Dept of Mathematics, is pleased to invite you for two weeks Teacher Enrichment Workshop (TEW) on “Elements of Data Management and Analytics” in hybrid mode from 1
Annual Hackathon, BITBOX 4.0, hosted by GDSC JIIT-128. is scheduled on 16 March 2024, JIIT, Sector-128, Noida.
The Dept of Biotechnology is organizing a 5 day virtual workshop titled “AI Innovations in Life sciences, Biotech and Pharma Research: A Virtual Workshop”, from 11-15 March, 2024.
Dept of PMSE is organizing a Three Days Workshop on Advanced Materials for Batteries (WAMB-2024) from 19-21 Feb, 2024
One Week Online FDP on "Automated Software Development and Delivery using Microser
9th International Conference on Signal Processing and Communication (ICSC 2023), 21-23 Dec 2023