M.Sc. (University of Allahabad), Ph.D. (MNNIT Allahabad)
Being a theoretical mathematician, during his approximate 20 years long teaching and research career, Dr. Pankaj Kumar Srivastava has taught and developed several courses of undergraduate levels. His academic and teaching interests are in the areas of fuzzy optimization and computational methods. His objective as a teacher is to motivate students to develop their own learning interests and critical thinking & to establish a learner-centric environment in the classroom.
He has 47+ publications in refereed journals, conferences and book chapters including the top most journals like Expert Systems with Applications, Applied Soft Computing, Computational and Applied Mathematics, Journal of King Saud University-Science, Chinese Annals of Mathematics, Series B, Computers & Mathematics with Applications etc. He has guided 3 Ph.D. Thesis, and currently he is guiding 1 Ph.D. scholar. He has served as reviewer of several world class journals (Like Applied Mathematics and Computation, Computational and Applied Mathematics, International Journal of Nonlinear Science) & Conferences.
Apart from teaching and research related roles and responsibilities, he has also served as member of several central and departmental committees at University level. He has organized a few faculty development programs along with a number of workshops.
- D. Sarkar and Pankaj Kumar Srivastava: Recent development and applications of neutrosophic fuzzy optimization approach, International Journal of System Assurance Engineering and Management, (2024), (Springer Journal) (Scopus Indexed).
- V. Chauhan and Pankaj Kumar Srivastava, "Tetra geometric mean Runge-Kutta analysis of bioeconomic fisheries model." Bulletin of the Transilvania University of Brasov. Series III: Mathematics and Computer Science, 3(65)-2, (2023), 169-180. (Transilvania University Press) (Scopus Indexed)
- D. Chhibber, D. C. S. Bisht and Pankaj Kumar Srivastava: Intuitionistic Fuzzy Multi-Objective Transportation Model during Pandemic COVID-19, "International Journal of Modeling, Simulation, and Scientific Computing", 14(5), (2023), p1. (Taylor & Francis Journal) (Scopus Indexed).
- V. Chauhan and Pankaj Kumar Srivastava: Numerical Approximation of Population Growth in an Autonomous System through a fourth stage Geometric Mean based Explicit Runge-Kutta Method, International Journal of Computing Science and Mathematics, 17(3), 2023, 241-253. (Inderscience Journal) (Scopus Indexed).
- D. C. S. Bisht and Pankaj Kumar Srivastava: Minimum demand supply-based stepping stone approach to solve a special trapezoidal fuzzy transportation problem, International Journal of Modelling and Simulation 2022, 1-9. (Taylor & Francis Journal) (Scopus Indexed).
- D. Chhibber, Pankaj Kumar Srivastava, D. C. S. Bisht: Triangular Intuitionistic fuzzy TOPSIS for non-linear multi-objective transportation and manufacturing problem, Expert Systems with Applications, 210, (2022), 118357, (Elsevier Journal) (SCIE & Scopus Indexed) (Impact Factor 8.865).
- D. Chhibber, Pankaj Kumar Srivastava and D. C.S. Bisht: Optimization of a Transportation Problem under Pythagorean Fuzzy Environment, Mathematics in Engineering, Science and Aerospace, 13(3), (2022) 769-776. (Cambridge Scientific Journal) (Scopus Indexed).
- Pankaj Kumar Srivastava: Nonpolynomial twin parameter spline approach to treat boundary-value problems arising in engineering problems, Computational and Applied Mathematics, 40 (3), (2021), 1-18. (Springer Journal) (SCIE & Scopus Indexed) (Impact Factor 2.998).
- P. Nagar, Pankaj Kumar Srivastava and A. Srivastava: New Weighted Measures of Diversity, Nonlinear Studies, 29 (3), (2022), 743-756. (Cambridge Scientific Journal) (Scopus Indexed).
- D. Sarkar and Pankaj Kumar Srivastava: A dynamic optimization approach for multi-item multi-objective fixed-place neutrosophic fuzzy inventory and green management system, Mathematics in Engineering, Science and Aerospace, 13(3), (2022), 671-701. (Cambridge Scientific Journal) (Scopus Indexed).
- Pankaj Kumar Srivastava, D. C. S. Bisht, D. Chhibber and M. Ram: An Ingenious Approach to Optimize a Special Class of Transportation Problem in Uncertain Environment", International Journal of System Assurance Engineering and Management, (2022) 1-11. (Springer Journal) (Scopus Indexed).
- P. Nagar, Pankaj Kumar Srivastava and A. Srivastava: Optimization of Fuzzy Species Pythagorean Transportation Problem under Preserved Uncertainties, International Journal of Mathematical, Engineering and Management Sciences, 2021, 1629-1645. (Springer Journal) (Scopus Indexed).
- D. Chhibber, Pankaj Kumar Srivastava, D. C. S. Bisht: From fuzzy transportation problem to non-linear intuitionistic fuzzy multi-objective transportation problem: A literature review, International Journal of Modelling and Simulation, 2021, 1-16. (Taylor & Francis Journal) (Scopus Indexed).
- P. Nagar, Pankaj Kumar Srivastava and A. Srivastava: A new dynamic score function approach to optimize a special class of Pythagorean fuzzy transportation problem, International Journal of System Assurance Engineering, 2021, 1-10. (Springer Journal) (Scopus Indexed).
- D. Chhibber, D. C. S. Bisht and Pankaj Kumar Srivastava: Pareto-optimal Solution for Fixed-charge Solid Transportation Problem under Intuitionistic Fuzzy Environment, Applied Soft Computing, 107, (2021), 107368. (Elsevier Journal) (SCIE & Scopus Indexed) (Impact Factor 8.263).
- Pankaj Kumar Srivastava and D. C. S. Bisht: A Segregated Advancement in the Solution of Triangular Fuzzy Transportation Problems, American Journal of Mathematical and Management Sciences, 40(2), (2021), 134-144. (Taylor & Francis Journal) (Scopus Indexed).
- Pankaj Kumar Srivastava, D. C. S. Bisht and H. Garg: Innovative Ranking and Conversion Approaches to Handle Impreciseness in Transportation, Journal of Multiple-Valued Logic & Soft Computing, 35 (5/6), (2020), 491-507. (Old City Publishing Inc Journal) (SCIE & Scopus Indexed) (Impact Factor 0.861).
- D. Chhibber, D. C. S. Bisht and Pankaj Kumar Srivastava: Fuzzy Transportation Problems and Variants, “Computational Intelligence: Theoretical Advances and Advanced Applications”, 3(27), (2020), 91-109. (Walter de Gruyter GmbH & Co KG).
- G. Goyal, Pankaj Kumar Srivastava and D. C S Bisht: Genetic algorithm: A metaheuristic approach of optimization, “Computational Intelligence: Theoretical Advances and Advanced Applications”, 3(27), (2020), 27-44. (Walter de Gruyter GmbH & Co KG).
- N. Mathur and Pankaj Kumar Srivastava: An Inventive Approach to Optimize Generalized Fuzzy Transportation Problem “International Journal of Mathematical, Engineering and Management Sciences”, 5(5), (2020), 985-994. (IJMEMS Journal) (Scopus Indexed).
- D. C. S. Bisht and Pankaj Kumar Srivastava: Trisectional Fuzzy Trapezoidal Approach to Optimize Interval Data Based Transportation Problem, “Journal of King Saud University – Science”, 32 (1), (2020). (Elsevier Journal) (SCIE & Scopus Indexed) (Impact Factor 4.011).
- D. C. S. Bisht, Shilpa Jain, Pankaj Kumar Srivastava: Adaptive Particle Swarm Optimized Fuzzy Algorithm to Predict Water Table Elevation “International Journal of Modeling, Simulation, and Scientific Computing”, 10(6), (2019), 1950038. (World Scientific Journal) (Scopus Indexed).
- Pankaj Kumar Srivastava: A Spline Based Computational Technique Applicable for Solution of Boundary Value Problem in Human Physiology, “International Journal of Computing Science and Mathematics” 10(1), (2019), 46-57. (Inderscience Journal)(Scopus Indexed).
- Pankaj Kumar Srivastavaand D. C. S. Bisht:An efficient fuzzy minimum demand supply approach to solve fully fuzzy transportation problem, “Mathematics in Engineering, Science and Aerospace”, 10(2), (2019), 253-269. (Cambridge Scientific Journal) (Scopus Indexed).
- V. Chauhan and Pankaj Kumar Srivastava: Computational Techniques for Solving Differential Equations by Different Order and Type of Runge-Kutta Method, “International Journal of Mathematical, Engineering and Management Sciences”, 4(2), (2019), 375-386 (IJMEMS Journal)(Scopus Indexed).
- P. Nagar, A. Srivastava and Pankaj Kumar Srivastava Optimization of Species Transportation Via an Exclusive Fuzzy Trapezoidal Centroid Approach, “Mathematics in Engineering, Science and Aerospace”, 10(2), (2019), 271-280(Cambridge Scientific Journal)(Scopus Indexed).
- V. Chauhan and Pankaj Kumar Srivastava, A Numeric Three Stage Trio-Geometric Mean Runge-Kutta Approach Over Verhulst Equation on Population Dynamics, “Nonlinear Studies”, 26(2), (2019), 379-389.(Cambridge Scientific Journal)(Scopus Indexed).
- D. C. S. Bisht and Pankaj Kumar Srivastava, One Point Conventional Model to Optimize Trapezoidal Fuzzy Transportation Problem, “International Journal of Mathematical, Engineering and Management Sciences”, 4(5), (2019), 1251-1263. (IJMEMS Journal) (Scopus Indexed).
- D. Chhibber, Pankaj Kumar Srivastava and D. C. S. Bisht, Average Duo-Triangle Ranking Technique to Solve Type-2 Intuitionistic Fuzzy Transportation Problem, “Nonlinear Studies”, 26(3), (2019) 487-504. (Cambridge Scientific Journal) (Scopus Indexed).
- N. Mathur and Pankaj Kumar Srivastava: A Pioneer Optimization Approach for Hexagonal Fuzzy Transportation Problem, “AIP Conference Proceedings” 2061, 020030, (2019). (Scopus Indexed).
- D. Chhibber, D. C. S. Bisht and Pankaj Kumar Srivastava: Ranking Approach Based On Incenter in Triangle of Centroids to Solve Type-1 and Type-2 Fuzzy Transportation Problem, “AIP Conference Proceedings” 2061, 020022, (2019). (Scopus Indexed).
- Pankaj Kumar Srivastavaand Dinesh C S Bisht:Recent Trends and Applications of Fuzzy Logic, “Advanced Fuzzy Logic Approaches in Engineering Science”, 327-340 (2019). (IGI Global).
- Dinesh C S Bisht andPankaj Kumar Srivastava: Fuzzy Optimization and Decision making, “Advanced Fuzzy Logic Approaches in Engineering Science” 310-326 (2019) (IGI Global).
- V. Chauhan and Pankaj Kumar Srivastava: Trio-Geometric Mean Based Three Stage Runge-Kutta Algorithm to Solve Initial Value Problem Arising in Autonomous Systems “International Journal of Modeling, Simulation, and Scientific Computing”, 9(4), (2018), 1-12. (World Scientific Journal) (Scopus Indexed).
- Pankaj Kumar Srivastava, D. C. S. Bisht and M. Ram: Soft Computing Techniques and Applications, “Advanced Mathematical Techniques in Engineering Sciences”. 57-69 (2018). (Taylor & Francis Group).
- Pankaj Kumar Srivastavaand D. C. S. Bisht: Dichotomized Incenter Fuzzy Triangular Ranking Approach to Optimize Interval Data Based Transportation Problem, “Cybernetics and Information Technologies”, 18(4), 111-119 (2018)(IICT-BAS Journal)(Scopus Indexed).
- N. Mathur, Pankaj Kumar Srivastava, A. Paul: Algorithms for Solving Fuzzy Transportation Problem, published in “International Journal of Mathematics in Operational Research”, 12(2) (2018), 190-219. (Inderscience Journal) (Scopus Indexed)
- D. C S Bisht, Pankaj Kumar Srivastava and M. Ram: Role of Fuzzy Logic in Flexible Manufacturing System, published in “Diagnostic Techniques in Industrial Engineering, Management and Industrial Engineering”, 233-243 (2018). (Springer).
- D. C. S. Bisht and Pankaj Kumar Srivastava: A Unique Conversion Approach Clubbed with a New Ranking Technique to Optimize Fuzzy Transportation Cost, published in “AIP Conference Proceedings”, 1897, 020023 (2017). (Scopus Indexed).
- N. Mathur, Pankaj Kumar Srivastava, A. Paul: Trapezoidal Fuzzy Model to Optimize Transportation Problem , published in “International Journal of Modeling, Simulation, and Scientific Computing”, 7(3) (2016) 1-8. (World Scientific Journal) (Scopus Indexed)
- Pankaj Kumar Srivastava:Application of Higher Order Splines for Solving Boundary Value Problems, published in “International Journal of Mathematical, Computational, Statistical, Natural and Physical Engineering” 9(2) (2015) 115-12. (World Academy of Science, Engineering and Technology Journal).
- M. Upadhyay, S. K. Awasthi, L. Shiveshwari, Pankaj Kumar Srivastava, S.P.Ojha, Thermally Tunable Photonic Filter for WDM Networks Using 1D Superconductor Dielectric Photonic Crystals, published in “Journal of Superconductivity and Novel Magnetism” 28(8) (2015) 2275-2280. (Springer Journal)(Impact Factor 0.930)
- Pankaj Kumar Srivastava,Study Of Differential Equations With Their Polynomial And Nonpolynomial Spline Based Approximation, published in “Acta Tehnica Corviniensis – Bulletin of Engineering” 7(3) (2014) 139-150. (Politehnica Timisoara Journal)
- P Singh, Pankaj Kumar Srivastava, R K Patne, S D Joshi, and K Saha: Nonpolynomial Spline Based Empirical Mode Decomposition in the proceedings of “International Conference on Signal Processing and Communications” (2013), 480-577, 978-1-4799-1607-8/13 (IEEE Xplore).
- Pankaj Kumar Srivastavaand M. Kumar: Numerical Algorithm Based on Quintic Nonpolynomial Spline for Solving Third-Order Boundary value Problems Associated with Draining and Coating Flow, published in “Chinese Annals of Mathematics, Series B”, 33(6) (2012) 831-840 (Springer Journal)(Impact Factor 0.521)
- Pankaj Kumar Srivastava, M Kumar and R N Mohapatra: Solution of Fourth Order Boundary Value Problems by Numerical Algorithms Based on Nonpolynomial Quintic Splines, Published in “.Journal of Numerical Mathematics and Stochastics”, 4 (1): 13-25, 2012 (Euclidean Journal).
- Pankaj Kumar Srivastava, M Kumar and R N Mohapatra: Quintic Nonpolynomial Spline Method for the Solution of a Special Second-Order Boundary-value Problem with engineering application, Published in an International Journal “Computers & Mathematics with Applications” 62 (4) (2011) 1707-1714 (Elsevier journal). (Impact Factor 2.069).
- Pankaj Kumar Srivastavaand MKumar: Numerical Treatment of Nonlinear Third Order Boundary Value Problem, Published in an International Journal “Applied Mathematics” 2 (2011) 959-964 (Scientific Research Journal).
- Y Gupta, Pankaj Kumar Srivastava and M Kumar: Application of B-Spline to Numerical Solution of a System of Singularly Perturbed Problems, Published in an International Journal “Mathematica Aeterna” 1(6) (2011) 405-415 (Hilaris journal).
- Y Gupta and Pankaj Kumar Srivastava: A Computational Method for Solving Two Point Boundary Value Problems of Order Four, Published in “International Journal of Computer Technology and Applications” 2(5) (2011)1426-1431 (Technopark Journal).
- M Kumar and Pankaj Kumar Srivastava: Computational Techniques for Solving Differential Equations by Cubic, Quintic and Sextic Spline, Published in “International Journal for Computational Methods in Engineering Science & Mechanics” 10(1) (2009) 108-115 (Taylor & Francis Journal)
- M Kumar and Pankaj Kumar Srivastava: Computational Techniques for Solving Differential Equations by Quadratic, Quartic and Octic Spline, Published in an International Journal “Advances in Engineering Software” 39 (2008) 646-653 (Elsevier Journal). (Impact Factor 1.092)
Conferences/Seminars/Workshops/FDP/Invited Talks
- One-week Faculty Development Program on Mathematical Foundations of Machine Learning scheduled at JIIT, Noida from July 25 to July 30, 2022.
- One-week Faculty Development Program on Optimization Techniques and its Applications scheduled at JIIT, Noida from July 01 to July 06, 2019.
- IEEE Sponsored International Workshop on Useful Mathematical and Statistical Software Tools for Engineering Applications organized at JIIT Noida in September 2017.
- An International workshop on Statistical and Numerical Trends in Sciences & Engineering organized at JIIT Noida in January 2015.
- A Research Seminar on Residual and Past Lifetime Distribution: an Information Theoretic Measures Approach organized at JIIT Noida in February 2014.
Organizing Committee Member:
- Two Day Workshop on Current Aspects of Research Evaluation and Plagiarism Organized By department of Mathematics JIIT Noida at JIIT sector 128, Noida on 30 Nov-1 Dec 2018.
- 2nd International Conference on “Recent Advances in Mathematical Sciences and its Applications (RAMSA-2017)” at JIIT Noida, December 12-14, 2017
- CSIR Sponsored Workshop entitled “Recent Trends in Mathematical Modelling and Scientific Computing” (RTMMSC-2017) at JIIT Noida, April 7-8, 2017.
- International Conference on “Recent Advances in Mathematical Sciences and its Applications (RAMSA-2016)” at JIIT Noida, December 8-10, 2016.
- Two Day Workshop on Numerical Methods using SCILAB Organized By department of Mathematics JIIT Noida at JIIT sector 128, Noida on 8-9 April 2016.
- An Instructional Workshop On R, SCILAB and GAP Jointly Organized By IMSA & Department of Mathematics & Statistics SHIATS-DU Allahabad at SHIATS Allahabad in January, 2015.
- An Instructional Workshop On Linear Algebra and its Applications Jointly organized By Indian Mathematical Sciences Association & Department of Mathematics & Statistics SHIATS-DU, Allahabad at Anasakti Ashram, Kausani in January, 2014.
Advisory Committee Member:
Abstract Accepted:
- Abstract accepted entitled “Approximation of the solution of a Physical Problem by Nonpolynomial Spline Based Algorithm” in National conference on Mathematical Analysis and Computation at Malaviya National Institute of Technology, Jaipur, February, 2015
- Abstract accepted entitled “ Application of Cubic B-Spline to Solve Singularly Perturbed Boundary Value Problems ” in International Conference on Emerging Areas of Mathematics for Science and Technology and 12th Conference of ISIAM at Punjabi University, Patiala, Jan-Feb 2015.
- Abstract accepted entitled “Computational Solution of a Singularly Perturbed Boundary Value Problem Using a New B- Spline Approach" in National Conference on Differential Equations-2015 (NCDE-2015) at Shivaji University Kolhapur, January 2015.
- Abstract accepted entitled “Application of Non polynomial Spline for Approximation of Solution of Differential Equation Arises in Human Morphology” in American Mathematical Society Southeastern Spring Sectional Meeting, at Knoxville, Tennessee in USA, March 2014.
- Abstract accepted entitled “Approximation of the solution of a Physical Problem by Application of Nonpolynomial Spline” in Computational Mathematics and Applications Conference (CMA 2014) in Shenzhen, China, January 2014.
- Abstract accepted entitled “Approximation of Solution of Physical Problem Involving Boundary Value Problems Using Nonpolynomial Spline Approach” in International Conference on Mathematical Modeling and Computer Simulation with Application, at IIT Kanpur, January 2014.
- Abstract accepted entitled “Approximation of Solution of Problems Arising in a Singularly Perturbed System through B-Spline” in International Conference on History and Development of Mathematics-2013 at JEREC University, Jaipur, December, 2013.
- Abstract accepted entitled “Application of Nonpolynomial Quintic Spline for the approximation of the Solution of Third-Order Boundary value Problems Associated with Draining and Coating Flows” in Sixth International Conference on Dynamic Systems and Applications in Atlanta, Georgia, USA, May 2011.
- Abstract accepted entitled “Computational Solution of a Physical Problem Involving Third-Order Differential Equation Using a New Nonpolynomial Quintic Spline Approach” in “CONIAPS-XII” at University of Rajasthan, Jaipur, December 2010.
Paper Presented/ Lecture Delivered:
- Delivered an expert lecture entitled “Problem Solving on Eigenvalues and Eigenvectors” in Two Weeks Short Term Training Program (STTP) on Advances in Linear Algebra: Technology based Innovations organized by department of mathematics, JIIT, Noida in June 2021.
- Participated and presented a paper entitled “A Pioneer Optimization Approach for Hexagonal Fuzzy Transportation Problem” in 3rd International Conference on “Recent Advances in Mathematical Sciences and its Applications” at JIIT Noida, January 17-19, 2019.
- Participated and presented a paper entitled “A Hybrid Least Demand Supply Stepping Stone Approach to Solve a Special Trapezoidal Fuzzy Transportation Problem” in 3rd International Conference on Mathematical Techniques in Engineering Applications” at Graphic Era University, Dehradun, December 7-8, 2018.
- Presented a paper entitled “ A Unique Conversion Approach Clubbed with a New Ranking Technique to Optimize Fuzzy Transportation Cost” in 2nd International Conference on “Recent Advances in Mathematical Sciences and its Applications (RAMSA-2017)” at JIIT Noida, December 12-14, 2017.
- Presented a paper entitled “Optimization of Interval Data Based Transportation Problem Using Midpoint Trapezoidal Approach” in International Conference on “Recent Advances in Mathematical Sciences and its Applications (RAMSA-2016)” at JIIT Noida, December 8-10, 2016.
- Participated and Presented a paper entitled “Application of Cubic Spline Based Empirical Mode Decomposition Over Detrend Uncertainty and Mode Mixing” in International Conference of International Academy of Physical Sciences (CONIAPS XVIII), at University of Allahabad, December 22-24, 2015.
- Participated and Presented a paper entitled “Application of Nonpolynomial Spline to Reduce Mode Mixing and Detrend Uncertainty Present in Traditional Empirical Mode Decomposition” in National Conference on Applications of Mathematics In Engineering and Sciences (AMES-2014) at MNNIT Allahabad, November 2014.
- Participated and delivered a lecture on “Spline Approximation” in Faculty Development Programme on Advanced Computing Methods at Jaypee Institute of Information Technology, Noida, July 2014.
- Delivered a lecture on “Transportation Problems and its Application in Real Life” at Sam Higginbottom Institute of Agriculture, Technology & Sciences, Allahabad, May 2014
- Delivered a lecture on “Application of Nonpolynomial Spline & Empirical Mode Decomposition Methods in Time Series Analysis” at SHIATS, Allahabad, February 2014.
- Participated and Presented a paper entitled “Nonpolynomial Spline Based Empirical Mode Decomposition” in International Conference on Signal Processing and Communication at JIIT Noida, December 2013.
- Participated and delivered a lecture on the topic “Some Important Numerical Techniques and their Applications to Ordinary & Partial Differential Equations” in The National Seminar on Differential Equations and its applications at Sam Higginbottom Institute Of Agriculture, Technology & Sciences, Allahabad, February 2013.
- Participated and presented a paper entitled “Application of Nonpolynomial Quintic Spline for the Computational Solution of Physical Problem Involving Third-Order Differential Equation” in International Conference on Optimization Modelling and Applications (OPTIMA-2012) at University of Delhi, Delhi, December 2012.
- Participated and presented a paper entitled “Quintic Nonpolynomial Spline Method for the Solution of a Second-Order Boundary value Problem with Engineering Applications” in 26th Annual Conference of the Mathematical Society at Banaras Hindu University, Varanasi, November 2010.
- Participated and presented a paper entitled “Use of Higher Order Splines for Solving Differential Equations” in an International Conference on Modelling of Engineering & Technological Problems (ICMETP) and 9th Biennial National Conference of ISIAM at BMAS, Agra, January 2009.
- Participated and delivered a lecture on the topic “Spline solution of Differential Equations”, in the workshop on Mathematical Sciences organized by Zero: A Group of Mathematical Sciences and AAIDU at AAIDU, Allahabad, January 2008
Attended a Webinar on “Bell's theorem, entanglement, quantum teleportation and all that” at JIIT Noida on 6 January, 2021.
Attended a Webinar on “Artificial Intelligence”, at JIIT Noida on 8 December, 2020.
Attended a Webinar on “Deep Learning”, at JIIT Noida on 2 December, 2020.
Attended Two-day Workshop on "Scientific Research Tools for Enriching Skills in Research and Technology" from November 6-7, 2020 in online mode at JIIT Noida.
Attended a Webinar on “Social Distancing in LOCKDOWN 4.0 to control Spread of COVID-19”, at JIIT Noida on 20 May 2020.
Participated in 4th International Conference on “Recent Advances in Mathematical Sciences and its Applications (RAMSA-2020)” at JIIT Noida, January 09-11, 2020.
Participated in Two Day Mini Symposium on “Analytic Number Theory and its Applications in Cryptography/Computing: A tribute to S. Ramanujan.” Organized By department of Mathematics JIIT Noida at JIIT sector 128, Noida on 31 Aug-1 Sep 2019.
- Participated in Two dayNational workshop on “Design and Simulation of Microwave Devices and Circuits”at JIIT Noida 7-8 Sep 2018.
- Participated in One Week Faculty Development Program on “Mathematical and Statistical Computations”, at JIIT Noida, July 9-14, 2018.
- Participated in Two days International Workshopon “Soft Computing and Language Processing” at JIIT Noida, 27-28 April, 2018.
- Participated in Two days International Workshopon “Recent Trends in Computational Physics” at JIIT Noida, 06-07 April, 2018.
- Participatedin One dayNational workshop on “Goods and Service Tax (GST) Concept and Application” at JIIT Noida 9 December 2017.
- Participated in Two days National Workshopon “Computational Intelligence” at JIIT Noida, 01-02 December, 2017
- Participated in One Week Faculty Development Program on “Mathematical Aspects of Image Processing and Computer Vision”, at JIIT Noiada, July 10-15, 2017.
- Participated in One Week Faculty Development Program on “Continuum Mechanics and Applications”, at JIIT Noida, July 2016.
- Participated in Three Day Workshop on “Computational Intelligence” at JIIT Noida, May 2016.
- Participated in Two Day Workshop on “Mobile Technology” at JIIT Noida, March 2016.
- Participated in Two Day National Seminar on ‘Interdisciplinary Approach of Science in Advancement of Technology: Art of Human Welfare ‘ at Galgotias CET, G.Noida, October 2015.
- Participated in One Week Faculty Development Program on “Functional Analysis and its. Applications” at JIIT Noida, July 2015.
- Participated in two week ISTE main workshop on Control Systems conducted by IIT Bombay, at remote centre JIIT, Noida December 2014.
- Participated in the workshop on "Computational Linguistics" at JIIT Noida, November 2014.
- Participated in the workshop on "Advanced Optimization Techniques" at JIIT Noida, September 2014.
- Participated in the workshop on "COMSOL Multiphysics for MEMS Modelling" at JIIT Noida, November 2013.
- Participated in the short term course on “The Role of Basic Sciences In Engineering Education” organized by Department of Mathematics, Motilal Nehru National Institute of Technology, Allahabad, June 2013.
- Participated in the workshop on "Research Methods in Educational Technology”, conducted by IIT Bombay, at remote centre JIIT, Noida, February 2013.
- Participated in the workshop on "Aakash for Education workshop’’ conducted by IIT Bombay, at remote centre JIIT, Noida, November 2012.
- Participated in the workshop on "Additive Combinatorics" Ramanujan Mathematical Society at Harish-Chandra Research Institute, Allahabad, September 2011.
- Participated in 26th Annual Conference of the “Ramanujan Mathematical Society” at University of Allahabad in October 2011.
- Participated in the twelfth conference of the Academy of Physical Sciences “CONIAPS-XII, 2010” at University of Rajasthan, Jaipur, December 2010.
- Participated in the eleventh conference of the Academy of Physical Sciences “CONIAPS-XI, 2010” at University of Allahabad, February 2010.
- Participated in the seventy fourth Annual Conference of “Indian Mathematical Society” at University of Allahabad in December 2008.
Professional Projects / Professional Achievements
- Life member of Ramanujan Soceity of Mathematics and Mathematical Sciences (RSMMS)-life-membership no. RSMAMS/45/12.
- Life member of International Association of Engineers (IAENG)- Life-Membership Number: 178248
- Life member of Indian Society of Industrial and Applied Mathematics (ISIAM)
- Life member of Forum for Interdisciplinary Mathematics (FIM)
- Membership of Editorial Board of International Journals
- Journal of Applied Mathematics and Engineering Computations (JAMEC)
Reviewer of International Journals
- Applied Mathematics and Computation (AMC)
- Computational and Applied Mathematics (COAM)
- International Journal of Nonlinear Science (IJNS) and others.
Ph.D. Thesis supervised/on-going as sole/Joint supervisor (In JIIT):
Vijeyata Chauhan, Efficient Trio and Tetra Geometric Mean Based Runge-Kutta Methods for the Solution of Autonomous and Singular Autonomous Problems, Awarded in Nov 2021.
Priyanka Nagar (Joint Supervision), Advanced Mathematical Techniques to Study Species Diversity and their Optimized Transportation in Ecological System, Awarded in Jan 2023.
Divya Chhibber (Joint Supervision), Recent Trends in Optimization Techniques and Their Applications, Awarded in Feb 2023.
Debasmita Sarkar, Recent Trends in Optimization Techniques and Their Applications, Ongoing Work.