Educational Qualifications
- PhD, Development Studies (spl Urban Anthropology), Tata Institute of Social Sciences, Mumbai
- M.Phil., Development Studies, Tata Institute of Social Sciences, Mumbai
- Master’s in social work, Delhi School of Social Work, University of Delhi
- Bachelors in Elementary Education, Institute of Home Economics, University of Delhi
Dr Yogita Naruka has a teaching and research specialization in sociological and anthropological studies of urban communities and bureaucracies. Her PhD research project has been a contribution to sociology of organisations where she has examined how bureaucratic practices at the Delhi Development Authority shaped the plan of the Yamuna riverfront project. She has more than 5 years of experience of working with various national and international development organizations including state government of West Bengal and GIZ – India. She has worked with multiple bilateral orgnisations in consulting role across the themes such as education, social security, gender & development, water & sanitation and cities where she has contributed in research, training, capacity building and development of knowledge products. Dr Yogita has also presented her academic research at various national and international conferences and has also published in international journals.
Work Experience
Working in JIIT since October 2023
More than 5 years of experience in working with national and international development organisations
Interest Area(s)
Cities, Bureaucracies and Urban Organisations
- Naruka, Yogita. “Future of a Dying River: Bureaucratic Practices and Negotiated Plans of the Yamuna Riverfront.” International Journal of Urban and Regional Research (2022). (Link)
- Naruka, Yogita. “Unending Expedition – A reflective account of my entry into the social work profession.” In, Reflective Thinking in Social Work: Learning from student narratives by Mekada Julia Graham. New York: Routledge, 2017. (Link)
- Naruka, Yogita. “Urban Aspirations: A field view from the Margins of the City.” IAFOR Journal of Arts and Humanities 4, no. 1 (2017). (Link)
Attended/Abstract published in conferences
- ‘Reading Bureaucratic Life: Reflections from fieldwork in DDA’ presented at PhD Seminar in IIT-Delhi, October 13th, 2022
- ‘Qualitative inquiry into Urban Megaproject: Reflections on Fieldwork’ presented at SDS seminar, TISS, Mumbai, December 14th, 2018
- ‘River and the Riverfront: Towards an Anthropological Inquiry of an Urban Infrastructure Project’, at the international conference, ‘At the Frontiers of the Urban: Thinking Concepts and Practices Globally’, University College London, November 2019
- ‘The Imagination of a World-Class City and an Aesthetic Agenda: A Qualitative Inquiry into an Urban Megaproject,’ at the International Conference, ‘In and Beyond the City: Emerging Ontologies, Persistent Challenges and Hopeful Futures’ RC21, Delhi, September 2019
- ‘In Pursuit of a Brighter Tomorrow: Women’s negotiations to work in a resettlement colony of Delhi,’ presented at the International Conference on Changing Contours of Women’s Paid and Unpaid Work, TISS, Mumbai, 2018
- ‘Middle-Class Aspirations in a Resettlement Colony Narratives from the Margins of the City,’ presented at the National Seminar on Middle Class in India, Mumbai, 2018
- ‘Evictions, Fear and Making of a Home,’ presented at the seminar on Migration and its multiple frames: Conceptual Underpinnings and Emerging Critiques, TISS, Mumbai, 2018
- ‘Jed-o-Jehad of Everyday: Two Cases of Negotiating Space Making’ (with Maggie Paul) presented at Sixth Critical Studies Conference on ‘Refugees, Migrant, Violence and the Transformation of Cites’ by Mahanirban Calcutta Research Group, Calcutta, 2017
- ‘Youth Aspirations from the Margins of the City: Making sense of transitions and shifts’, presented at Young Scholars Conference, South Asian University, Delhi, 2016
- ‘Urban Aspirations: A Field view from the Margins of the City,’ presented at IAFOR conference of City and Global Studies, International Academic Forum, Barcelona, Spain, 2016.
- Indian Sociological Association
- International Sociological Association