Assistant Professor (Sr. Grade)
- Ph.D, M.Phil, UGC-NET
Work Experience
- September 2022: Jaypee Institute of Information Technology, Noida
- Jan 2021-August 2022: Department of Economics, Christ (Deemed to be University) Delhi NCR
- Oct 2012- Dec 2020: Amity Law School, Delhi
- December 2007- Sep 2012: Worked as Assistant Professor at JIMS, New Delhi
Interest Area(s)
- International Trade, Macro Economics, Agriculture Economics
Peer reviewed publication
- V Sehgal “ Crop diversity and farm income: evidence from large scale national survey” published in journal “Indian Growth and Development Review”, Emerald Publications, ABDC- B , scopus, doi.org/10.1108/IGDR-01-2022-0008
- Rajender Kumar and Vandana Sehgal " India-South Africa Trade:Trends & Composition" published in journal "BVIMR Management Edge”, vol. 8, no. 2, 2015, ISSN:0976-0431
- Rajender Kumar and Vandana Sehgal "Trends in Indo-BRICS Trade" published in journal " Effulgence", vol. 13, no. 1, january-june, 2015, ISSN: 0972-8058 Effulgence 2015
- Rajender Kumar and Vandana Sehgal “ India-South Africa Merchandise Trade : Export Prospects" published in journal "Arthshastra Indian Journal of Economics & Research", volume: 4, issue no:1, january- february 2015, ISSN: 2278-1811,Arthshastra Indian Journal of Economics & Research, 2015
- Rajender Kumar and Vandana Sehgal "Trade complementarity between India and BRICS" published in journal " JIMS8M: The Journal of Indian Management & Strategy, Year : 2015, Volume : 20, Issue : 1, First page : ( 37- 42), Print ISSN : 0973-9335. Online ISSN : 0973-9343 JIMS8M 2015
- Rajender Kumar and Vandana Sehgal," Dynamics of Indo-China Bilateral Trade" presented in National Conference organized by NIT, Kurukshetra and published in book "Advances in Business Management for Business Excellence,byManakin Press, year 2015, ISBN: 9789384370329 ,Advances in Business Management for Business Excellence, 2015
- Rajender Kumar and Vandana Sehgal "Trends in Indo-Russian Trade" published in journal" MAIMS Journal of Management", vol 9 (2), ISSN: 2249-0116, MAIMS Journal of Management, 2014
- “Indo-Brazil Bilateral Trade: Trends and Future Prospect”, paper published in Global Journal of Finance and Management, volume 5, number1, 2013, Global Journal of Finance and Management, 2013
Work in Progress
Working on a research paper ‘Determinants of agricultural credit in rural India’, based on Situation Assessment Survey collected by NSSO.
Paper Presentation
- “Crop diversity and farm income: Evidence from a large-scale national survey” in 104th Annual Conference organized by The Indian Economic Association on 27th -29th December, 2021.
- “Intervention Analysis in forecasting the Energy Commodities” in 10thInterntional conference on Management Practice and Research organized by Appejay Business School on 29th January, 2021.
- “Sustainable Development and Least Developed Countries" presented in an international conference organized by ALSD on9th Oct, 2015
- “INDIA & BRICS: A Case for RTA" presented in an international conference ALSD on 11th-12th Oct, 2014
- “Complementarities and Competitiveness of India with Brazil in the External Trade Sector” in a national seminar organized by NIT, Kurukshetraon April 19-20, 2013
- “India’s Initiatives to enhance bilateral trade with Brazil” in an International Conference organized by IMT Faridabad on 7th April, 2012
- “An analysis of Growth and Performance of MSME Sector in India” in a national paper presentation competition BVIMR, Paschim Vihar, New Delhi ,March 2011
- Two week FDP on Global economy, finance industry and Business: Emerging trends and challenges (24th February-03rd March 2021), organized by organized by Teaching Learning Centre Ramanujan College (University of Delhi).
- Five days online FDP on Data Science with R, organized by School of Business and Management, Christ (Demmed to be University) NCR.
- Seven days National Faculty Development Programme on ‘Time Series and Panel Data Analysis’ from (20th - 26th July, 2020)under the aegis of (Ministry of Human Resource Development PanditMadan Mohan Malaviya National Mission on Teachers and Teaching) organized by Teaching Learning Centre Ramanujan College (University of Delhi) and Indian Accounting Association, NCR Chapter.
- One-week online workshop on “Panel Data Analysis using STATA” from 16st July 2020 to 20th July 2020, organized and conducted by Research Shiksha, India.
- 4-Week Induction/Orientation Programme for "Faculty in Universities/Colleges/Institutes of Higher Education" from June 04 - July 01, 2020, Teaching Learning Centre, Ramanujan College University of Delhi under the aegis of Ministry of Human Resource DevelopmentPanditMadan Mohan Malaviya National Mission On Teachers And Teachingorganized by Teaching Learning Centre Ramanujan College (University of Delhi).
- 14 Days National Faculty Development Programme On Data Analysis for Research in Social Sciences,(17th - 30th June, 2020) (Ministry of Human Resource Development PanditMadan Mohan Malaviya National Mission on Teachers and Teaching ) organized by Teaching Learning Centre Ramanujan College (University of Delhi) and Indian Accounting Association, NCR Chapter,
- One-week online certificate course on “SPSS for Beginners” from 18th May 2020 to 22th May 2020, organized and conducted by Research Shiksha, India.
- Successfully completed the ARPIT Course for Career Advancement Scheme(CAS) promotion Refresher Course in Economics in the proctored examination held on 16.02.2020 Shri Ram College of Commerce, University of Delhi.
- Successfully completed the 4 credit course Social Research Ethics offered by, Tata Institute of Social Sciences, Mumbai, Maharashtrain the proctored examination held on 10.11.2019 for the session July-October 2019.
- Faculty Development Programme on “Panel Data Analysis” organized by RDIAS from 16 - 18.July, 2018
- Attended three days workshop on “capacity building of Judicial & Police officials on proper implementation of women related laws in association with NCW” organized by ALSD 7th-9th feb,2014.