975-217X
- Sinha N, Ujjain M, Understanding Health Awareness through Social Media: A Study of Hindi YouTube Videos on Breast Cancer”, Communicator, Vol. LVIII (3), July-Sep 2023 (UGC Care Indexed), ISSN: 0588-8093
- Sinha N., Sharma A., “Breast Cancer Knowledge, Attitude and Practice among Metro Women of India using Social Media”, Current Women’s Health Reviews, Vol. 20, Issue-1, 2024. (Scopus, ESCI, EBSCO, CINAHL indexed).
- Sinha N., Sharma A., "A Cross-Sectional Study on Gender Differences and Influence of Social Media Engagement on Breast Cancer Knowledge among Delhi-NCR Population in India", Indian Journal of Community Health, vol.33, Jan-Mar 2021. (Scopus, Web of Science, CINAHL, Scimago Journal Ranking, Pub-Med indexed).
- Sinha N., Sharma A., "Understanding Social Media Usage and Engagement among Women to Inform Breast Cancer Knowledge and Prevention Practices: Cross-sectional study in Delhi-NCR of India", Indian Journal of Community Medicine, Vol. 46, July-September 2021. (Scopus, Web of Science, CINAHL, Pub-Med Indexed)
- Sinha N., Sharma A., “Analysis of the most viewed Hindi YouTube Videos on breast cancer”, Indian Journal of Cancer, doi: 10.4103/ijc.IJC_801_20 (Scopus, Web of Science, CINAHL, EBSCO Indexed).
- Kumari A., Sinha N.,“Professionally skilled women and social media: A study of select group of women”, Journal of Advance Research in Journalism and Mass Communication, Vol: 1 Issue: 2pp.: 18-26, 2014.
Book Chapters
- Kumari A., Sinha N., “Challenges and prospect of using cellular phone for supporting agriculture: A case study of Kisan Call center scheme in Bihar”, Media and Communication for development”, 2016. (ISBN-9,78-93-84161-54-5).
- Kumari A., Sinha N., “Challenges and prospect of New Media for upliftment of Dalit and Muslim Women”, “Media: past, present and Future”, 2016 (ISBN: 978-93-86113-44-3).
- Kumari A., Sinha N., “Prospect of Community Radio as a vehicle of Green Communication and Sustainable Development: A case Study of Jan Dhan Yojana”, Green communication and sustainable development: prospect and challenges, 2015 (ISBN: 978-93-5213-047-4).
- Sinha N.,“Journalism and mass communication education in private institutes of National Capital Region Journalism education in Indian languages”, 2015. (ISBN 81-7211-351).
- Sinha N., Kumari A.,“Prospects and Challenges for Women in Social Media, “Social Media and Women”, 2014. (ISBN 81-7211-352-8).
Magazines Articles
- Sinha, N., “Mahilawon ke Sandarbh me Nayi Media Ewam Samajik Parivartan” in Sodh Samagam”, September,2023, ISSN: 2231-0479.
- Sinha, N., “Hindi Cinema ki Sashkat Mahilayen” in Sodh Samagam”, July,2017, ISSN: 2231-0479.
- Sinha, N., Cinema Ke Bdalte Paridrishya me Stri Paatr in “Aajkal”, March, 2017, ISSN: 0971-8478.
- Sinha, N., Janmadhyam Aur Mahila Sashaktikaran in “Shodh Samagam”, in March, 2017, ISSN: 2231-0479.
Attended/Abstract published in conferences
Abstract Published
- Sinha, N., “Women Health in Social Media” content Analysis of Facebook Pages on Breast Cancer Awareness”, International Conference on Women in Indian Society: A representation in Literature, Art, and Culture, organized by Department of English, Faculty of Media Studies and Humanities, Manav Rachna International Institute of Research and Studies on 27-28 January 2023.
- Sinha N., “Communicating about breast cancer through Facebook in India: A content analysis of Breast cancer Awareness Page” International Conference on Translation across Cultures dissolving boundaries creating harmony organized by Humanities and Social Science Department of Jaypee Institute of Information and Technology, Noida, India, on 4-6 October 2018.
- Sinha N., “South Asian Immigrant Women in America, Domestic Violence and Information Online: The Making of Informed and Secured Women”, International Conference on Peaceful and Prosperous South Asia, organized by Humanities and Social Science Department of Jaypee Institute of Information and Technology, Noida, India on 27-29 March, 2017.
- Sinha N., “Prospects of traditional media for green communication and sustainable development: A case study of one selected NGO of Bihar” National Seminar organized by Department of Journalism and Mass Communication, Babasaheb Bhimrao Ambedkar Central University, Lucknow, Indian, on 28-29 January, 2015.
International Conference
- Sinha, N., “Women Health in Social Media” content Analysis of Facebook Pages on Breast Cancer Awareness”, International Conference on Women in Indian Society: A representation in Literature, Art, and Culture, organized by Department of English, Faculty of Media Studies and Humanities, on 27-28 January 2023.
- Sinha, N., “Communicating about Breast Cancer through Facebook in India: A content Analysis of Facebook Page”, International Conference on Translation across Cultures Dissolving Boundaries Creating Harmony, organized by Humanities and Social Science department, Jaypee Institute of Information and Technology, Noida, India, on 4-6 October, 2018.
- Sinha, N., “South Asian immigrant women in America, Domestic Violence and Information Online: the making of informed and secured women”, International Conference on Peaceful and prosperous South Asia: opportunities and challenges organized by Jaypee Institute of Information and Technology, Noida, India on 27-29 March, 2017.
- Sinha, N., “Usage of Social Media: A Facilitator to Women Health”, International Conference on Sociology of Communication, Knowledge and Culture on Sociology of Communication, Knowledge and Culture organized by International Sociological Association (ISA-RC, 2017), New Delhi, India on 26-28 February, 2017.
National Seminars
- Sinha, N., “Ethical issues of Social media usage in Health Communication” Presented paper in National Seminar organized on Emerging Ethical Issues in Indian Media, National Seminar on Emerging Ethical Issues in Indian Media organized by Makhanlal Chaturvedi National University of Journalism and Mass Communication, Bhopal (Noida Campus) on 30 November 2019.
- Sinha, N.,“Prospects of traditional media for green communication and sustainable development: A case study of one selected NGO of Bihar”, National Seminar on Green Communication and Sustainable Development: Prospect and Challenges, National Seminar Organized by Department of Journalism and Mass Communication of Babasaheb Bhimrao Ambedkar Central University, Lucknow, Indian, on 28-29 January, 2015.
- Sinha, N., Kumari, A., “Prospects of Community media for green communication and sustainable development: A case study of Jan Dhan yojana” on Green Communication and Sustainable Development: Prospect and Challenges, National Seminar organized by Department of Journalism and Mass Communication of Babasaheb Bhimrao Ambedkar Central University, Lucknow, Indian, on 28-29 January, 2015.
- Sinha, N., Kumari, A, “Challenges and Prospects of Using Mobile for Promoting Agriculture: A study of selected sample from Chapra district in Bihar in case of Kisan Call Centre Scheme”, National Seminar organized by All India Media Educator Conference, Jaipur, India, held on 2-4 April, 2015.
- Sinha, N., Kumari A., “Print media and women”, on Media and Women, National seminar jointly organized by Indian Association of Mass Communication and Daulat Ram College of Delhi University, Delhi, India, 11 April, 2015.
- Sinha, N., “Hindi Cinema ki Shashakt Mahilayein” on Sahitya, Cinema aur Samaj, National Seminar, conducted by Unnayan Society” (A Discussion Forum for university professors and scholars) held in Delhi, India in 31January-1 February, 2014.
- Sinha, N., “Social media and women: prospect and challenges” on Social Media and Women, National Seminar organized by Media Map and Hansraj college, Delhi, India on 24 September, 2014.
- Sinha, N., Kumari, A., “Digital Media and upliftment of Dalit and Muslim Women: Prospect and challenges” on Media: Past, Present and Future, National Seminar organized by Babu Shobha Ram college, Alwar, India, on 5-6 December, 2014.
- Sinha, N., Kumari, A., “Social Media Evam Vyavshaykushal Grihniya” on Media: Past, Present and Future, National Seminar organized by Babu Shobha Ram College, Alwar, India, February, on 5-6 December, 2014.
- Sinha, N., “Present Condition of Journalism Education in Private Institutes”, First national language journalism and education, national Seminar, organized by Indian Association of Mass Communication (IAMC) in association with Hansraj College (Delhi University), India on 15 October, 2013.
Attended FDPs/ Workshops/ Webinars/ Certification Courses
- Certificate of participation on BSE sponsored Online Investors Awareness Program on Introduction to Financial Planning, Edify, EduTech in association with Jaypee Institute of Information Technology, Noida, India, 21 August, 2023.
- Faculty Development Programme (AICTE recognized) on “Curriculum Design for Developing Job-related Competencies”, National Institute of Technical Teachers Training and Research, Ministry of Education, Govt of India, January 9-13, 2023.
- Faculty Development Programme (AICTE recognized) on “Developing Healthy Work Culture” National Institute of Technical Teachers Training and Research, Ministry of Education, Govt of India, March 13-17, 2023,
- Faculty Development Programme (AICTE recognized) on “Effective Teaching Learning using Social Media”, National Institute of Technical Teachers Training and Research, Ministry of Education, Govt of India, June 5-9, 2023,
- Webinar on "Empowering Women Journalists in the Global South", IAMCR’s Journalism Research and Education Section on 3 March 2023.
- Certificate of participation, Live Training Webinar on Data Analysis, Research Gate,1 April 2023.
- Faculty Development Programme on “Textual and Discursive Construction of Media Innovation and Entrepreneurship, Department of Journalism and Mass Communication”, St Pauls College, Bengaluru, 30 January-4 February 2023.
- Webinar on “Review Paper Publication”, Research Gate, 11th March 2023.
- Certification of Completion on “Global Infodemic Management Course for Health Care Workers” Data Leads with GSK Vaccines, 4 May, 2023.
- “How to Use Artificial Intelligence -A guide for everyone” by Udemi , March 11, 2023.
- “Artificial Intelligence Intro in Healthcare” by Udemi on March 10, 2023.
- Workshop on, “Understanding Research Misconduct Fabrication, Falsification, and Plagiarism -orientation towards Quality Research” Dr. O.P. Bhalla Central Library, MRIIRS in collaboration with IQAC, MRIIRS on 27th December 2022.
- Workshop on “Art of writing Thesis and research papers”, Inspira Research, Jaipur, India, 18-24 January 2021.
- Faculty Development Programme on “Research Methodology” Government College for Girls, Ludhiyana, India, 15-20 March 2021.
- Workshop on “Qualitative research using Nvivo”, Research Siksha, April 2-10, 2020.
- Faculty development program on “Structural equation modeling using AMOS and “R”, Institute of Management Studies, Ghaziabad, May 11-15, 2020.
- Faculty Development Programme on ‘Online research on basic research methodology’ conducted by the Association for Research and Advance Studies, May 12-18, 2020.
- Workshop on ‘SEM for beginners’ conducted by Research Siksha, June 8-12, 2020.
- Workshop on ‘PLS using smart PLS’, Research Siksha, May 6-11, 2020.
- Workshop on ‘SPSS for Beginners’ conducted by Research Siksha, May 18-22 May, 2020.
- Workshop on ‘Advance SEM-AMOS’, Research Siksha, June 15-19, 2020.
- Faculty Development Programme on ‘Contemporary Research Practices in Social Sciences’ Amity University, Noida, May 30- June 5, 2020.
- Webinar on, ‘SEM-PLS’, conducted by Emerald Publishing, June 25, 2020.
- Webinar on ‘How to publish papers in Scopus Journals and Ethical issues in Publication’ HISASHI-Excellence Education Pvt. Ltd, June 16, 2020.
- Workshop on “Qualitative Design & Research NVivo”, International Management Institute (IMI), Delhi, January 23-24, 2020.
- Competency development programme on “Research methodology and Data Analysis”, Jaypee Business School (JIIT) Noida, June 17-22, 2019.
- Workshop on “How to Publish in Scopus & High Impact Journals”, International Management Institute (IMI), Delhi, June 6-7, 2019.
- Workshop on “Qualitative Research Techniques” Humanities and Social Science Department, Jaypee Institute of Information and Technology (JIIT, NOIDA), September 6-8 September, 2018.
- Faculty Development Programme on “Innovative Teaching and Research” Humanities and Social Science Department, Jaypee Institute of Information and Technology (JIIT, NOIDA), July 9-14, 2018.
- Workshop on “Research Paper Writing, Humanities and Social Science Department, Jaypee Institute of Information and Technology (JIIT, NOIDA), January 19-20, 2018.
- Workshop on Visual Rhetoric and South Asian Gender Studies, CWDS (Centre for Women Development Studies) Delhi and Cambridge University, UK, September 16-18. 2014.
- Internship in Editorial department, Dainik Jagran (Hindi National Daily), Noida, April 1-21, 2000.
- Workshop on “How to conduct field survey” CSDS (Centre for the Studies of Civil Society), Delhi, India. February 20-21, 2000.
- Certificate Course on “Primary Health Training” Global Council of Health (A wing Global Council of Health), August 16, 1995.
Special/Extension/Expert/ Invited Lecture/ Workshop Delivered:
- Moderated Talk on “Perspective of Society towards Visually Impaired People: Kindness or Respect” Indraprastha Channel, All India Radio, Delhi, 30 November, 2023.
- Resource person, “Two Days Workshop on Mass Communication Research” New Institute of Social Communication Research and Training (NISCORT),13th October, 2023
- Expert Talk, “Community Health and Role of Youth”, Indraprastha Channel, All India Radio, Delhi, 8 October, 2023.
- Resource person, “Digital Literacy and Skill Building of Rural Women Entrepreneurs (UNESCO Project: Accelerating Women Entrepreneurship in Rural India: Digital Empowerment for Self-reliance and Gender Equality) organized by Central University of Jammu, India, 3 October, 2023.
- Judge, G-20 Inter-University debate competition, organized by Abhivyakti, Janki Devi Memorial College, Delhi University on 24 February, 2023.
- Resource person, “Media Research for PG Diploma Advertisement Public Relation Students, a workshop organized by Indian Institute of Mass Communication, Delhi, India, 11 April, 2023.
- Resource person, “Qualitative and Quantitative Study: An Overview” for the faculty and Ph.D. scholars,” Knowledge Cafe organized by the Department of Journalism and Mass Communication, Faculty of Media Studies and Humanities, Manav Rachna International Institute of Research and Studies on 17 June, 2023.
- Resource person, “Literature Review: An overview” Knowledge Cafe for the faculty and Ph.D. scholars, organized by the Department of Journalism and Mass Communication, Faculty of Media Studies and Humanities, Manav Rachna International Institute of Research and Studies on 3 June, 2023..
- Resource person, “Scale Development: An Overview” Knowledge Cafe for the faculty and Ph.D. scholars, organized by the Department of Journalism and Mass Communication, Faculty of Media Studies and Humanities, Manav Rachna International Institute of Research and Studies on 29 April, 2023..
- Resource person, “How to write research papers for Scopus Journals”, Knowledge Cafe for the faculty and Ph.D. scholars, organized by the Department of Journalism and Mass Communication, Faculty of Media Studies and Humanities, Manav Rachna International Institute of Research and Studies on 26 November, 2022.
- Delegate, Health of India Summit, organized by Health Lead (wing of Data Lead) with YouTube Health, 12th November 2022
- Resource person, “Mendeley Referencing: How to Use” Knowledge Cafe for the faculty and Ph.D. scholars, organized by the Department of Journalism and Mass Communication, Faculty of Media Studies and Humanities, Manav Rachna International Institute of Research and Studies, 15 October, 2022.
- External examiner, viva-voce examination of Post Graduate Diploma students in Indian institute of Mass Communication, New Delhi, India, 21 June, 2022.
- Speaker, “Women Educators in Media Education in India”, National Webinar organized, Indian Association of Mass Communication and Department of Journalism and Mass Communication, Prestige Institute of Management and Research, Indore India on 4th January 2022.
- Resource Person, “Media and Health Awareness for Girls and Women Empowerment, 20 workshops organized by Nav Jagriti, NGO, in the period of 1 June 2010 to 30 November 2021.
- Project coordinator and project manager, “waste management (UNDP), Community development (SAVE THE CHILDREN), women empowerment and child development (PLAN International)” NAV Jagriti (NGO) during 1 June 2010 to 30 November 2021.
- External examiner, viva-voce examination of undergraduate students in Indraprastha University, Delhi, India, on 22 November 2021.
- Guest, Inauguration ceremony of Hurrikeynes (The Departmental Association), Humanities and Social Science Department, Christ University, Delhi-NCR, 16 September, 2021.
- Delegate, WJEC-IIMC-UNESCO roundtable organized by Indian Institute of Mass Communication, New Delhi, India, 10-11 August, 2021.
- Distinguished guest, Socio-Economic-Political implications of Covid-19 on Women in India, Webinar organized by Kalindi college, Delhi University, India (sponsored by ICSSR), 10-11 June 2021.
- Resource person, “How to conduct literature review in research” workshop for pre.ph.d scholars, organized by Makhanlal Chaturvedi National University of Journalism and Mass Communication of Noida Campus, 20-21, January, 2019.
- External examiner, viva-voce examination of undergraduate students in Zee Institute of Media Arts, Noida, on 20 May, 2018.
- Guest speaker, “Women Empowerment: Why and How”, Organized Women’s Association of ONGC, Noida, India, September, 2015.
- Guest speaker, “Empowerment of worker ladies”, organized by Lioness club, Indirapuram, Ghaziabad, 24 August, 2015.
- Panelist, “Domestic Violence and Women”, Prime Time Discussion organized by APN (24 hrs News Channel) , 23 September, 2015.
- Judge, Inter School Street Play Competition, organized by ASN School, Mayur Vihar phase-1, 15 December 2014
- Panelist, “SANSAD 2014” on the participation of women in 16th Loksabha, Prime Time Discussion organized by APN (24 hrs News Channel), 14 April, 2014.
Research Supervision
43 Masters level dissertation in Mass Communication Research.
Book Review
- Reviewed book on ‘Health Journalism”, Indian Institute of Mass Communication, New Delhi.
- Member, Indian Association for Media and Communication Research (IAMCR).
- Editorial board member of US based Journal, ‘International Journal of Medical Science and Clinical Research Studies’ (IJMSCRS).
- Executive member of Higher Education Council of Women’s Indian Chambers of Commerce and Industry (WICCI), India.
- Executive member of International Association of Women Media Educators, Delhi, India.
- Advisory member, Patna (Bihar) based NGO Nav Jagriti, India.
- International Youth Entrepreneurship Award 2021 by Women International Network in association with Confederation of Indian Universities (CIU), Indo-European Chamber of Small and Medium Enterprise (IECSME), The Global Open University, Nagaland, Indira Gandhi Technological and Medical Sciences University (IGTAMSU) and other renowned organizations.