Educational Qualifications
M.Sc (Kirori Mal College, University of Delhi, Delhi), Ph.D (M.D. University, Rohtak)
Work Experience
15 years of Teaching and Research
Interest Area(s)
Functional Analysis, Theory of Frames in Banach Spaces, Epidemiology
International/National Journals
Akanksha Rajpal, Sumit Kaur Bhatia, Shashank Goel and Parveen Kumar:Time delays in skill development and vacancy creation: Effects on unemployment through mathematical modeling, Communications in Nonlinear Science and Numerical Simulation, Vol.130, 107758, (2024) (indexed in SCI, SCOPUS, MathSci, I.F-3.9).
S.K. Sharma, Shashank Goel and S.K. Kaushik: On Weaving PG-Frames, Palestine Journal of Mathematics, Vol. 12(3), pp.170-179, (2023) (indexed in SCOPUS).
Leena Kathuria,Shashank Goel, Nikhil Khanna and S.K. Kaushik: Some Results on Approximations using Boas Transform of Wavelets, Jordan Journal of Mathematics and Statistics (JJMS), Vol.16(2), pp-269-284, (2023) (indexed inSCOPUS, ESCI, I.F-0.36).
- Mamta Barik, Sudipa Chauhan, O.P. Misra andShashank Goel:Final Epidemic Size and Optimal Control of Socio-Economic Multi-group Influenza Model, Journal of Engineering Mathematics, Vol.139(1), (2023) (indexed in SCI, SCOPUS, ESCI, I.F-1.444).
- Leena Kathuria,Shashank Goel and Nikhil Khanna: Fourier-Boas-Like Wavelets and Their Vanishing Moments, Journal of Mathematics, Vol. 21, pp-7pages, (2021) (indexed in SCI, SCOPUS, ESCI, MathSciNet, I.F-1.555).
- Shashank Goel and Tripti Mittal: On Near Exact G-Banach Frames, Poincare Journal of Analysis and Application, Vol. 8(1(II)), pp.101-110, (2021) (indexed in SCOPUS, MathSciNet).
- S.K. Sharma andShashank Goel: Frames in Quaternionic Hilbert Spaces, Journal of Mathematical Physics, Analysis and Geometry, Vol. 15(3), pp.395-411, (2019) (indexed in SCI, SCOPUS, ESCI, I.F-0.585).
- Renu Chugh, S.K. Sharma andShashank Goel: Block Sequences and G-Frames, International Journal of Wavelets, Multiresolution and Information Processing, Vol. 13(2), pp.1550009-1-10, (2015) (indexed in SCI, SCOPUS, ESCI, MathSciNet, I.F-1.276).
- Renu Chugh andShashank Goel: On Finite Sum of G-Frames and Near Exact G-Frames, Electronic Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications, Vol. 2(2), pp.73-80, (2014) (indexed in MathSciNet).
- Renu Chugh and Shashank Goel: On Sum of G-Frames in Hilbert Spaces, Jordan Journal of Mathematics and Statistics (JJMS), Vol. 5(2), pp.115-124, (2012) (indexed in SCOPUS, ESCI, I.F-0.36).
- Renu Chugh, S.K. Sharma andShashank Goel: A Note On G-Frame Sequences, Int. Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics, Vol.70(6), pp.797-805, (2011) (indexed in SCOPUS).
- Renu Chugh and Shashank Goel: On Orlicz N-Frames, Journal of Advanced Research in Pure Mathematics, Vol.3(1), pp.104-110, (2011) (indexed in MathSciNet).
- Shashank Goel, Sumit Kaur Bhatia, J.P. Tripathi, S. Bugalia, Mansi Rana and V.P. Bajiya: SIRC Epidemic Model with Cross-Immunity and Multiple Time Delays, Journal of Mathematical Biology (JoMB), Vol. 87, Article No. 42, pp-1-52, (2023) (indexed in SCI, SCOPUS, ESCI, I.F-2).
International/National Conferences
Attended/Abstract Published
- Participated and presented research paper entitled “Stability Analysis of an Epidemic Model considering Treatment and Immunity delay” at “International Conference on Applied and Industrial Mathematics (ICAIM-2023)” organized by Department of Mathematics, Sharda School of Basic Sciences and Research, Greater Noida, U.P, India from 24th -26th March 2023.
- Participated and presented research paper entitled “Stability Analysis of SVIRC epidemic model with the impact of Vaccination and Cross-Immunity” at “International Conference on Applied and Industrial Mathematics (ICAIM-2023)” organized by Department of Mathematics, Sharda School of Basic Sciences and Research, Greater Noida, U.P, India from 24th -26th March 2023.
- Participated in “Nonlinear Phenomena in Mathematical Biology (WoNPMB-2022)” organized by Department of Applied Sciences, ABV- Indian Institute of Information Technology and Management, Gwalior during December 19-23, 2022.
- Participated as a Resource person in Value Added Course on “Applications of Computational Techniques in Mathematics and Statistics” organized by Amity Academic Staff College and Amity Institute of Applied Sciences from 19th-26th May 2022.
- Participated in “International Virtual Conference on Recent Applications of Mathematical Sciences (RAMS-2021)” organized by Department of Mathematics & Statistics, University college of Science, Mohanlal Sukhadia University, Udaipur, India, during 15th -16th July 2021.
- An oral presentation on “Some Results on Fourier Boas-Like Wavelets” in 9th International Online Conference on “Mathematical Analysis, Differential Equation & Applications-MADEA 9” organized by Kyrgyz-Turkish University, from 21-25 June 2021.
- An invited talk on “Near Exact G-Banach Frames in Banach Spaces” and “Chaired one of the Technical Session” at “Computational and Characterization Techniques in Engineering & Sciences (CCTES-19)” organized by Department of Applied Science & Humanities, Rajkiya Engineering College, Ambedkar Nagar, Uttar Pradesh, India, during 06th -07th September 2019.
- A short talk entitled “On Equivalence Relations between G-Frames in Hilbert Spaces” and “Chaired one of the Technical Session”in International Workshop “Wavelets, Frames and its Application-III (IWWFA-2017)” at Kirori Mal College, University of Delhi, Delhi from 14th -20th December 2017.
- An invited talk on “On G-Frames in Hilbert Spaces” at “International conference on recent advances in pure and applied mathematics & 28th annual conference of Rajasthan Ganita Parishad” organized by Department of Mathematics & Statistics, Mohanlal Sukhadia University, Udaipur, India, during 13th -14th February 2017.
- A short talk entitled “On G-Frames and G-Frame Sequences in Hilbert Spaces” and “Chaired one of the Technical Session” in International Conference on Applicable Analysis” organized by Department of Mathematics, Shaheed Bhagat Singh College, University of Delhi, Delhi from 8th- 11th February 2017.
- An invited talk entitled “On Algebra of G-Frames”in “National Workshop on Analysis, Differential Equations and Applications (NWADA-2016)” at University College of Sciences, M.L.S. University, Udaipur, Rajasthan from 25th -27th February 2016.
- An invited talk entitled “Block Sequences and G-Frames”in International Workshop “Wavelets, Frames and its Application-II (IWWFA-2014)” at Kirori Mal College from 24th -30th December 2014.
- An invited talk entitled “On Orlicz N-Frames” in International Workshop “Wavelets, Frames and its Application (IWWFA-2011)” at Kirori Mal College from 15th-21st December 2011.
Published Paper in International/National Conferences Proceeding
- Renu Chugh, S.K. Sharma andShashank Goel: On Finitely Decomposable Frames, Proceeding of the Third National Conference on Mathematical Techniques: Emerging Paradigms for Electronics and IT Industries, pp. TS-3.8.1-3.8.4, (2010).
- Participated in Faculty Development Programme on “Mathematica” on 09th June 2020.
- Participated in National Webinar on “Explore Mathematics to New Dimensions in Pandemic COVID-19” form 12th -13th June 2020.
- Participated in Webinar on “Artificial Intelligence and Influence of Mathematics” on 07th June 2020.
- Accomplish online courses entitled “How to Become an Online Teacher” conducted by Amity University.
- Participated in One day online Faculty Development Programme on “e-Content Development” on 20th June 2020.
- Participated in a National Level Faculty Development Programme on “Multidisciplinary Approach Towards Emerging Trends in Science and Humanities (MASH-2020)” form 01st-05th June 2020.
- Participated in the AISNP Webinar Lecture Series on the topic of “Rise and Fall of HealthCare by 2030” on 25th April 2020.
- Organized as Faculty Coordinator the Faculty Development Programme on “Statistical Techniques for Data Analysis” at Amity University from 20th-21st July 2017.
- Participated in Faculty Development Programme on “Document Preparation Using LATEX” at Amity University on 14th July 2017.
- Participated in Faculty Development Programme on “Exploring Mathematical & Statistical Tools” at Amity University on 8th December 2015.
- Participated in the Academic & Interactive Sessions in “6- Science Conclave 2013 (A Congregation of Nobel Laureates and Eminent Scientists)” at Indian Institute of Information Technology, Allahabad from 08-14 December 2013.
- Participated in Faculty Development Programme on “Amity Academic Structures and System” at Amity University from 12-13 August 2013.
Professional Projects / Professional Achievements
Professional Association
- Life Member of “International Association of Engineers (IAENG)” (Membership No.157587).
- Member in Editorial Board “International Journal of Applied Mathematics and Theoretical Physics (IJAMTP)”.
- Reviewer in zbMATH (formerly Zentralblatt MATH) from August 2015 to till date.
- Kuldeep Chaudhary and Shashank Goel, GATE Guide 2017, 2018, 2019, 2020, 2021, 2022: Mathematics (ISBN: 978-93-89718-89-8), G. K. Publication.
- Shashank Goel, Kuldeep Chaudhary and Prakriti Rai, Applied Mathematics-I (Matrix Theory and Calculus), Osbert Publishing House, 2017 (978-81-932348-9-1).
- Kuldeep Chaudhary and Shashank Goel, Calculus: An Introduction, I.K. International Publishing House Pvt. Ltd, 2019 (Distributed by WILEY) (ISBN: 978-93-89520-94-1) and 2018 (ISBN: 978-93-85909-95-5).