- Ph.D. (Information Technology) Awarded 2021, Indian Institute of Information Technology Allahabad, Uttar Pradesh
- M. Tech. (Computer Science & Engineering) 2015, Kamla Nehru Institute of Technology Sultanpur, Uttar Pradesh
- B.Tech. (Computer Science & Engineering) 2013, Uttar Pradesh Technical University, Uttar Pradesh
Vikash is working as an Assistant Professor (Senior Grade) in the Department of Computer Science & Engineering and Information Technology at Jaypee Institute of Information Technology Noida, Uttar Pradesh. Prior to that, Vikash has been worked as a Teaching Fellow in the School of Computing Science and Engineering at VIT Bhopal University. Vikash has pursued a Doctor of Philosophy in the research area of Wireless Sensor Networks, Internet of Things from the Department of Information Technology at Indian Institute of Information Technology, Allahabad, India in 2021.
He has completed his Master of Technology degree in Computer Science and Engineering from Kamla Nehru Institute of Technology, Sultanpur, India in 2015. Before that, he obtains a Bachelor of Technology degree in Computer Science and Engineering from Uttar Pradesh Technical University, Lucknow, India in 2013. His general research interest includes Internet of Things, Wireless Sensor Networks, Wireless Networks, AI-enabled Internet of Things, and Pervasive Computing. Currently, he is working on Industry 5.0 and its sister technology.
Work Experience
- Assistant Professor at Jaypee Institute of Information Technology Noida-62, Uttar Pradesh, India (June-2021 onwards)
- Teaching Fellow at VIT Bhopal University, Madhya Pradesh, Indian (January-2021 to May-2021)
- Assistant Professor at Greater Noida Institute of Technology, Uttar Pradesh, India (June-2015 to July-2016)
Interest Area(s)
- Internet of Things
- Artificial Intelligence based Internet of Things
- Pervasive Computing
- Society 5.0: Human Centric Society
International Journals
- Lalita MIshra, VIkash, Shirshu Varma. Seamless Health Monitoring using 5G NR for Internet of Medical Things. Wireless Personal Communications, Springer. July, 2021 (Impact factor- 1.671).https://www.doi.org/10.1007/s11277-021-08730-7
- Vikash, Lalita Mishra, Shirshu Varma. Middleware Technologies for Smart Wireless Sensor Networks towards Internet of Things: A Comparative Review. Wireless Personal Communications, Springer, July, 2020(Impactfactor-1.671).https://doi.org/10.1007/s11277-020-07748-7
- Vikash, Lalita Mishra, Shirshu Varma. Performance Evaluation of Real-Time Stream Processing Systems for Internet of Things Applications. Future Generation Computer Systems, Elsevier. July, 2020 (Impact factor- 7.187).https://doi.org/10.1016/j.future.2020.07.012
- Vikash, Shirshu Varma. Trust-based forest monitoring system using Internet of Things. International Journal of Communication Systems, Wiley. e4163, September, 2019 (Impact factor- 1.319).https://doi.org/10.1002/dac.4163
- Vikash, R K Singh. A Survey on Comparative Study of Routing Protocol in Delay-Tolerant Networks. International Journal of Computer Science and Information Technologies. Vol. 6 (2) , 2015, 1731-1736.
International Conferences:
- Kumar Saurabh, Vikash, Lalita Mishra, Shirshu Varma. An Efficient on Demand IoT Model for Particulate Matter Control System in Coal Mining Cities. In IEEE IndiCon 2020 17th IEEE India Council International Conference.
- Lalita Mishra, Vikash, Shirshu Varma. Internet of Things for Military Applications. In 2020 7th International Conference on Computing for Sustainable Global Development (INDIACom), IEEE. New Delhi, India, March, 2020.
- Vikash, Lalita Mishra, Shirshu Varma. Evaluation of Real-Time Stream Processing for Internet of Things Applications. In 2019 International Conference on Electrical, Electronics and Computer Engineering (UPCON), IEEE. Aligarh, India, November, 2019.
- Lalita Mishra, Vikash, Shirshu Varma. Measurement of Air Quality Index using Internet of Things. In 2019 International Conference on Electrical, Electronics and Computer Engineering (UPCON), IEEE. Aligarh, India, November, 2019.
- Vikash, Lalita Mishra, Sajan D Chouhan, Shirshu Varma. Energy Efficient Smart Working Environment using Internet of Things. In 2019 IEEE 89th Vehicular Technology Conference (VTC2019-Spring). pp. 1-5, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, April, 2019.
- Manali Gupta, Vikash, Shirshu Varma. Configuration of Aerial Mesh Networks with Internet of Things. In 2018 International Conference on Wireless Communications, Signal Processing and Networking (WiSPNET), IEEE. pp. 1-3, Chennai, India, March, 2018.
- Vikash, Shirshu Varm. Converting Local Data in Global Data Using Filtering in Wireless Sensor Networks. National Conference on Signal Processing, Sustainable Energy Materials and Astronomy and Astrophysics (NSSEMA -2017). Raipur, India, March, 2017.
- Vikash, R K Singh. Hybrid routing protocol for mobile-ad hoc network in rural environments. In 2016 3rd International Conference on Computing for Sustainable Global Development (INDIACom), IEEE. pp. 3058-3063, New Delhi, India, March, 2016.
Book Chapters:
- Lalita Mishra, Vikash, Shirshu Varma. Digital Forensic and Counter Forensic Procedures in Integration with Internet of Things. Digital Forensic Tools, Techniques, and Countermeasures, IGI Global. InPress, July 2020.
- Vikash, Lalita Mishra, Shirshu Varma. Middleware Approach to Enhance the Security and Privacy in the Internet of Things. In Security and Privacy Issues in Sensor Networks and IoT, IGI Global. pp. 169-192, 2020.
Invited Talks:
Delivered a Lecture on Sensor and IoT in ALVA’S TECHNOTHON-2020 via Online mode for Alva’s Institute of Engineering & Technology, Mangalore, Karnataka, India held on 10thNov, 2020.
Delivered a Lecture on Application Development using TelosB (Fire Detection) and Mobility on Contiki OS for One Day Virtual Workshop on Internet of Things (System Configuration Perspective) at Indian Institute of Information Technology Allahabad on 20thJune, 2020.
- Conduct a Hands-on session on Real-time IoT application for Fire detection and Awareness in Two-Week FDP on Sensor Networks and IoTs at Indian Institute of Technology (Indian School of Mines) Dhanbad from 20thJune, 2019 to 29thJune, 2019.
- Delivered a Lecture on Mobile Computing: Application for Mobile and Android Application in One Week Workshop on Android Development at ECC Allahabad from 07thJanuary, 2017 to 13thJanuary, 2017
FDP / STC / Workshop Conference Attended
- Participated in faculty development program on Cyber Physical Security for Critical Infrastructure: SmartGrid at Indian Institute of Information Technology Allahabad during 02-August-2021 to 06-August-2021.
- Attended Keysight Education Symposium 2018 on Impedance Measurement, IoT devices measurement, RF Design & Simulation and Material Measurement Jointly organized by Keysight Technologies and Agmatel India Pvt Ltd held on 9thApril, 2018.
- Participated in short term course on Parallel and Distributed Data Stream Mining under GIAN Scheme of MHRD Government of India conducted by IIIT Allahabad during 19th - 23thDecember, 2017.
- Participated in International Conference on Multimedia, Signal Processing and Communication Technologies conducted by AMU Aligarh held on 24th - 26thNovember, 2017.
- Participated in one day workshop on Emerging Wireless Technologies under UGC DSA-1 sponsored scheme conducted by AMU Aligarh on 04thMarch, 2017.
- Participated in short term course on Recent Trends in Wireless Sensor Networks and Internet of Things under professional development program conducted by IIT (ISM) Dhanbad during 21st - 25thJanuary 2017.
- Participated in short term course on Fairness, Accuracy and Transparency in Machine Learning under GIAN Scheme of MHRD Government of India conducted by IIIT Allahabad during 11th - 20thDecember, 2016.
- Participated in a two day workshop on IEEE LaTeX WORKSHOP conducted by IIIT Allahabad during 13th - 14thAugust, 2016.
- Presented the work entitled "Internet of Things for Military Applications" at IEEE INDIACom-2020 Conference held at BVICAM New Delhi, India during 12th - 14thMarch,2020.
- Presented the work entitled "Evaluation of Real-Time Stream Processing for Internet of Things Applications" at IEEE UPCON Conference held at Aligarh Muslim University Aligarh, India during 8th -10thNovember, 2019.
- Presented the work entitled "Energy Efficient Smart Working Environment using Internet of Things" at IEEE VTC2019-Spring Conference held at JW Marriott Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia during 28thApril - 1stMay,2019.
- Presented the work entitled "Converting Local Data in Global Data Using Filtering in Wireless Sensor Networks" at NSSEMA -2017 Conference held at Pt. Ravishankar Shukla University, Raipur, India during 13th - 16thMarch, 2017
- Presented the work entitled "Hybrid routing protocol for mobile-ad hoc network in rural environments" at IEEE INDIACom-02016 Conference held at BVICAM New Delhi, India during 16th - 18thMarch, 2016.